It;s beyond me why the right would except a criminal for their leader

"Criminal" is too strong. But when Gen Kelly left, he sort of predicted something like this would happen because Trump really doesn't want any adult around who will tell him, "if you do this despite me telling you it's a bad idea that will get you in trouble, I quit." Trump has a basic need to be surrounded by sycophants. He always has, or at least has since Ray Cohn died. And Cohn was more his teacher.

The same thing happened to Nixon because Erlichman and Haldemann weren't strong enough, and his Attny General really was a criminal. But Nixon didn't need sycophants, but rather operated from fear. Both LBJ and W chose to take the counsel of the wrong people. JFK was made of sterner stuff, and he had his younger brother who was even more devious but also more careful. Reagan brought an entire team with him from Calif. And he was probably the only one with a true sense of humility. HW had that too. Carter had humility but he hated being a politician.

From before day one, people were foretelling that Trump would run amuck with his schemes of illegal paybacks and cheating others in deals.
I feel no guilt in judging him that way, me doing it is 1/100 the threat that this turd puts on our legal system ,constitution and values.

Most retards dont really feel guilt
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.
contribute or you are gone.

My response is all your post deserved, and you have no authority here, polyp.
and you are gone. I have just put this guy on ignore and and I warned him that I would, i simply demanded that he contribute. He would so he is gone and I don't want to see any remarks from him on this thread.

You may not know what words mean.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.
he did not claim executive privilege once during the house impeachment .he even declassified the transcript of his talk with a foreign leader my knowledge that type of openness is unprecedented ! the vile Oboma claimed executive privilege dozens of times ! its clear that what you consider a criminal is based only on your political leanings and emotions ...
are you nuts stonewalling all house subpoena's which they have total legal right to subpoena's in this investigation. Forcing his staff to not talk with the house. The normal stupid obama remark suggesting that scum bag can do it if someone did it in the past is a hoot. So tell me was it legal for Obama to claim executive privileged . Here you go the ultimate pile of shit from yidmar I'll quote him "the vile Oboma claimed executive privilege dozens of times !" OK TELL US ABOUT LETS SAY TEN OF THEM. Now look at this bullshit From The yidmar about scum bag " he did not claim executive privilege once during the house impeachment" because you can't, how can the person who is being impeached use executive privileged to stop his own impeachment. Yidmar is a typical right wing liar

Man, the more you write, the more confirmation that you simply have no idea what you are talking about.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.

That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

You're still promoting that lie?
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...
...Which can be said for virtually every "Orangeman Bad" thread since 2016, causing me to suspend my decades-long (but futile) search for intelligent life on the left. Once you weed through their arrogance, petulance, bitterness, and frustration you find naught but hatred and envy below.

Furthermore they not only chose to live their lives that way, they seem to revel in it and their misery like pigs in shit.

It's been said that when leftards win elections they gloat for years and when they lose they obsess and whine for same.

Meanwhile when conservatives win elections they have a beer and then go hunting and when they lose they have a beer and then go hunting.

Two very different species.

Literally non compatible species.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal.

They end up like the Democratic Party after losing the House, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Mueller Investigation and now their half-baked Impeachment.
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...I actually feel dumber for having read it.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Palatal
stupid is responding when you have absolutely nothing to share. This guy thinks that I or anyone else care what his opinion is of me. I mean that pitiful.

My opinion of you? Nah, I couldn't care any less about you jbander....I was speaking of your thread here....It's a dumb premise...Now, I may not have known your history here, but I do know you from other places, even those in which you were sumarily booted from...For good cause I might add. And it looks to me like you never learned your lesson...

See, about the thread, it's premise is that because YOU think that Trump is a criminal, then you can bait those that support him...So, this thread has no basis in actual intelectual discussion, but rather is just another in a liberal child like tantrum shit show...

So, take your over bloated bleating, and bravado in here and shove it up your intensely stretched out, and leaking ass.
Funny for not caring, seems like your willing to spew a lot of ugly. I'm proud of my record on being thrown out. Maybe just maybe it has something to do with the fact that I say what I want. Suggestion go someplace else.

Haha....No, you get tossed because you frequently can not follow the rules, and as in here you try and treat people like you are something you are not...Here's a hint for you, you don't have the power or the authority to tell me or any other member that "they are done", or to "go someplace else" or anythning of the sort...It, in fact is just bravado to cover for the fact that you have NO intelectual argument for the dumb shit you type...Bottom line, is from what I see here as well as elsewhere on the net when you were there is that your own contribution to any discussion is minimal, if not non existent, other than for comedic relief...My suggestion to you is that you learn how to debate ideas, instead of trying to alianate everyone who doesn't agree with you...

In short dude, you are insignifant in the greater scheme. The only reason people reply is to smack you down...Never to debate you, or believe that you have any valid points whatsoever....Basically a waste of bandwidth.
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...I actually feel dumber for having read it.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Palatal
stupid is responding when you have absolutely nothing to share. This guy thinks that I or anyone else care what his opinion is of me. I mean that pitiful.

My opinion of you? Nah, I couldn't care any less about you jbander....I was speaking of your thread here....It's a dumb premise...Now, I may not have known your history here, but I do know you from other places, even those in which you were sumarily booted from...For good cause I might add. And it looks to me like you never learned your lesson...

See, about the thread, it's premise is that because YOU think that Trump is a criminal, then you can bait those that support him...So, this thread has no basis in actual intelectual discussion, but rather is just another in a liberal child like tantrum shit show...

So, take your over bloated bleating, and bravado in here and shove it up your intensely stretched out, and leaking ass.
when the sun goes down bats fly out of his ass !
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...I actually feel dumber for having read it.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Palatal
stupid is responding when you have absolutely nothing to share. This guy thinks that I or anyone else care what his opinion is of me. I mean that pitiful.

