It should be legal to run over protesters blocking roads

If protesters blocked a public street with an illegal protest, would you stop?

  • Yes. It's wrong to run people over.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No. Get the fuck out of the road!

    Votes: 24 82.8%

  • Total voters
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Go and try it.

You stand in front of one of my pick up trucks...go ahead I dare you.

You would not do a thing, snowflake. Guaranteed.

don't bet your life on it. considering Ann the videos we've already posted of protesters getting run over, you'd think you would have got the message. people have and will run over illegal protesters.
Nope, you are a coward.

And you will be a speed bump one day..go for it...

Nah, you would have to have the stones, and you don't.[/QUOTE]

Wanna bet your life, Fool. I have already run over one attempted carjacker and would not hesitate to do so again.
You stand in front of one of my pick up trucks...go ahead I dare you.

You would not do a thing, snowflake. Guaranteed.

don't bet your life on it. considering Ann the videos we've already posted of protesters getting run over, you'd think you would have got the message. people have and will run over illegal protesters.
Nope, you are a coward.

And you will be a speed bump one day..go for it...

Nah, you would have to have the stones, and you don't.

Wanna bet your life, Fool. I have already run over one attempted carjacker and would not hesitate to do so again.[/QUOTE]

Experienced liberal bumper haha
Both frigidweirdo and JimBowie1958 are correct. Imagine that. But then again, Jimma went and rephrased the argument as if he were responding to something already stated, which he was not
It's a 'tell' of Wingnuttiness
If by "Jimma" yo uare referring to me, dude, I made an analogy, if you are talking about what I think you are talking about which is hard to tell since you libtards shy away so much from detailed statements, a 'tell' of chicanery and grifters.
Bro, you don't have a 'right' to block a public street. Protesting is legal in this country, provided you have the appropriate permits.

But if you're illegally protesting and blocking a public road, don't expect me to stop.
Mass protest is protected speech. Your idea of illegal seems to be everything that is not an organized tea party rally. You and your kind would never issue the appropriate permits for protests against you so Americans have the right to walk out their door and protest on public property if they feel so compelled. There's going to be lot of anti-Trump protests, you will all see how counter productive it is to go all fascist on the first amendment.

That's kind of rich coming from a commie.

You can protest all you want, but if you block the road you'll be paving it.
Do you have murder fantasies often? There are therapy and medications available to help with your inner homicidal rage.

I only want to defend my country.
Defend it from what? Opposing opinions? The first amendment is to the left what the 2nd amendment is to the right. Trying to deprive people of either of these rights is going to be messy. Think about what would happen if someone actually came for your guns before you think about trying to put down free speech.
Spoiled Brats' Freedom of Screech

You're promoting freedom to block other people's freedom of movement. Your self-indulgent degenerate revolution will come to a screeching halt once armed vigilantes take the law back into patriots' hands.
Mass protest is protected speech. Your idea of illegal seems to be everything that is not an organized tea party rally. You and your kind would never issue the appropriate permits for protests against you so Americans have the right to walk out their door and protest on public property if they feel so compelled. There's going to be lot of anti-Trump protests, you will all see how counter productive it is to go all fascist on the first amendment.

That's kind of rich coming from a commie.

You can protest all you want, but if you block the road you'll be paving it.
Do you have murder fantasies often? There are therapy and medications available to help with your inner homicidal rage.

I only want to defend my country.
Defend it from what? Opposing opinions? The first amendment is to the left what the 2nd amendment is to the right. Trying to deprive people of either of these rights is going to be messy. Think about what would happen if someone actually came for your guns before you think about trying to put down free speech.
Spoiled Brats' Freedom of Screech

You're promoting freedom to block other people's freedom of movement. Your self-indulgent degenerate revolution will come to a screeching halt once armed vigilantes take the law back into patriots' hands.

Water the tree of liberty with the blood of liberals.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
I am assuming since you are on this thread you approve driving over people because they are blocking traffic. Does the reason matter? Large crowds of people often gather and disrupt traffic for entirely non-political reasons. Should it be OK to drive over the tech geeks swarming the Apple store for the new phone? How about the people celebrating a big sorts win? The answer is that it is never OK to drive over people just because they are in your way, just in case you didn't know. If someone is blocking traffic for whatever reason you either wait or go around or go back, mass murder is not really an option for most sane people.

People who walk into traffic are putting themselves into harms way. I would not deliberately run them over. IF they do get hit though, it's their own damned fault.

Further, when we have these riots, the blocking of traffic is assault. America learned to take such assault very seriously.

Reginald Oliver Denny (born January 22, 1956), 36 years old at the time, was a construction dump truck driver. On the first day of the rioting, Denny, who is white, was attacked by four black men, pulled from his International Road Tractor and brutally beaten, sustaining serious head trauma and other injuries. As a result of the injuries he suffered during the attacks, Denny had to undergo years of rehabilitative therapy, and his speech and ability to walk were permanently damaged.[1]}

Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia

Someone who does not have a gun in their car (everyone should) has good reason to refuse to stop for a mob

It is never okay for rioters to stop traffic and act in a threatening manner toward drivers.
Mass protest is protected speech. Your idea of illegal seems to be everything that is not an organized tea party rally. You and your kind would never issue the appropriate permits for protests against you so Americans have the right to walk out their door and protest on public property if they feel so compelled. There's going to be lot of anti-Trump protests, you will all see how counter productive it is to go all fascist on the first amendment.

That's kind of rich coming from a commie.

You can protest all you want, but if you block the road you'll be paving it.
Do you have murder fantasies often? There are therapy and medications available to help with your inner homicidal rage.

I only want to defend my country.
Defend it from what? Opposing opinions? The first amendment is to the left what the 2nd amendment is to the right. Trying to deprive people of either of these rights is going to be messy. Think about what would happen if someone actually came for your guns before you think about trying to put down free speech.
Spoiled Brats' Freedom of Screech

You're promoting freedom to block other people's freedom of movement. Your self-indulgent degenerate revolution will come to a screeching halt once armed vigilantes take the law back into patriots' hands.
Naw, it won't, cause the vigilantes will every last one of them be dirt napped by their neighbors if they get cranky and rise up.
[QUOTE="occupied, post: 16042589, member: 3371]

Protestors also have the right not to be run over by amateur internet lawyers who think vehicular manslaughter is justified on political grounds.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so there have been a lot of cases where rioters were run over and the drivers were charged with manslaughter?


Why not, do you think?

It's because outside of California, people have a legal right to defend their own lives.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

It could be for an old lady. She might get nervous and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

Of course its situational right? someone standing in front of you holding signs and chanting someting is one thing. Surrounding your vehicle banging on your car, trying to open door etc. begins to change things.
Protesters don't have a right to interfere with others going about their business.
I'm not surprised some here can't understand that.
Protestors also have the right not to be run over by amateur internet lawyers who think vehicular manslaughter is justified on political grounds.
They're old enough to know better.

I don't feel bad for anyone who gets hurt doing stupid shit while protesting.
Is that the argument your lawyer will use as he unsuccessfully defends you against multiple counts of manslaughter?
Taming the Herd

Jury nullification. Patriots can play your extension-of-rights game, too. We will bury this scum insurrection for all time.
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