It should be legal to run over protesters blocking roads

If protesters blocked a public street with an illegal protest, would you stop?

  • Yes. It's wrong to run people over.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No. Get the fuck out of the road!

    Votes: 24 82.8%

  • Total voters
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archive: With Ferguson protesters clogging the streets of Berkeley, California, last week, a man died because an ambulance was delayed too long as it tried to get him to the hospital, a report says.
The man had collapsed at his home and an ambulance was called. But both on its way to the man and on its way to the hospital, people protesting in support of Eric Garner and Michael Brown and against cops delayed the vehicle’s progress.

A man who collapsed while waiting for Berkeley paramedics to arrive later died at the hospital, city employees have told Berkeleyside, after large protests that wracked the city earlier this month delayed first responders.

Berkeley Fire Chief Gil Dong has declined to comment on the incident, saying he is prohibited from doing so because of medical privacy laws.

“Anytime there is a delay it causes us concern,” he said, speaking generally. “Our objective is to get there rapidly so we can start treating the patient.”

Several city staffers — who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak with the media — confirmed that paramedics were delayed in their response to help the man who collapsed, and said he later died at the hospital.

Protesters killed this man. Plain and simple.

California Man Dies After Protesters Prevent Ambulance from Reaching Him | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
If running them over is the only option that I am left with, then yes. They would then be headed for the hospital.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. They have a right to protest, yes, but that doesn't mean that their protesting can happen just anywhere.

the have the right to peaceful protest. but not rioting, burning property etc
one thing is indeed certain

if this board was a democracy

it would be very much legal

to run illegal protesters over

I see that the cars move slowly trying to move protesters out of the way, then floor it when they are swarmed.
Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

Dragging them behind the car lasts longer.
I think they should get in some trouble but not get killed. Geez! That is kind of nutty, no?
Well, lets be realistic here, the odds of these slow moving cars actually killing anyone is fairly remote.

Maybe they would get a limb run over or a nasty contusion on their asses, but other than the resulting concussion the libtards are well enough.
I think they should get in some trouble but not get killed. Geez! That is kind of nutty, no?
Well, lets be realistic here, the odds of these slow moving cars actually killing anyone is fairly remote.

Maybe they would get a limb run over or a nasty contusion on their asses, but other than the resulting concussion the libtards are well enough.

Nah, I wouldn't just run over a person. That's pretty harsh. You could paralyze people for the rest of their lives.
I think they should get in some trouble but not get killed. Geez! That is kind of nutty, no?
Well, lets be realistic here, the odds of these slow moving cars actually killing anyone is fairly remote.

Maybe they would get a limb run over or a nasty contusion on their asses, but other than the resulting concussion the libtards are well enough.

Nah, I wouldn't just run over a person. That's pretty harsh. You could paralyze people for the rest of their lives.

But then again, if a mob of people are blocking traffic, one could easily fear for their lives, feel threatened and then just mow them down like the idiots that they are.

I think of it as 'Auto-Darwinism'.

Get it? Auto-Darwinism?

I think they should get in some trouble but not get killed. Geez! That is kind of nutty, no?
Well, lets be realistic here, the odds of these slow moving cars actually killing anyone is fairly remote.

Maybe they would get a limb run over or a nasty contusion on their asses, but other than the resulting concussion the libtards are well enough.

Nah, I wouldn't just run over a person. That's pretty harsh. You could paralyze people for the rest of their lives.

But then again, if a mob of people are blocking traffic, one could easily fear for their lives, feel threatened and then just mow them down like the idiots that they are.

I think of it as Auto-Darwinism'.

I was just going to edit my post to add that if I felt that I was in danger, that would be an entirely different story.
Another reason why liberals need to drop the gun control nonsense and arm themselves. Conservatives dream of ramming into groups of protesters with vehicles to take them out. You've got to have some way to stop them.
Damn you're an idiot. Protest the government ,all you want. Just don't think you have the right to protest me.k
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Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

There is no right to protest. Groups can only peaceably assembly in places assigned by permit. Otherwise, they are trespassers and should be removed by whatever force is necessary. They are outlaws, which means they are outside the protection of any law. Laws are solely designed to protect the public from anti-social elements.

No, if someone is in your house and you tell them to get out, you can't shoot them just because you decided they are now trespassing. The law is that if you are in danger or feel you are in danger then you may use reasonable force.
The Rule of Law

blocking vehicular traffic ( a civil infraction) - versus assault and battery with intent to do bodily injury, and or maim and murder ( a criminal violation)

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