It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

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Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.
They don’t mind donating to this.

Dude, my angry white male friend at the dog park was really worked up today. You don’t think Biden is corrupt? He asked me I said nope and he lost it. Something about trump and Kennedy. He said he used to be a Republican.

I love how the corporations, rich and republicans have fucked him but convinced him we did it.
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

The whole show makes em feel important. Being part of something bigger, Trump calls it making America great again. A third rate con man and millions of the dumbest mofos on the planet making America great again
Personally, I am thrilled to be donating to the greatest president since George Washington.
Whether the money goes to his legal fund or any other fund he deems necessary is his call.
Trump has done soo much for our country and made soo many personal sacrifices for its citizens.
Donating to him whenever he asks is nothing compared to all the terrific things he has done for America. .. :thup:
Personally, I am thrilled to be donating to the greatest president since George Washington.
Whether the money goes to his legal fund or any other fund he deems necessary is his call.
Trump has done soo much for our country and made soo many personal sacrifices for its citizens.
Donating to him whenever he asks is nothing compared to all the terrific things he has done for America. .. :thup:
Personally, I am thrilled to be donating to the greatest president since George Washington.
Whether the money goes to his legal fund or any other fund he deems necessary is his call.
Trump has done soo much for our country and made soo many personal sacrifices for its citizens.
Donating to him whenever he asks is nothing compared to all the terrific things he has done for America. .. :thup:
That's nice. If only Jim Jones was here to see this.
Personally, I am thrilled to be donating to the greatest president since George Washington.
Whether the money goes to his legal fund or any other fund he deems necessary is his call.
Trump has done soo much for our country and made soo many personal sacrifices for its citizens.
Donating to him whenever he asks is nothing compared to all the terrific things he has done for America. .. :thup:
Lol god this is so nauseating.
I am retired now and have a lot of discretionary income to donate to the awesome former Pres.Trump in his unselfish quest to MAGA.
In fact, I've thought about going back to work just so I could send our beloved Trump even larger monthly donations. .. :thup:
So explain to me how you’re not in a cult again?
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

Not in the least. Seems like it's bothering you. Why would that be?
Well it is in how you phrase it. Patriot Legal Defense Fund

MAGA republicans can't resist a Patriot. Everyone wants to be a Patriot. I mean how cool is it to ransacking the Capitol while Trump is having lunch with his family.

How cool is it to donate money to a billionaire's legal defense fund and get a mug with Trump picture on it. Show it to the grandkids. "Grandpa that man looks scary'". "Yeah but that is a cool mug."

All he needs now is a black letter jacket and a cool motorcycle like the one below.


and last a cool phrase for replies as to why he needs legal funs

“What’re you asking me for?”

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