It seems American liberals are becoming the only fools left on the planet that welcome Islamic refug

Liberals be like "No that's racist stop profiling!!"

Where are the Feminists? Women's rights under Islam....there are none.

Maybe the Feminists have a sick fantasy to just be treated like pieces of crap:

View attachment 55059

They are too afraid to stand up or too stupid I can't figure out which it is. but they see this everyday from Muslims and the countries they live in. yet here they sit like good little useful tools for the Muslims. but they spew hate towards anyone who is a Christian. that picture of that poor woman buried up to her shoulders so they can STONE her to death makes me want to puke and make my blood boil (and there is WOMEN) in there helping with it. Here they are tossing a homosexual off a high rise building. sometimes they use a crane to swing them around and hang them with

Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION

November 16, 2015 by John Binder


Muslim and Middle Eastern culture is fine if you’re a straight, Islamic male. For women and gay people, Islam should be terrifying, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopolous.

Yiannopolous writes:

I’m a Gay Man And Mass Muslim Migration Terrifies Me

ALL of it at:
Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION - Progressives Today
Liberals be like "No that's racist stop profiling!!"

Where are the Feminists? Women's rights under Islam....there are none.

Maybe the Feminists have a sick fantasy to just be treated like pieces of crap:

View attachment 55059

They are too afraid to stand up or too stupid I can't figure out which it is. but they see this everyday from Muslims and the countries they live in. yet here they sit like good little useful tools for the Muslims. but they spew hate towards anyone who is a Christian. that picture of that poor woman buried up to her shoulders so they can STONE her to death makes me want to puke and make my blood boil (and there is WOMEN) in there helping with it. Here they are tossing a homosexual off a high rise building. sometimes they use a crane to swing them around and hang them with

Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION

November 16, 2015 by John Binder


Muslim and Middle Eastern culture is fine if you’re a straight, Islamic male. For women and gay people, Islam should be terrifying, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopolous.

Yiannopolous writes:

I’m a Gay Man And Mass Muslim Migration Terrifies Me

ALL of it at:
Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION - Progressives Today
Liberals be like "No that's racist stop profiling!!"

Where are the Feminists? Women's rights under Islam....there are none.

Maybe the Feminists have a sick fantasy to just be treated like pieces of crap:

View attachment 55059

They are too afraid to stand up or too stupid I can't figure out which it is. but they see this everyday from Muslims and the countries they live in. yet here they sit like good little useful tools for the Muslims. but they spew hate towards anyone who is a Christian. that picture of that poor woman buried up to her shoulders so they can STONE her to death makes me want to puke and make my blood boil (and there is WOMEN) in there helping with it. Here they are tossing a homosexual off a high rise building. sometimes they use a crane to swing them around and hang them with

Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION

November 16, 2015 by John Binder


Muslim and Middle Eastern culture is fine if you’re a straight, Islamic male. For women and gay people, Islam should be terrifying, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopolous.

Yiannopolous writes:

I’m a Gay Man And Mass Muslim Migration Terrifies Me

ALL of it at:
Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION - Progressives Today


Liberals be like "No that's racist stop profiling!!"

Where are the Feminists? Women's rights under Islam....there are none.

Maybe the Feminists have a sick fantasy to just be treated like pieces of crap:

View attachment 55059

They are too afraid to stand up or too stupid I can't figure out which it is. but they see this everyday from Muslims and the countries they live in. yet here they sit like good little useful tools for the Muslims. but they spew hate towards anyone who is a Christian. that picture of that poor woman buried up to her shoulders so they can STONE her to death makes me want to puke and make my blood boil (and there is WOMEN) in there helping with it. Here they are tossing a homosexual off a high rise building. sometimes they use a crane to swing them around and hang them with

Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION

November 16, 2015 by John Binder


Muslim and Middle Eastern culture is fine if you’re a straight, Islamic male. For women and gay people, Islam should be terrifying, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopolous.

