It;s beyond me why the right would except a criminal for their leader

That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


Yet it was Trump who was bragging about it to his repub followers and they all were laughing and doing high fives.

Making murder a funny topic and something to laugh about

As you know, President Trump made a joke about it.

The late Sen. Ted Kennedy actually did commit murder and Democrats idolized the man.
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


(1) it is
(2) he didnt say that.
It;s beyond me why the right would except a criminal for their leader
This statement ranks up there with these zingers assuming facts not in evidence:

"Are you still beating your wife?"

"How long have you been a queer?"

"Have you ever seen me looking so fat?"

It's properly known as a composition fallacy.
Most left-wing propagandist usually lead off with a number of these. It's a statement usually without any corroborating evidence that Infers a certain quality or value about a certain situation or person.

"Criminal" is too strong. But when Gen Kelly left, he sort of predicted something like this would happen because Trump really doesn't want any adult around who will tell him, "if you do this despite me telling you it's a bad idea that will get you in trouble, I quit." Trump has a basic need to be surrounded by sycophants. He always has, or at least has since Ray Cohn died. And Cohn was more his teacher.

The same thing happened to Nixon because Erlichman and Haldemann weren't strong enough, and his Attny General really was a criminal. But Nixon didn't need sycophants, but rather operated from fear. Both LBJ and W chose to take the counsel of the wrong people. JFK was made of sterner stuff, and he had his younger brother who was even more devious but also more careful. Reagan brought an entire team with him from Calif. And he was probably the only one with a true sense of humility. HW had that too. Carter had humility but he hated being a politician.

From before day one, people were foretelling that Trump would run amuck with his schemes of illegal paybacks and cheating others in deals.
I feel no guilt in judging him that way, me doing it is 1/100 the threat that this turd puts on our legal system ,constitution and values.
Nazi Piglosi and Adolph Schiffler just did a whole lot more damage to our legal system than Trump could ever do.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal...

...If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.

LOL. First of all you have to realize that many/most of Trump supporters at least began as, and many still are Conservative, anti-Establishment and anti-RINO voters.

Our support of Trump was as much a means of giving the middle finger to the Centrist/Moderate Establishment RINOs in the Republican Party. You know, the morons who thought Conservatives would vote for Romney or McCain in 2008 and 2012.

Once Trump won the nomination and started spouting pseudo-Conservative ideas, thst just brought us further into supporting him. THRN, when he won the election and started actually trying to implement some of those ideas we really started liking him.

Trump is the ultimate slap in the face to everything the Federal Government has been for the last century, and that’s why we enjoy and support him so much.
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


Yet it was Trump who was bragging about it to his repub followers and they all were laughing and doing high fives.

Making murder a funny topic and something to laugh about

As you know, President Trump made a joke about it.

The late Sen. Ted Kennedy actually did commit murder and Democrats idolized the man.

well he was never charged with murder and at best it was a car accident in which he was the driver

it is a stretch that he committed an intentional murder and what was the reason for murdering someone he barely knew

Ultimately his political career on the national staged died at the same time of this incident and Jimmy Carter easily defeated him in the primary

he might have been a democratic hero to some in whatever state he represented but nationally he was never viable.

He just belong to a famous family

I would not vote for him even if he was a Kennedy

Still when Trump order the assassination of an one Iran political figure

was that not murder for political purposes

Never go against the Don
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.

That's not all that's beyond you. The proper word is "accept" not "except". Perhaps you are more familiar with the word "dagummit" as in I hate Trump dagummit!
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.

It's beyond me how anyone can think someone becomes a criminal simply by lunatics screaming, "He's a criminal! He is, he is, he IS!!!" over and over.
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


Yet it was Trump who was bragging about it to his repub followers and they all were laughing and doing high fives.

Making murder a funny topic and something to laugh about
Solemn and prayerful ... want a commemorative pen anyone?
That is why reverse psychology works so well for them, blame all that is bad on the other guy yet support the guy who is doing the bad things but never confesses to any wrongdoing

Insisting that he is your savior

Do as i say but don't pay attention to what I am doing

Who would expect that a president could harness all the negativity for his own personal benefit

At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."

Was he joking or making a casual observation of who he was appealing to.

48 second clip as if we need to hear more

Why would nominating someone who says he could shoot someone and still be popular be a problem for Democrats? It seems to me that murder is a resume enhancement for Democrats, is it not?


(1) it is
(2) he didnt say that.

You are making no sense. What "is" and who didn't say what?
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.
I don't know, what happened to obuthole?
well he was never charged with murder and at best it was a car accident in which he was the driver

it is a stretch that he committed an intentional murder and what was the reason for murdering someone he barely knew

Ultimately his political career on the national staged died at the same time of this incident and Jimmy Carter easily defeated him in the primary

he might have been a democratic hero to some in whatever state he represented but nationally he was never viable.

