It seems American liberals are becoming the only fools left on the planet that welcome Islamic refug

Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.
Last edited:
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

"It seems American liberals are becoming the only fools left on the planet that welcome Islamic refug"

Wrong again, as usual.

Unlike most on the right, liberals aren't frightened cowards who surrender to their unwarranted hostility toward Muslims.

No liberals just surrender their ENTIRE beings to pathological altruism. Liberals are so consumed by pathological altruism you are totally unable to think of the wolf in sheeps clothing.

As such liberals are a danger to EVERYONE man, woman and child.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091
The men planning that kind of attack, are already here, Sugartits...
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?

Sorry, I know it's awful, I'm attempting to get the Liberals to wake up to the threat, it doesn't appear to be working though.

Yes throw tomatoes at me.
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?

Sorry, I know it's awful, I'm attempting to get the Liberals to wake up to the threat, it doesn't appear to be working though.

Yes throw tomatoes at me.
We know the threat is, dummy, we just aren't wetting our beds over it like you morons,
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.
The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?

Sorry, I know it's awful, I'm attempting to get the Liberals to wake up to the threat, it doesn't appear to be working though.

Yes throw tomatoes at me.
We know the threat is, dummy, we just aren't wetting our beds over it like you morons,

Really you know there's a threat? Surprising since you liberals either have your heads in the sand or up your own backsides.
The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.
ISIS is part of Islam you little ignorant bitch. Learn something today: What ISIS Really Wants
Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.
ISIS is part of Islam you little ignorant bitch. Learn something today: What ISIS Really Wants

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.

at least radicals and jihadists should not be treated like true muslims. Every cleric should issue fatwas to excommunicate those misrepresenting islam and promoting violence. No gardens, no wine, no virgins
I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.
ISIS is part of Islam you little ignorant bitch. Learn something today: What ISIS Really Wants


By the way I've put idiot for brains on ignore, I'm not wasting time on him, I already know he's a Marxist and an Anarchist from another thread also he's incredibly bad-mannered....must have been taught manners by farmyard animals, know wonder he's pro-ISIS.
Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.

at least radicals and jihadists should not be treated like true muslims. Every cleric should issue fatwas to excommunicate those misrepresenting islam and promoting violence. No gardens, no wine, no virgins

I have friends who are Muslim, they don't visit Mosques, they say this is where normal people slowly get radicalised.
Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.

I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.

at least radicals and jihadists should not be treated like true muslims. Every cleric should issue fatwas to excommunicate those misrepresenting islam and promoting violence. No gardens, no wine, no virgins

From what I've read, it's the 'madrassas' where most of the recruiting and terrorist organizing goes on, not the mosques themselves; I guess that is to make it easier to claim the mullahs are innocents or something.
I really cannot fathom the Liberal thinking on any level, it simply defies both rational and even basic logic. Let's say a nation allows even 1,500 "refugees" in and none of them that nation actually knows who those 1,500 are because none of them have papers nor passports.

Even if 100 were already radicalised and pretending to be refugees, 100 splitting into cells of 10 are capable of committing horrendous carnage on that nation.

Is it really worth it? Is it worth risking the lives of your native population? I don't think so.

Even by repeatedly posting traumatising photographic evidence of the in-human actions that these in-human savages commit on innocent people, it appears that the Liberals are so fundamentally stupid they cannot even allow themselves to THINK of the dangers of allowing the foxes into the henhouse.

Bataclan Theatre, Paris, Friday 13th 2015:

View attachment 55091

I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.

at least radicals and jihadists should not be treated like true muslims. Every cleric should issue fatwas to excommunicate those misrepresenting islam and promoting violence. No gardens, no wine, no virgins

From what I've read, it's the 'madrassas' where most of the recruiting and terrorist organizing goes on, not the mosques themselves; I guess that is to make it easier to claim the mullahs are innocents or something.

Which is why Saudi Arabia should be dealt with, they fund the Madrassas schools, but Saudi are the West's "allies" of course :rolleyes-41:
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
You should start a campaign urging Senator Feinstein to roll out the red carpet in her sanctuary city of San Francisco. All Syrian refugeess to San Francisco. I've always wanted to see what happens when oil and water try to mix.