Yiannopolous writes:

I’m a Gay Man And Mass Muslim Migration Terrifies Me

ALL of it at:
Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION - Progressives Today
Liberals be like "No that's racist stop profiling!!"

Where are the Feminists? Women's rights under Islam....there are none.

Maybe the Feminists have a sick fantasy to just be treated like pieces of crap:

View attachment 55059

They are too afraid to stand up or too stupid I can't figure out which it is. but they see this everyday from Muslims and the countries they live in. yet here they sit like good little useful tools for the Muslims. but they spew hate towards anyone who is a Christian. that picture of that poor woman buried up to her shoulders so they can STONE her to death makes me want to puke and make my blood boil (and there is WOMEN) in there helping with it. Here they are tossing a homosexual off a high rise building. sometimes they use a crane to swing them around and hang them with

Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION

November 16, 2015 by John Binder


Muslim and Middle Eastern culture is fine if you’re a straight, Islamic male. For women and gay people, Islam should be terrifying, as pointed out by Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopolous.

Yiannopolous writes:

I’m a Gay Man And Mass Muslim Migration Terrifies Me

ALL of it at:
Gays And Women Should Be The Most Concerned About MUSLIM MASS MIGRATION - Progressives Today

View attachment 55064

View attachment 55065

I find these pictures so incredibly upsetting, it made me feel ill even posting them. God help those poor souls :(
Europe by the day is quickly becoming less tolerant of welcoming in the 6th century third-worlders.
Soon, American idiots, er, I mean American liberals are likely to be the only ones left that want them.
We should all help out by suggesting all refugees head for blue states where liberals are ready to sign them up and start their indoctrination process.

Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

Can blowing up balloons for refugees blow up in your face?

BERLIN — If you thought the United States is polarized over immigration, take a look at how Europe is now paralyzed by the refugees on their doorstep who in Germany alone could number one million by the end of the year. The crisis has given rise to what has become known here aswillkommenskultur, a neologism meaning “a culture of being welcoming”. It is associated with scenes at German train stations of bewildered Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans arriving to cheers from smiling happy Germans waving welcome signs and multicolored balloons. The term is also used derisively by those who saywillkommenskultur is naïve.

Chancellor Angela Merkel became the willkommenskultur queen a couple of months ago when she suspended restrictions on refugees seeking asylum. But branding the country refugee-friendly made some Germans queasy. Even before the Friday the 13th attack on Paris, many wondered whether the newcomers might include members of ISIS’s covert operatives. Hostility to her open refugee policy grew, most notably within her own party and last week her interior ministry re-imposed the very restrictions Ms. Merkel had so auspiciously lifted.
Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

739533.png welkommen.jpg


Because France used Algeria as their slave market.
The French brought in tens of thousands of Algerians AKA muslims to do the work the fucking French didn't want to. The French treated their 'slaves' like animals.
The 'Pure Laine' French ghettoised the slaves. They paid the slaves barely enough to literally prevent them from starving on the streets.
Today the 'Coq Au Vin' has come home to roost.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
So this administration wants to bring them in without proper verification from Syria as to who theses people really are
They want to let them in with only their word but no real verification, verified at the committee hearing.
Not a real smart thing to do.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.
So this administration wants to bring them in without proper verification from Syria as to who theses people really are
They want to let them in with only their word but no real verification, verified at the committee hearing.
Not a real smart thing to do.

It's the same modus operandi as here in Europe and it's not only insane, it's criminally insane....I swear these traitors are just basically psychopaths.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!

The difference is, we Christians don't want to kill Liberals and Athiests, they are not in danger from us.

However we ALL are in danger from Islam....Christian, Athiest, Conservative, Liberal, they don't care, to them we're ALL Infidels and given the opportunity they'll kill all of us....EVEN YOU.
So this administration wants to bring them in without proper verification from Syria as to who theses people really are
They want to let them in with only their word but no real verification, verified at the committee hearing.
Not a real smart thing to do.

