It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund

Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

Why would it? The Democrats took money from all kinds of criminals. Sam the crypto guy is a fine example. Dark money laundered in Ukraine goes back to the DNC.
You're admitting that using lawfare to put Trump into the poor house is the intent of these lawsuits. It has nothing to do with justice.

Like all progs, you're a scumbag.

What a load. When progs start blathering about what a "real man" does, you know they are spewing pure horseshit. The ridiculous part is the bogus lawsuits. Only a real scumbag would endorse this use of government,
Lol it’s so laughable how you can’t even explain how this would put Trump “in the poor house”.
Lol it’s so laughable how you can’t even explain how this would put Trump “in the poor house”.
Do you deny that it's costing him a lot of money, not to mention his time? Whether it's bankfuprting him is an unimportant detail. It's probably bankrupting all the people indicted with him.

Obviously you don't give a damn about the government imposing huge burdens on citizens in the form of time and money so long as you don't like their politics. Just admit that you're a fascist.
Do you deny that it's costing him a lot of money, not to mention his time? Whether it's bankfuprting him is an unimportant detail. It's probably bankrupting all the people indicted with him.

Obviously you don't give a damn about the government imposing huge burdens on citizens in the form of time and money so long as you don't like their politics. Just admit that you're a fascist.
I don’t give a shit about that orange sack of sentient garbage lol. He can go fuck himself. I hope he loses every penny.
Personally, I am thrilled to be donating to the greatest president since George Washington.
Whether the money goes to his legal fund or any other fund he deems necessary is his call.
Trump has done soo much for our country and made soo many personal sacrifices for its citizens.
Donating to him whenever he asks is nothing compared to all the terrific things he has done for America. .. :thup:

Stop posting and donate more. Be a fucking patriot and keep donating. Donate until it hurts then dig really deep and donate even more!!!!!
I don’t give a shit about that orange sack of sentient garbage lol. He can go fuck himself. I hope he loses every penny.
Yeah, right, so just throw our whole legal system into the toilet to get one guy you hate.

You're obviously a long term thinker.

Don't claim you have any ethics or principles. You just admitted that you don't.
Your democracy has elected authoritarians posing as social rights activists. We are still moving left however there seems to be a few cracks in your gulag walls of the prison you built out of America.
The reason the Left keeps winning is because Trumptards don't hold their leaders accountable.

Where is Trump's Obamacare replacement? Where is the Republican Party's Obamacare replacement? That particular massive hoax has made Obamacare a political third rail now and single-payer healthcare inevitable. The Left wins again.

Trump said he would pay off the debt. Instead, he added $8 trillion to it in HALF the time it took Obama. He DOUBLED the deficit BEFORE Covid. He even demanded a bigger stimulus than the Democrats wanted. The Left wins again.

Trump said he would grow the economy 4 to 6 percent every year. He didn't even come close.

Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Even with a Republican Congress, he failed.

Trump said he would bring back coal jobs. He failed.

Trump enacted far left protectionist tariffs and widened our trade gap with China to a record high.

Trump was caught stealing from cancer kids.

Trump was caught defrauding the elderly of their life savings.

Trump has married three times and has cheated on all three wives, including with a porn star!

Trump stole $250 million of your donations for his fake non-existent Legal Defense Fund and parceled it out to his friends and himself for his personal use. Please be sure to buy some coffee mugs!

And you all not only tolerate that shit, you WORSHIP him!

You all chopped off your moral legs and have nowhere to stand in opposition to the Left. The stench of your hypocrisy climbs to the heavens.

That is why the Left keeps winning.

It is no coincidence the slick New York City's grifter's supporters are mostly country bumpkins. They are fertile soil for his scams.
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The reason the Left keeps winning is because Trumptards don't hold their leaders accountable.

Where is Trump's Obamacare replacement? Where is the Republican Party's Obamacare replacement? That particular massive hoax has made Obamacare a political third rail now and single-payer healthcare inevitable. The Left wins again.

Trump said he would pay off the debt. Instead, he added $8 trillion to it in HALF the time it took Obama. He even demanded a bigger stimulus than the Democrats wanted. The Left wins again.

Trump said he would grow the economy 4 to 6 percent every year. He didn't even come close.

Trump said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Even with a Republican Congress, he failed.

Trump said he would bring back coal jobs. He failed.

Trump enacted far left protectionist tariffs and widened our trade gap with China to a record high.

Trump was caught stealing from cancer kids.

Trump was caught defrauding the elderly of their life savings.

Trump has married three times and has cheated on all three wives, including with a porn star!

And you all not only tolerate that shit, you WORSHIP him!

You all chopped off your moral legs and have nowhere to stand in opposition to the Left.

That is why the Left keeps winning.

It is no coincidence the slick New York City's grifter's supporters are mostly country bumpkins. They are fertile soil for his scams.
Yeah, right, so just throw our whole legal system into the toilet to get one guy you hate.

You're obviously a long term thinker.

Don't claim you have any ethics or principles. You just admitted that you don't.
I mean you can pretend the evidence doesn’t exist if you’d like but there is obviously a reason these indictments are going to trial lol. Trump ignored a subpoena to return those documents for example. That is a fact whether you like it or not. Facts don’t care about your cult worship feelings. Facts are why he is a sub human piece of garbage :dunno:
Yeah, right, so just throw our whole legal system into the toilet to get one guy you hate.

You're obviously a long term thinker.

Don't claim you have any ethics or principles. You just admitted that you don't.
All Trump had to do was turn over the documents he was hiding, and the Florida indictment would never have happened.

Trump decided he was above the law and chose to fuck around. He found out he isn't.

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