It seems that Biden is extremely popular with the US youth.

You are telling me, you live in a right wing enclave. If you surround yourself with nothing but right wing it is unlikely you have a normal outlook, just as if a liberal surrounded themselves with nothing but liberal, their viewpoint would be likewise skewed. Hard to see the normal world living in a tunnel. It pretty much makes you subject to tunnel vision, no matter your profession or education level.
By the way, you should not be seeking committed Democrats from "the other side of the tracks". If you are committed to an ideology, you won't find normal people there, possible only others as unthinking, accepting of memes from their side, and unwilling to look at reality in total, but living in their own tunnel. You are aware, both side market and try to influence for their side, right? Most of the normal people don't get published and are quite often boringly normal.

Yes, I do live in an area where most successful people are Republican as are most others. Those that live in major urban, highly populated areas are surrounded by Democrats. Those who are the least successful to "group think" are those in less populated areas. The more populated an area, the more susceptible to this phenomenon. Those in more rural areas must form opinions on their own. These areas are typically red. In short, those living in the tunnel in which you speak are typically Democrats.
Yes, I do live in an area where most successful people are Republican as are most others. Those that live in major urban, highly populated areas are surrounded by Democrats. Those who are the least successful to "group think" are those in less populated areas. The more populated an area, the more susceptible to this phenomenon. Those in more rural areas must form opinions on their own. These areas are typically red. In short, those living in the tunnel in which you speak are typically Democrats.
Jesus, you guys really do love the smell of your own shit.

I’ve lived in both. The groupthink in rural areas is very real.
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Jesus, you guys really do love the smell of your own shit.

I’ve lived in both. The groupthink in rural areas is very real.

Where do most people live? How do these people vote? Which party has the most group thinkers?

Groupthink doesn't exist in many areas because there is no group or it is infinitesimally small. To not understand that a large group is more powerful than a smaller group says quite a bit about your indoctrination and your lack of insight.

I'll let you ponder, though I recognize that your teachings will not allow you to even consider the possibility that your ideology could be wrong.
Yes, I do live in an area where most successful people are Republican as are most others. Those that live in major urban, highly populated areas are surrounded by Democrats. Those who are the least successful to "group think" are those in less populated areas. The more populated an area, the more susceptible to this phenomenon. Those in more rural areas must form opinions on their own. These areas are typically red. In short, those living in the tunnel in which you speak are typically Democrats.
I live in a small city, mostly red in a red state, but there are lots of normal Democrats around here also, along with some nut ball Dems in areas(as you described) as the wrong side of the tracks. I don't seek them out, either. Those people and places exist here also and tend toward the stereotypes, but we also have here in TN the hard core right wing stereotypes. That's just it. These people are out at the ends of the spectrum and not representative of societal norms as those norms are not achieved by the strident at the ends of the spectrum but by the more normal people closer to the center on both sides, just trying to take care of their own, living and working day to day, doing their normal family thing, going to work, going to church, participating in PTA, the Boy Scouts, hunting, fishing and golfing on the weekends, without politics being a driving force in their life. These are the people to seek.
Most of the conservatives that I grew up with have been run out with the term "rhino" as they were and if still alive are still conservative, but failed to achieve the goals of what many want as radical change to a time and situation that in fact really wasn't as good as remembered in the first place. Most of the strident Democrats also fail to succeed in attaining their extreme liberal goals for the majority of the country. It is easy to forget the silent majority that are not strident in either direction, but that is where the strength of this country and most communities lie.
I live in a small city, mostly red in a red state, but there are lots of normal Democrats around here also, along with some nut ball Dems in areas(as you described) as the wrong side of the tracks. I don't seek them out, either. Those people and places exist here also and tend toward the stereotypes, but we also have here in TN the hard core right wing stereotypes. That's just it. These people are out at the ends of the spectrum and not representative of societal norms as those norms are not achieved by the strident at the ends of the spectrum but by the more normal people closer to the center on both sides, just trying to take care of their own, living and working day to day, doing their normal family thing, going to work, going to church, participating in PTA, the Boy Scouts, hunting, fishing and golfing on the weekends, without politics being a driving force in their life. These are the people to seek.
Most of the conservatives that I grew up with have been run out with the term "rhino" as they were and if still alive are still conservative, but failed to achieve the goals of what many want as radical change to a time and situation that in fact really wasn't as good as remembered in the first place. Most of the strident Democrats also fail to succeed in attaining their extreme liberal goals for the majority of the country. It is easy to forget the silent majority that are not strident in either direction, but that is where the strength of this country and most communities lie.

The problem is, the Biden Administration does not represent the silent majority. They are run by the far-left who are hellbent on destroying this country and most do not agree with the AOC's of the world. They are far from normal.
Normal interesting word, I take it that you & yours are normal, everyone else is run by the far left?
The problem is, the Biden Administration does not represent the silent majority. They are run by the far-left who are hellbent on destroying this country and most do not agree with the AOC's of the world. They are far from normal.
The AOC sect is not what got him elected. He was the most centrist person running. The real far left got knocked out the only one close to center beside Joe was Pete. Nice smart guy, but nowhere near ready for prime-time, though had great education, but had only been mayor of a small South Bend, Indiana, which isn't much track record.
People like AOC and MTG from Georgie are radical aberrations.
I knew what was going on when i was in grade school. My grandkids know what is going on. They don't know the intricacies but they know right from wrong and who is wrong.

Children in public schools starting in early grades are politicized. it's not called politics. It's called something else. diversity. multiculturalism, critical race theory, self esteem, avoiding value judgements, secularism, humanism, you name it. It all sounds safe and sound and reasonable, but it isn't. It turns them into antifa terrorists. intentionally.

None of the above is being taught in any school system. This is just more foreign propaganda to make you want authoritarian rule. China, Russia and Iran thank you for spreading their lies and disinformation.
None of the above is being taught in any school system. This is just more foreign propaganda to make you want authoritarian rule. China, Russia and Iran thank you for spreading their lies and disinformation.
So all of those documents provided by parents and memos from school boards are simply made up?

CRT is not taught in conservative school districts, but it is being taught in numerous liberal-dominated
school districts,
I don't think that's Biden. Probably some look-alike. Looks younger and a little different. I don't think it's a photoshop.

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