It's the same modus operandi as here in Europe and it's not only insane, it's criminally insane....I swear these traitors are just basically psychopaths.

I totally agree.
The Dems want to do the same thing that France did.
France now has the refugees that they let in years ago who's children or children's children who has become radicalized Jihadists to kill French citizens.
The Dems of this country refuse to deal with this fact.
It's totally insane.
There is no guarantee that the future generations of the refugees that we let in now, will not become the same problem like there.
Europe by the day is quickly becoming less tolerant of welcoming in the 6th century third-worlders.
Soon, American idiots, er, I mean American liberals are likely to be the only ones left that want them.
We should all help out by suggesting all refugees head for blue states where liberals are ready to sign them up and start their indoctrination process.

Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

Can blowing up balloons for refugees blow up in your face?

BERLIN — If you thought the United States is polarized over immigration, take a look at how Europe is now paralyzed by the refugees on their doorstep who in Germany alone could number one million by the end of the year. The crisis has given rise to what has become known here aswillkommenskultur, a neologism meaning “a culture of being welcoming”. It is associated with scenes at German train stations of bewildered Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans arriving to cheers from smiling happy Germans waving welcome signs and multicolored balloons. The term is also used derisively by those who saywillkommenskultur is naïve.

Chancellor Angela Merkel became the willkommenskultur queen a couple of months ago when she suspended restrictions on refugees seeking asylum. But branding the country refugee-friendly made some Germans queasy. Even before the Friday the 13th attack on Paris, many wondered whether the newcomers might include members of ISIS’s covert operatives. Hostility to her open refugee policy grew, most notably within her own party and last week her interior ministry re-imposed the very restrictions Ms. Merkel had so auspiciously lifted.

Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

The article is wrong btw, Germany hasn't shut it's open door policy.

Oh the majority of Germans want it shut and the majority of the CDU/CSU want it shut, the CSU, I think it was Markus Söder, the Bavarian Finance Minister who on Saturday said "Paris changes everything" and called for Germany to shut it's borders....only for Traitor Merkel to basically trash him and then announce that her insane open door policy was staying the same despite Paris.

Traitor Merkel is insane, psychopathic and utterly homicidal now....she's even looks insane now:


Europe by the day is quickly becoming less tolerant of welcoming in the 6th century third-worlders.
Soon, American idiots, er, I mean American liberals are likely to be the only ones left that want them.
We should all help out by suggesting all refugees head for blue states where liberals are ready to sign them up and start their indoctrination process.

Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

Can blowing up balloons for refugees blow up in your face?

BERLIN — If you thought the United States is polarized over immigration, take a look at how Europe is now paralyzed by the refugees on their doorstep who in Germany alone could number one million by the end of the year. The crisis has given rise to what has become known here aswillkommenskultur, a neologism meaning “a culture of being welcoming”. It is associated with scenes at German train stations of bewildered Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans arriving to cheers from smiling happy Germans waving welcome signs and multicolored balloons. The term is also used derisively by those who saywillkommenskultur is naïve.

Chancellor Angela Merkel became the willkommenskultur queen a couple of months ago when she suspended restrictions on refugees seeking asylum. But branding the country refugee-friendly made some Germans queasy. Even before the Friday the 13th attack on Paris, many wondered whether the newcomers might include members of ISIS’s covert operatives. Hostility to her open refugee policy grew, most notably within her own party and last week her interior ministry re-imposed the very restrictions Ms. Merkel had so auspiciously lifted.
Germany Shuts Its Open Door to Refugees

The article is wrong btw, Germany hasn't shut it's open door policy.

Oh the majority of Germans want it shut and the majority of the CDU/CSU want it shut, the CSU, I think it was Markus Söder, the Bavarian Finance Minister who on Saturday said "Paris changes everything" and called for Germany to shut it's borders....only for Traitor Merkel to basically trash him and then announce that her insane open door policy was staying the same despite Paris.

