It seems that Biden is extremely popular with the US youth.

I think that Biden has had a decades-long severe psychological problem, probably dating from the time his first wife and his daughter were killed in an accident.

And look at how he focuses on Beau in his dotage.
Do you see where Pedo's Joe's hand is at and have you noticed that the Secret service is surrounding the group?
No I didn't notice anything odd or disturbing. I guess you guys have failed to sell it to the masses.
Read their clothing
The trump stuff? Well they title said he was popular with young people. Not everybody that voted for trump or their kids are that torn up that he won. If the parents were, they would not have let their kid go see him and the adults, not in masks would not have been smiling. He is the President. It is a pretty big deal. Most people never see a sitting president in person.
Who the Fuck thinks this age of children understand politics ...

Biden is a pedophile ......

Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea for this pedophile POS to be around these children?

You psycho Leftist are too Fucked up .....
Something is wrong with you
The trump stuff? Well they title said he was popular with young people. Not everybody that voted for trump or their kids are that torn up that he won. If the parents were, they would not have let their kid go see him and the adults, not in masks would not have been smiling. He is the President. It is a pretty big deal. Most people never see a sitting president in person.
They are smiling and laughing because they just trolled the senile old coot.
They are smiling and laughing because they just trolled the senile old coot.
Oh, you thought he would dis kids or adult over the maga hats. Now if he had turned down one with them and that got out, now that would be a news story. As it was, looked like everybody was getting along fine, having a good time. Maybe you're just more petty than he is. Have you ever thought of growing up?
What classes are teaching that made-up bullshit? That is not taught in my school district. Put away yur broad brush!

You have a very simple choice if you do not like your school's curriculum. Move or run for the school board. Be the change you want to see.

That's what you think. You have no clue what they're teaching.
My kids are not in public schools. The problem with public schools is that christians and conservatives and decent people should have pushed back when the left started implementing suicidal philosophies in public schools.
Who the Fuck thinks this age of children understand politics ...

Biden is a pedophile ......

Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea for this pedophile POS to be around these children?

You psycho Leftist are too Fucked up .....

They don't and can't understand politics. Hell most 18 to 20 year olds don't even understand or have any idea of how the world really works.

All you have to do is tell them what to think and they will believe it and better yet, repeat it.
They don't and can't understand politics. Hell most 18 to 20 year olds don't even understand or have any idea of how the world really works.

All you have to do is tell them what to think and they will believe it and better yet, repeat it.
The education system is such in our nation today that if a disaster occurs in it that affects the economy and things became difficult for living, the younger generations could be convinced to blame some groups and have them put into concentration camps for disposal. The German and Russian people were much stronger then many Americans today with fortitude and look what they did and backed up after the tribulations they went through.
excalibur said:
I think that Biden has had a decades-long severe psychological problem, probably dating from the time his first wife and his daughter were killed in an accident.

I don't think so. From what i've seen of the timeline...Jill and Joe were engaged in their little affair. She and her husband had volunteered for Joe's campaign. Here's what i think happened. Neilia found out about the affair. She gets dressed up, dresses the kids and gives them all medication that put them all to sleep. She puts them in the car and takes a drive...a drive from which she will never return. She dies, the baby dies, but the two boys survive. That's worst case. Best case is she didn't intend for anyone to die...but she was leaving with the kids. I haven't heard about any luggage though. She either intentionally committed suicide by truck with the children OR she was driving distraught and inattentive. Either way...she knew of the affair.

This is political gold for Biden. Personally...i don't think he is capable of great emotion. But he does recognize how to use this tragedy. Sure. I"m sure he was somewhat traumatized but then...he had jill to comfort him. Seems to have worked very well. even his kids and their spouses have remarked about his......let's just call it.....poor parenting.
Yesterday? Wow. Good photo op with the kids and parents, the smiles. Gee I don't see anybody projecting the right wing nut ball perv theme. Maybe these people didn't buy it, either. The right has a lot of trouble getting normal people to buy the right wing memes. Must be terribly frustrating for them.

"Normal" people? I guess myself and the vast majority of my professional collegues, my wife(a doctor) and the vast majority of her collegues, my neighbor(doctor), my professional neighbors at our lake property...yeah, we aren't "normal" people. I need to go to the other side of the tracks to find some "normal" people who vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Gotcha.
"Normal" people? I guess myself and the vast majority of my professional collegues, my wife(a doctor) and the vast majority of her collegues, my neighbor(doctor), my professional neighbors at our lake property...yeah, we aren't "normal" people. I need to go to the other side of the tracks to find some "normal" people who vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Gotcha.
You are telling me, you live in a right wing enclave. If you surround yourself with nothing but right wing it is unlikely you have a normal outlook, just as if a liberal surrounded themselves with nothing but liberal, their viewpoint would be likewise skewed. Hard to see the normal world living in a tunnel. It pretty much makes you subject to tunnel vision, no matter your profession or education level.
By the way, you should not be seeking committed Democrats from "the other side of the tracks". If you are committed to an ideology, you won't find normal people there, possible only others as unthinking, accepting of memes from their side, and unwilling to look at reality in total, but living in their own tunnel. You are aware, both side market and try to influence for their side, right? Most of the normal people don't get published and are quite often boringly normal.
Cool pic. Hopefully it's a sign that someday we can agree to have our differences. Class acts, kids and Biden.
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