It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -

The bottom line is to stop being a racist.

So youre saying that there is no racism in the US?

So you're saying everyone is racist?

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) Here is a tool that allows each of us to discover hidden cognitive biases. Most people are aware of their own overt biases, but it is very difficult for us to become aware of our covert biases. This is a test that can be taken by each individual for their own benefit.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.

It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit

You have selected the Race Task. In this study, you will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in which you will be asked to sort pictures and words into groups as fast as you can. In addition to the IAT, there are some questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, and some standard demographic questions. This study should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive your IAT result along with information about what it means.

We thank you for being here!
No. I'm saying most whites are racist. We know this because of several key indicators. So individual whites claiming that being accused of racism sucks is irrelevant. I already took the test. I have a strong preference for Black people.

I dont know where you got that 17% figure but its very wrong.

The figure comes from the Harvard study. I've taken the test several times. My results placed me in that 17% bracket. Good to see that without taking the test you acknowledge being a serious racist.
The bottom line is that Black people fear the police and no one has yet tried to do a damned thing about it.
What is wrong with black people in this country all of a sudden! What could possibly make someone think that taking a Police officer's Taser away and trying to shoot them with it is going to end well for you? Have you all lost your fucking minds? I am SO tired of this crap! And then you burn down the Wendy's? What the hell did they do? What in God's name is wrong with you people? You want people to feel sympathy for you when you act the way you do? I'm sorry but the worst enemy of blacks in America at this very moment are blacks themselves! The absolutely idiotic things that you are doing are indefensible!

Thank you. A sane mind in these times is truly an oasis in the wilderness.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
No one is above the laws that are on the books. What is needed now, is the temporary suspension of the US Constitution, the implementation of the Insurrection Act, and troops flooding the idiotic Democratic cities, arresting looters, rioters, protesters interfering in day-to-day business and traffic, as well as the politicians that are just sitting on their rumps letting this nonsense continue. Grab up all known Marxist/Leninist garbage and their sympathizers and ship them out of the US.
All the media attention is focused on ratings, hurting Trump and promoting general chaos.

Just as illegal immigration didn't bother the rich, you will see media give a damn if these protesters start hitting wealthy neighbourhoods and businesses. I guarantee it. People don't give a damn if it's someone elses problem.

Quote for truth. These hoodlums know they can't touch the Burbs, at least not the middle and upper class ones; that will start inconveniencing all those white women and middle class black government AA beneficiaries, and Democrats will lose a big chunk of their base. If they stick to murdering and robbing white proles in blue collar burbs then they will be fine, but we know these 'angry warriors' will mostly avoid those as well, as they don't have much to steal and many of the are armed and don't give a rat's ass what the media and the wealthy thinks they should do, which is stop resisting and allow themselves to be robbed and killed by feral hood rat animals.
Police are just going to have to start using darts with a sedative. There is literally no way for them to do their job now with the tools they have.
How is it that other cops are able to do their job without killing a Black person?
Every "job" is different. In this incident I saw the black guy overpower two cops take their taser run away and then point the taser at them. They need something better than guns and tasers IMO. Neither weapon produces a good result.
I guarantee you there are a couple of cops that have not even drawn their weapons that do the exact same job. Most cops have a power trip problem and most Black men are Alphas. The two dont mix. The good cops dont start shit so they dont get shit.

lol stupid and loud doesn't = 'Alpha', except to faggot fetishists.
The bottom line is to stop being a racist.
Or perhaps you could talk to some of the other Milkweeds and tell them to STOP BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW LIKE A BUNCH OF GODDAMN ANIMALS!!!
There are 30 categories of crimes listed in the UCR. In 2018, out of the 30 categories of crime, whites lead in 27. Whites are approximately 70 percent of the population and led in 90 percent of the crime categories. Less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the deaths in America were murders. There were a total of 8957 murders in all races in 2018. There were over 12,000 arrest for rapes by whites in 2018 alone. Blacks had less than half that with 5,376.

Perhaps you could talk to some of the other Milkweeds and tell them to STOP BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW LIKE A BUNCH OF GODDAMN ANIMALS!!!
The bottom line?

Oh, that's simple.

The unpleasantness is intractable.

In the coming decades, the United States of America will continue to limp along until it collapses.

If anyone is to be blamed, it is the Founding Fathers who made a terrible blunder in 1619.

Yes, that rag the New York Times is right: everything that is happening now can be traced back to the introduction of forced labor by people from a faraway continent.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?

I definitely agree. African Americans are such sacred cows, it would be best for those who can avoid them do so and those who can't to be very reserved, keeping one's guard up at all times, lest they stumble into an accusation of racism.

Watch your p's as well as your q's, and stay aware.
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line? can't even TALK without RACISM screamed--they are OBSESSED with raced so much, their brains are FKd is the perfect example..white guy talking about a space term, and the black idiot thinks he's talking about RACE!!!!!!!!!!!
- without screams of racism.