The Muslim hordes would just love San Francisco, the city of the LGBT HQ....many tall buildings there also, plenty of opportunities therefore to throw tons of the weirdos from the tops of.

Yes, I can't work up any sympathy for homosexuals, given how their 'movement' and its fan club so vehemently demonize the Evul Xians, and not long ago they expended a lot of propaganda telling us all about how wonderful and enlightened Islamic countries were in their tolerance for homosexuals; they were all over message boards like this blathering on and on about it, then suddenly they stopped when the truth got around; now they deny they did any such thing, much like they now deny any of the support their 'movement' had for kiddie rapers like NAMBLA and similar groups that were member organizations of their ILGA 'rainbow coalition' for decades.

It's obvious Christians are discriminated against and routinely denied refugee status from Islamic shitholes the world over, and have been for decades as well. If any group deserves to be at the head of the line it's Christians, but as we see any Muslim can just turn up at some border and get in with little effort.

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded | Pamela Geller

Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
ByPamela Geller on November 21, 2011
Refugee Resettlement Program UN: Global Machine of Organization of Islamic Conference

US policy regarding the UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution.

It is horrifying that Afghan Christians are being refused refugee status by the UN and many Western nations, including Britain. The UN claims that Afghan Christians do not meet the criteria for refugees under Statute 6B of the UN High Commission of Refugees (UNHCR), which requires refugees to have "a well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, nationality or political opinion."

Since 1976, millions of new citizens have entered America as legal humanitarian refugees, according to reports of the US State Department. The Somalis are certified as "humanitarian refugees" under our State Department rules. Whole Muslim communities are imported into the United States, and they are supported by social services provided by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cities who receive these huge numbers are determined by Refugee Councils. And yet back in October 2008, Muslim UN employees were "discouraging" applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis. The Christian Iraqi population has since been decimated. By buying into the argument that Islam is a religion of peace and ignoring the penalties for apostasy, we are sentencing thousands of Christians to martyrdom and forcing others to live in the shadows in dire poverty. We need to demand that our government provide protection and asylum for Christian apostates.

Humanitarian refugees have literally won the proverbial lottery. Typically, they receive green cards as resident aliens within a year of arrival and are eligible to become full US citizens within five years, unless they violate our immigration laws, commit a felony or are deported. In the process they are provided with cash stipend and social services assistance from federal, state, NGO’s and voluntary agency contractors.

The irony is the mandate of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s huddled masses comes to the US as humanitarian refugees. UNHCR trends for 2006 indicate that worldwide there were more than 32.9 million ‘persons of concern’ with approximately one third defined as ‘refugees’. Major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The US is the third highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations. A veritable cottage industry of federal and state alphabet soup agencies, NGO’s and voluntary agencies or VOLAG contractors has sprung up to facilitate absorption of humanitarian refugees. (more here)

This is no accident. We know that the UN is driven largely by the largest bloc of countries, the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world.

Last I heard some 21 U.S. states have requested that no Syrian refugees be sent to them. This is an embarrassment, given we have 50 states.
Some republicans would allow only Christians in the US. Shoot, 9/10s of us need to be deported!
and most Democrats say the dumbest stuff and act like children who can't keep up with the topic at hand
I'm more afraid of the terrorists here. Any idiot can buy a gun. And what makes anyone think that refugees aren't vetted? Do you really think we're just letting them in because they look friendly? How naive are you? 'Cause Murica, that's why.
I really didn't need to see that. Listening to the news is far more than enough, over these last days.

Can I throw a tomato at you if I can't get to sleep?
Religion at work.

No not religion at work, Islam at work, Islam isn't a religion, it's a sadistic death cult.

at least radicals and jihadists should not be treated like true muslims. Every cleric should issue fatwas to excommunicate those misrepresenting islam and promoting violence. No gardens, no wine, no virgins

From what I've read, it's the 'madrassas' where most of the recruiting and terrorist organizing goes on, not the mosques themselves; I guess that is to make it easier to claim the mullahs are innocents or something.

Which is why Saudi Arabia should be dealt with, they fund the Madrassas schools, but Saudi are the West's "allies" of course :rolleyes-41:
"Madrassa means "school". It's not a terrorist school. Every schoolchild in Saudi Arabia goes to madrassa.

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