Kinda hard to take someone seriously who is questioning the intelligence of others when he doesn't know the difference between "except" and "accept":21:
you are correct ! im subtracting an additional 5 points from him for spelling ! even with with affirmative action that knocks his score down to zero !
Shitstain obama was an admitted criminal. People had no problem voting for him after he admitted to being a criminal.
You just have ti laugh, The rights only answer for comment about scum bag, some story about what someone else did , like it justify s the actions of scum bag.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.
contribute or you are gone.

My response is all your post deserved, and you have no authority here, polyp.
and you are gone. I have just put this guy on ignore and and I warned him that I would, i simply demanded that he contribute. He would so he is gone and I don't want to see any remarks from him on this thread.
Good bye, I have put this person on ignore because I don't want to see any of his responses here.

You may not know what words mean.
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...I actually feel dumber for having read it.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Palatal
stupid is responding when you have absolutely nothing to share. This guy thinks that I or anyone else care what his opinion is of me. I mean that pitiful.

My opinion of you? Nah, I couldn't care any less about you jbander....I was speaking of your thread here....It's a dumb premise...Now, I may not have known your history here, but I do know you from other places, even those in which you were sumarily booted from...For good cause I might add. And it looks to me like you never learned your lesson...

See, about the thread, it's premise is that because YOU think that Trump is a criminal, then you can bait those that support him...So, this thread has no basis in actual intelectual discussion, but rather is just another in a liberal child like tantrum shit show...

So, take your over bloated bleating, and bravado in here and shove it up your intensely stretched out, and leaking ass.
Funny for not caring, seems like your willing to spew a lot of ugly. I'm proud of my record on being thrown out. Maybe just maybe it has something to do with the fact that I say what I want. Suggestion go someplace else.

Haha....No, you get tossed because you frequently can not follow the rules, and as in here you try and treat people like you are something you are not...Here's a hint for you, you don't have the power or the authority to tell me or any other member that "they are done", or to "go someplace else" or anythning of the sort...It, in fact is just bravado to cover for the fact that you have NO intelectual argument for the dumb shit you type...Bottom line, is from what I see here as well as elsewhere on the net when you were there is that your own contribution to any discussion is minimal, if not non existent, other than for comedic relief...My suggestion to you is that you learn how to debate ideas, instead of trying to alianate everyone who doesn't agree with you...

In short dude, you are insignifant in the greater scheme. The only reason people reply is to smack you down...Never to debate you, or believe that you have any valid points whatsoever....Basically a waste of bandwidth.
You are gone. I warned you , I don't allow wasted bandwidth. So everyone I've put j-mac on my ignore list because I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY OF HIS REMARKS ON MY THREADS.
This is without a doubt the dumbest thread to have ever been opened on the entire internet...I actually feel dumber for having read it.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Palatal
stupid is responding when you have absolutely nothing to share. This guy thinks that I or anyone else care what his opinion is of me. I mean that pitiful.

My opinion of you? Nah, I couldn't care any less about you jbander....I was speaking of your thread here....It's a dumb premise...Now, I may not have known your history here, but I do know you from other places, even those in which you were sumarily booted from...For good cause I might add. And it looks to me like you never learned your lesson...

See, about the thread, it's premise is that because YOU think that Trump is a criminal, then you can bait those that support him...So, this thread has no basis in actual intelectual discussion, but rather is just another in a liberal child like tantrum shit show...

So, take your over bloated bleating, and bravado in here and shove it up your intensely stretched out, and leaking ass.
Funny for not caring, seems like your willing to spew a lot of ugly. I'm proud of my record on being thrown out. Maybe just maybe it has something to do with the fact that I say what I want. Suggestion go someplace else.

Haha....No, you get tossed because you frequently can not follow the rules, and as in here you try and treat people like you are something you are not...Here's a hint for you, you don't have the power or the authority to tell me or any other member that "they are done", or to "go someplace else" or anythning of the sort...It, in fact is just bravado to cover for the fact that you have NO intelectual argument for the dumb shit you type...Bottom line, is from what I see here as well as elsewhere on the net when you were there is that your own contribution to any discussion is minimal, if not non existent, other than for comedic relief...My suggestion to you is that you learn how to debate ideas, instead of trying to alianate everyone who doesn't agree with you...

In short dude, you are insignifant in the greater scheme. The only reason people reply is to smack you down...Never to debate you, or believe that you have any valid points whatsoever....Basically a waste of bandwidth.
You are gone. I warned you , I don't allow wasted bandwidth. So everyone I've put j-mac on my ignore list because I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANY OF HIS REMARKS ON MY THREADS.


You sound so so so so so terrifying.
"Obama claimed executive privilege numerous times during the fast and furious scandal" that would be once hot shot. and you are gone.

In addition, Eric Holder is the first Attorney General to be held in Contempt of Congress.
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?

Biden has nothing to do with scum bags guilt, actions or absolutely anything. The stupid idea that somehow scum bag can do anything he wants because someone did it in the past is as ridiculous .The funny part is just look at this thread , the only responce the hate party has for the actions of scum bag , is what someone else did in the past. Now that is straight out stupid.

So, let me know if I have this straight. A President, who is charged with the responsibility to, among other things, make sure our taxpayer money is NOT being given to a corrupt government, inquires of that government regarding apparent corruption. BUT, because the person being inquired about is a possible presidential candidate, that corruption should be ignored.

Am I right so far?

On the other hand we have FOUR candidates for President who are going to vote on whether or not their opponent should be thrown out of office. If what President Trump did was somehow wrong, how is four opponents voting on Impeachment...right?

Have I got it right?
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


Yet it was Trump who was bragging about it to his repub followers and they all were laughing and doing high fives.

Making murder a funny topic and something to laugh about

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