He just belong to a famous family

I would not vote for him even if he was a Kennedy

Still when Trump order the assassination of an one Iran political figure

was that not murder for political purposes

Never go against the Don

You are making statements about something you know nothing about. You were an infant at the time.

Ted Kennedy was a womanizer and alcoholic all of his adult life. Kennedy knew the island intimately having lived all his life in the area. He and Mary Jo Kopechne left the party together at 11:15 pm. Undoubtedly he had been drinking and had this sweet young thing in the car with him. He drove off the bridge about 11:30 pm. He swam to safety. There was a house within sight of the bridge which he ignored. Evidence, nail marks on the ceiling of the car, prove she was alive for a while in the air bubble left in the car. Kennedy went home and met with his brain trust either that night or early in the morning. The accident was not reported to authorities until after 10:00 am the next morning. What do you call it if not murder?

The Kennedys were omnipotent in Massachusetts. Their resources were unlimited. The attorneys earned their pay for keeping Ted Kennedy out of prison, out of jail and received a slap on the wrist. Millions of dollars changed hands and the Kennedy family reached a financial agreement with the Kopechne family and they remained silent.

Jimmy Carter did not beat him in the primaries, Kennedy dropped out.

Do you REALLY want to compare the murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, by a drunken man with the killing of one of the most barbaric, notorious terrorists in the world? Really?
Biden has nothing to do with scum bags guilt, actions or absolutely anything. The stupid idea that somehow scum bag can do anything he wants because someone did it in the past is as ridiculous .The funny part is just look at this thread , the only responce the hate party has for the actions of scum bag , is what someone else did in the past. Now that is straight out stupid.

So, let me know if I have this straight. A President, who is charged with the responsibility to, among other things, make sure our taxpayer money is NOT being given to a corrupt government, inquires of that government regarding apparent corruption. BUT, because the person being inquired about is a possible presidential candidate, that corruption should be ignored.

Am I right so far?

On the other hand we have FOUR candidates for President who are going to vote on whether or not their opponent should be thrown out of office. If what President Trump did was somehow wrong, how is four opponents voting on Impeachment...right?

Have I got it right?
No he sold out this country having other countries get involved in the election so he could win. There was already a total investigation showing that the charge against the Biden's was just normal hate party lies. That didn't suit scum bag/ so he threatened this countries and Ukraine safety to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. 100% Guilty as charged , 100% scum.
What happens to a party that puts the stamp of approval on a criminal. This is simple, he is guilty by not allowing the existing evidence to be presented. To me it's a automatic. There is only one type of leader that does that and that is a dictator. We aren't talking about a blowjob or lying to congress, we are talking about putting this country in harms way for a criminal action of forcing Ukraine to investigate Biden by holding back the money needed to protect this Allie from this countries biggest enemy and threat. That has already been admitted and Biden guilt has already been looked into and found to be nothing. So the rights leader wanted Ukraine to lie to get the money. The right wing and its supporters are selling out this country to stay relevant and in power.
If anyone from the right responds to this you will find out how low they have come with the ridiculous defense of this monster.

That's not all that's beyond you. The proper word is "accept" not "except". Perhaps you are more familiar with the word "dagummit" as in I hate Trump dagummit!
Funny , backed into a corner so my spelling and the way I conjugate a verb becomes the issue , solution get the fuck out of here.
Biden has nothing to do with scum bags guilt, actions or absolutely anything. The stupid idea that somehow scum bag can do anything he wants because someone did it in the past is as ridiculous .The funny part is just look at this thread , the only responce the hate party has for the actions of scum bag , is what someone else did in the past. Now that is straight out stupid.

So, let me know if I have this straight. A President, who is charged with the responsibility to, among other things, make sure our taxpayer money is NOT being given to a corrupt government, inquires of that government regarding apparent corruption. BUT, because the person being inquired about is a possible presidential candidate, that corruption should be ignored.

Am I right so far?

On the other hand we have FOUR candidates for President who are going to vote on whether or not their opponent should be thrown out of office. If what President Trump did was somehow wrong, how is four opponents voting on Impeachment...right?

Have I got it right?
No he sold out this country having other countries get involved in the election so he could win. There was already a total investigation showing that the charge against the Biden's was just normal hate party lies. That didn't suit scum bag/ so he threatened this countries and Ukraine safety to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. 100% Guilty as charged , 100% scum.

He had already won the election that occurred during the period of time he wanted investigated.
Come on people I don't care if you hate me or think I'm stupid ,. I hate you traitors why would I care?

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