It seems new covid lockdowns are looming in the near future.

Here's something interesting.

Someone said they were developing SaaS.

Well, the Google Cloud has something called Big Query, and they have a nice little demo you can download and run on your PC. Guess what it is? Covid data!

Here for instance, is one of the graphs you can look at:

Thank you, it does sound interesting, but I do not use Google products for any personal tasks. And I would never voluntarily download any code from Google. I have to use it for work, but have a separate computer for that.
We're not Sweden. 18% of all covid infections require medical care. If we would've ignored covid, practically everyone would've been infected within a two or three months, causing our hospitals and their ICUs to be flooded with patients. 18% of 300 million is about 56 million people, seeking medical attention for their serious covid infections. Most of them would've been sent home with a bottle of Tylenol. The death toll today is about 1.2 million Americans. We would've lost 25 million+ if we had ignored the pandemic and moreover, our economy would've collapsed much worse than it.
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Careforall apparently thinks the return of covid mandates is funny.

Fucking twat
You are worried and all huffy and puffy about masks?


they don't know anything about this variant, the Canadian cdc lab is running tests as we speak so we will know more shortly..... A business or any entity that wants to be cautious, and wear masks till we know more, is fine with me, or if they don't want masks, that is fine with me as well....

The likelihood of this covid variant being a more deadly variant is near zip.
You are worried and all huffy and puffy about masks?


they don't know anything about this variant, the Canadian cdc lab is running tests as we speak so we will know more shortly..... A business or any entity that wants to be cautious, and wear masks till we know more, is fine with me, or if they don't want masks, that is fine with me as well....

The likelihood of this covid variant being a more deadly variant is near zip.
You know as well as I do that masking is only the beginning and had you actually watched the video you funnied you'd know that. But carry on in your ignorance

BTW masks are useless unless you're wearing a surgical mask and most people are using cloth masks which don't stop shit.
You are worried and all huffy and puffy about masks?


they don't know anything about this variant, the Canadian cdc lab is running tests as we speak so we will know more shortly..... A business or any entity that wants to be cautious, and wear masks till we know more, is fine with me, or if they don't want masks, that is fine with me as well....

The likelihood of this covid variant being a more deadly variant is near zip.

Masks are stupid......we know that because actual research has shown they do nothing to stop the spread or protect people and actually have major down sides, especially for children......did you just sleep through the last couple of years?
Fear fear fear fear fear, lol. Put on your face diapers.

I made a thread on this a few days ago and democrats moved it to conspiracy theories.
Democrats cover for the NWO and support the WEF and the Great Reset.

Democrats = The Great Reset in America.

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