It seems GOP scandals and Democratic scandals are really different.

Yes they are like comparing Benghazi to vietraq & 9/11 Its termed "chutzpah"

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Decades ago, virtually all sex scandals were democratic, and all financial scandals were republican. It was easy to keep score. Now, we have republicans tap dancing in the Minneapolis airport men's room, and democrats hiding $95,000 in their freezer in New Orleans. Ya got to have a program to follow the game!
Scandalous! 11 Sitting GOP Governors Indicted, Under Investigation or Serious Scrutiny

It seems Democratic scandals start with Republicans. Ask Hillary and Obama.

It seems Republican scandals are started by the Republicans themselves.

Yeah, I guess you're right. Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Eillen Wellstone, Juanita Brodrick, Carolyn Moffett, Elizabeth Ward, Paula Corbin, Sandra Allen James, Christy Zercher.

And of course, let us not forget the Emails, Benghazi, Fund raising, Vince Foster, Hell, I could go on for an hour.

I suppose that people who live in glass houses should campaign for other people, should they?
Decades ago, virtually all sex scandals were democratic, and all financial scandals were republican. It was easy to keep score. Now, we have republicans tap dancing in the Minneapolis airport men's room, and democrats hiding $95,000 in their freezer in New Orleans. Ya got to have a program to follow the game!
You gotta go back a ways to find a Democratic scandal not made up by the GOP.

You only need to look around to find a GOP scandal.
rrrrrdean your thread is dying, let me bring it back to life for ya...:bye1:

24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media’s ‘Bridgegate Mania’ Look Like a Joke
By Kyle Becker (January 9, 2014) | Elections



Here are 25 underreported stories that most news media barely reported on, or blew by as quickly as possible because Democrats are involved.


24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke
Your link is hilarious.
F&F was the most ridiculous GOP fantasy of the entire Obama administration. Obama was gun running to Mexico because he hoped Mexicans would kill Americans with those guns and somehow we would prove the guns were used to kill Americans so Obama could end gun rights.

The most tarded thing I ever heard. Even more tarded than Obama born in Kenya. Bet you believed in that, huh?

Second on the list which even Fox admits was dragged on to bring down Hillary. Fail.

Third, the so called IRS scandal started with a Bush appointee because Republicans wouldn't let Obama's pick for the IRS pass. So the guy running the IRS during the so called scandal was still a Bush appointee. Most Republicans are so fucking stupid, they don't even realize that. Tell us you aren't that stupid.

Keep going down the list it gets more ridiculous with each so called scandal. Weiner tweeted a pic of his underwear and other stuff even more ridiculous. If that's all Republicans have then they are even more pathetic than I thought.
rrrrrdean your thread is dying, let me bring it back to life for ya...:bye1:

24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media’s ‘Bridgegate Mania’ Look Like a Joke
By Kyle Becker (January 9, 2014) | Elections



Here are 25 underreported stories that most news media barely reported on, or blew by as quickly as possible because Democrats are involved.


24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke
Your link is hilarious.
F&F was the most ridiculous GOP fantasy of the entire Obama administration. Obama was gun running to Mexico because he hoped Mexicans would kill Americans with those guns and somehow we would prove the guns were used to kill Americans so Obama could end gun rights.

The most tarded thing I ever heard. Even more tarded than Obama born in Kenya. Bet you believed in that, huh?

Second on the list which even Fox admits was dragged on to bring down Hillary. Fail.

Third, the so called IRS scandal started with a Bush appointee because Republicans wouldn't let Obama's pick for the IRS pass. So the guy running the IRS during the so called scandal was still a Bush appointee. Most Republicans are so fucking stupid, they don't even realize that. Tell us you aren't that stupid.

Keep going down the list it gets more ridiculous with each so called scandal. Weiner tweeted a pic of his underwear and other stuff even more ridiculous. If that's all Republicans have then they are even more pathetic than I thought.
The media covers for all progressive career politicians no matter if they are dems or Rinos, dumbass.
rrrrrdean your thread is dying, let me bring it back to life for ya...:bye1:

24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media’s ‘Bridgegate Mania’ Look Like a Joke
By Kyle Becker (January 9, 2014) | Elections



Here are 25 underreported stories that most news media barely reported on, or blew by as quickly as possible because Democrats are involved.


24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke
Your link is hilarious.
F&F was the most ridiculous GOP fantasy of the entire Obama administration. Obama was gun running to Mexico because he hoped Mexicans would kill Americans with those guns and somehow we would prove the guns were used to kill Americans so Obama could end gun rights.

The most tarded thing I ever heard. Even more tarded than Obama born in Kenya. Bet you believed in that, huh?

Second on the list which even Fox admits was dragged on to bring down Hillary. Fail.

Third, the so called IRS scandal started with a Bush appointee because Republicans wouldn't let Obama's pick for the IRS pass. So the guy running the IRS during the so called scandal was still a Bush appointee. Most Republicans are so fucking stupid, they don't even realize that. Tell us you aren't that stupid.

Keep going down the list it gets more ridiculous with each so called scandal. Weiner tweeted a pic of his underwear and other stuff even more ridiculous. If that's all Republicans have then they are even more pathetic than I thought.

That's nothing! Someone brought up Vince Foster the other day as a major hillary scandal! I had to go to my history books on that one!

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