Traitor Merkel is insane, psychopathic and utterly homicidal now....she's even looks insane now:

View attachment 55076

View attachment 55077

Here's the actual story, very bizarre, Horst Seehofer agrees with Markus Söder, yet backs Traitor Merkel. We know Seehofer has disagreed with Traitor Merkel from the beginning, what has she resorted to blackmailing him or something?

Bavarian ally backs Merkel in row over refugee policy
Middle east states have had their fill of refugees as well.

Everyone is putting out the not welcome sign.

Fences going up.

Everyone is learning that sometimes fences make for good neighbors. Compassion is a wonderful thing but self preservation is as well.
Weren't you or your parents originally middle east refugees? ..... :cool:

My mother is american, but yes we were refugees from time to time in England, France and the US. I always had an american passport, my brother had both. My Father got his several years later after they were married. My mother had her own business in the UK for years before they met and married.

We had the ability to leave and return when fighting flared or moved from our home to a summer place in the mountains or a place where we ski in winter or to other family around the country. We did not always have to take cover in the basement.

Fortunately we had means to survive and help other along the way as well. There are more Lebanese living outside Lebanon then in. There are also more refugees in Lebanon than Lebanese, many have been there for more than more than sixty years. Triggered two civil wars, one for more than 15 yrs and decades of syrian occupation.

Syria has been in a civil war for more than four years and half their population is displaced or refugees.

My father was stopped and questioned almost every time he traveled in or out of the US and they moved here close to twenty years ago. He was never just taken for granted as american with a slightly darker shade of skin. He had studied in France and the UK and spoke four languages fluently. Just being a refugee or immigrant does not mean you just blend in and left alone. It was far easier in France or the UK than coming to the US for them, but my mother had had enough and they wanted to be closer to me and my family.

Our family has also sponsored refugees that wanted to come to the US. Helped them get started and open their own businesses, buy their first home or car.

Why should I expect refugees to not be vetted and continue to be questioned? We had a well document paper train and came with well placed references. My father was high skilled and had his own money so was not burden on society. He had no ties to terrorism and was well respected in europe and the middle east.

Not all refugees are so well known and there is good reasons for more scrutiny than my father had to go through, or minimally as much. It was not easy and for the sake of security it shouldn't be. He came before so much international terrorism, if anything we should tighten vetting and controls on movement for a period, especially if the majority of them are to be expected to return to syria. Palestinians were not allowed to integrate into countries they went to, palestinians leaders did not want them to get comfortable and stay or stop fighting against Israel. Syrian are not being integrated but kept in camps. Many refugees enter countries without registering as refugees.

World has change since in 70's. We can't enter most hospitals or government building without security and we expect refugees to fade into the crowd and not be scrutinized?
"It seems American liberals are becoming the only fools left on the planet that welcome Islamic refug"

Wrong again, as usual.

Unlike most on the right, liberals aren't frightened cowards who surrender to their unwarranted hostility toward Muslims.
Middle east states have had their fill of refugees as well.

Everyone is putting out the not welcome sign.

Fences going up.

Everyone is learning that sometimes fences make for good neighbors. Compassion is a wonderful thing but self preservation is as well.
Weren't you or your parents originally middle east refugees? ..... :cool:
My great grandmother came from Croatia.

Close the borders.

"Miguel Moran Diaz called himself the 'lone wolf' and boasted about shooting people with rifle shells engraved with the word ISIS.
"The 46-year-old Cuban immigrant poured out his love for the fanatical organization on Facebook and kept a stash of weaponry despite being a convicted felon.
"He asked an undercover FBI agent to help him buy a .308 caliber bolt action rifle and described how he would scratch 'ISIS' into the shell casings before going on a shooting spree.
"Diaz was jailed for ten years in July on a firearms charge rather than a terrorism offense - but Federal authorities were convinced of his jihadist leanings.
"'Miguel Moran Diaz was an armed, convicted felon who harbored sympathies for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria,' FBI Special Agent in Charge George L. Piro said in a press release."

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