So. What is the bottom line?
"It Seems We've Reached A Point Where Law Cannot Be Imposed Upon Black Individuals -"
How do you figure? In Atlanta, they shot a drunk black guy after they rousted him out of his car, asleep in the drive thu lane at Wendy's, gave him a field sobiety test (failed it) tried to cuff him, he took a taser from one of them and tried to run away on foot with nothing but the cop's non lethal tazer in his hands, stopped and started to point their tazer at them then turned and tried to run away again, I guess to drunk to know he couldn't outrun the bullets about to hit him in the back and they shot him down with real bullets, just last night, and all caught on video again. Is that what you call imposing real law upon black individuals? He's not going to be screaming about racism. He's dead and I guess Wendy's went back to serving doubles and triples at the drive through. Of course the cop has been fired. The Police chief has resigned and tonight they burned down the Wendy's. What are you whining about? You and I are not black.
He shot it straight at the cop, drunk or not; the cop had to dodge it. The cop was doing his job arresting the guy for DUI. Brooks fought them. He certainly wasn't just running away. He shot at the cop with the weapon he had available; he wasn't going to let them get near. And then he ran again, but there is no reason to think he wouldn't fire it again in ten seconds. Until I saw the parking lot video, I thought the same thing--the guy was running and why not just catch up with him later? But he was doing more than that. Maybe a tazer won't kill you (usually anyway) but it will incapacitate you and Brooks would not have shrunk from that, clearly.
It would be great if cops never pointed a gun at an "unarmed" man, but Brooks was armed and ready to use it. Not so lethal, but close enough.
I think this was a righteous shoot. A very suck rotten bitch of an outcome all around, but not a bad shoot.
Rules of engagement is why it was not a righteous shoot and why he was fired.
The bottom line is to stop being a racist.

So youre saying that there is no racism in the US?

So you're saying everyone is racist?

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) Here is a tool that allows each of us to discover hidden cognitive biases. Most people are aware of their own overt biases, but it is very difficult for us to become aware of our covert biases. This is a test that can be taken by each individual for their own benefit.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.

It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit

You have selected the Race Task. In this study, you will complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in which you will be asked to sort pictures and words into groups as fast as you can. In addition to the IAT, there are some questions about your beliefs, attitudes, and opinions, and some standard demographic questions. This study should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end, you will receive your IAT result along with information about what it means.

We thank you for being here!
No. I'm saying most whites are racist. We know this because of several key indicators. So individual whites claiming that being accused of racism sucks is irrelevant. I already took the test. I have a strong preference for Black people.

I dont know where you got that 17% figure but its very wrong.
You don’t know most white people. There are no indicators to prove this.
The bottom line is that Black people fear the police and no one has yet tried to do a damned thing about it.
What is wrong with black people in this country all of a sudden! What could possibly make someone think that taking a Police officer's Taser away and trying to shoot them with it is going to end well for you? Have you all lost your fucking minds? I am SO tired of this crap! And then you burn down the Wendy's? What the hell did they do? What in God's name is wrong with you people? You want people to feel sympathy for you when you act the way you do? I'm sorry but the worst enemy of blacks in America at this very moment are blacks themselves! The absolutely idiotic things that you are doing are indefensible!

You think they are indefensible? The blacks can take a drug addicted criminal and make a martyr out of him with the help of the media. The black people can take an unjust cause and disrupt the entire nation - and the nightly news on tv "justifies" it every night. PLENTY of white people now feel sorry for the blacks. They wear t shirts apologizing for being white; they get on their knees and cry crocodile tears because of the false sense of guilt that has been instilled in them due to a dishonest rendering of America's history and the status quo of today.

The burning of a Wendys (whose late founder was a pabulum puking liberal) is small potatoes. Think about the removal of the monuments, statues, memorials, and plaques. How about the removal of the Confederate flag as if race were the ONLY thing that flag represented (everybody forgets the good things that flag represented like chivalry and honor.) The blacks are changing the names of street signs and removing the names of our ancestors from schools and other government buildings. They are having the word racism changed in the dictionary so that they are completely shielded from any criticism. They are even on tv bitching because band aids are flesh colored and that is supposedly a racist symbol. Spray painting National Monuments like the Lincoln Memorial and going after every vestige of our history is very effective for these rioters. This is the strategy that is employed by people like Isis. So effective are they that the Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, skinheads, and the alt right ... and all the other white activists are hiding under their beds, pissing on themselves, and hoping that these mobs don't begin focusing their attention on them rather than the cops. They are changing America and the only resistance to their violence, hatred and intolerance is by people on social media ... and even then most of that criticism is being done anonymously. Before this is over with Richard Spencer and David Duke will be on tv apologizing for being white, Trump will be a one term president, and every white person in America will feel guilty that the police came down on blacks based upon the numbers of crimes they committed instead of worrying about the racial makeup of the people in jail. The thinking will be that we should put whites in jail over their racial ideology instead of tossing black drug dealers into jail.

Indefensible you say? If that is the case, why has there not been a group of white activists, civilian militia, or SOMEBODY to step in and condemn it? Oh, that's right. Some dumb ass would call them a racist and then it would be a career ender for that person - and the white supremacists???? Cowards, the whole lot of 'em.

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