It should be legal to run over protesters blocking roads

If protesters blocked a public street with an illegal protest, would you stop?

  • Yes. It's wrong to run people over.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No. Get the fuck out of the road!

    Votes: 24 82.8%

  • Total voters
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Protesters don't have a right to interfere with others going about their business.
I'm not surprised some here can't understand that.
Protestors also have the right not to be run over by amateur internet lawyers who think vehicular manslaughter is justified on political grounds.
They're old enough to know better.

I don't feel bad for anyone who gets hurt doing stupid shit while protesting.
Is that the argument your lawyer will use as he unsuccessfully defends you against multiple counts of manslaughter?
Taming the Herd

Jury nullification. Patriots can play your extension-of-rights game, too. We will bury this scum insurrection for all time.
Calm down, fido.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

It could be for an old lady. She might get nervous and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake
You're providing exactly what is needed. New ways to justify patriots taking their country back from the stampede of feral misfits.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

Of course its situational right? someone standing in front of you holding signs and chanting someting is one thing. Surrounding your vehicle banging on your car, trying to open door etc. begins to change things.
Not sure how many protesters tried opening doors of cars in order to attack people
Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

I would stop but don't take my stopping as agreeing with their stupidity but knowing unless they do something to threaten my life the only action i can take is stopping and waiting until they move their Walking Brain Dead asses along like the zombies they are.

Now if they decide to try to harm me or those riding with me, well then I will enjoy the crunching of bones because I have the legal right to protect myself and property at the cost of their lives!
Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

I would stop but don't take my stopping as agreeing with their stupidity but knowing unless they do something to threaten my life the only action i can take is stopping and waiting until they move their Walking Brain Dead asses along like the zombies they are.

Now if they decide to try to harm me or those riding with me, well then I will enjoy the crunching of bones because I have the legal right to protect myself and property at the cost of their lives!

Just drive really close to them and provoke them.

Then fear for your life and run their asses down.

Tape only parts that make them look bad for the jury in case things go down.
Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

I would stop but don't take my stopping as agreeing with their stupidity but knowing unless they do something to threaten my life the only action i can take is stopping and waiting until they move their Walking Brain Dead asses along like the zombies they are.

Now if they decide to try to harm me or those riding with me, well then I will enjoy the crunching of bones because I have the legal right to protect myself and property at the cost of their lives!

Just drive really close to them and provoke them.

Then fear for your life and run their asses down.

Tape only parts that make them look bad for the jury in case things go down.

I prefer to wait for one of the brainless assholes to act stupid and let then start the shit. Texas is a fun state to live in when you know the limits of what you can actually do, and your car and truck are protected and can be defended here in Texas!
Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

I would stop but don't take my stopping as agreeing with their stupidity but knowing unless they do something to threaten my life the only action i can take is stopping and waiting until they move their Walking Brain Dead asses along like the zombies they are.

Now if they decide to try to harm me or those riding with me, well then I will enjoy the crunching of bones because I have the legal right to protect myself and property at the cost of their lives!

I start with the quite reasonable assumption that a crowd trying to surround me chanting their Hate of people like me intends to harm me. I respond with all available force until the threat is gone.
In California, one is not allowed to used deadly force to protect their own lives.


technically, it is false.

You can use deadly force to defend your life.

Provided you run away and are being chased into a corner by a guy with a knife. And that you are rich enough to pay off a politician to give you a concealed carry permit. Unless your in your home, then you'll have to leave your home, jump fences and only when you are completely trapped with no way of escape, you can use lethal force. Then be charged for having a firearm outside your home with no gun lock. No stand your ground or castle laws in California. You're required to retreat and you can only use lethal force when faced with 'equal' force.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma,

You can't be charged with a crime or be arrested for defending your home from a home invader. You have the presumed right to use lethal force if you're attacked somewhere you have a right to be. And you can't be sued for it. No mandated gun locks, no magazine restrictions, no gun bans.

I can go to wal-mart and buy an AK-47 for 500 bucks and walk out with it in 5 minutes.
"Just drive really close to them and provoke them. // Then fear for your life and run their asses down."

Jimma wants to go join his kind in prison.
In California, one is not allowed to used deadly force to protect their own lives.


technically, it is false.

You can use deadly force to defend your life.

Provided you run away and are being chased into a corner by a guy with a knife. And that you are rich enough to pay off a politician to give you a concealed carry permit. Unless your in your home, then you'll have to leave your home, jump fences and only when you are completely trapped with no way of escape, you can use lethal force. Then be charged for having a firearm outside your home with no gun lock. No stand your ground or castle laws in California. You're required to retreat and you can only use lethal force when faced with 'equal' force.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma,

You can't be charged with a crime or be arrested for defending your home from a home invader. You have the presumed right to use lethal force if you're attacked somewhere you have a right to be. And you can't be sued for it. No mandated gun locks, no magazine restrictions, no gun bans.

I can go to wal-mart and buy an AK-47 for 500 bucks and walk out with it in 5 minutes.

Jimma gives one of his losing and typical fallacies of false equivalency.
In California, one is not allowed to used deadly force to protect their own lives.


technically, it is false.

You can use deadly force to defend your life.

Provided you run away and are being chased into a corner by a guy with a knife. And that you are rich enough to pay off a politician to give you a concealed carry permit. Unless your in your home, then you'll have to leave your home, jump fences and only when you are completely trapped with no way of escape, you can use lethal force. Then be charged for having a firearm outside your home with no gun lock. No stand your ground or castle laws in California. You're required to retreat and you can only use lethal force when faced with 'equal' force.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma,

You can't be charged with a crime or be arrested for defending your home from a home invader. You have the presumed right to use lethal force if you're attacked somewhere you have a right to be. And you can't be sued for it. No mandated gun locks, no magazine restrictions, no gun bans.

I can go to wal-mart and buy an AK-47 for 500 bucks and walk out with it in 5 minutes.

False again
In California, one is not allowed to used deadly force to protect their own lives.


technically, it is false.

You can use deadly force to defend your life.

Provided you run away and are being chased into a corner by a guy with a knife. And that you are rich enough to pay off a politician to give you a concealed carry permit. Unless your in your home, then you'll have to leave your home, jump fences and only when you are completely trapped with no way of escape, you can use lethal force. Then be charged for having a firearm outside your home with no gun lock. No stand your ground or castle laws in California. You're required to retreat and you can only use lethal force when faced with 'equal' force.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma,

You can't be charged with a crime or be arrested for defending your home from a home invader. You have the presumed right to use lethal force if you're attacked somewhere you have a right to be. And you can't be sued for it. No mandated gun locks, no magazine restrictions, no gun bans.

I can go to wal-mart and buy an AK-47 for 500 bucks and walk out with it in 5 minutes.

False again

Triple FALSE

I love it when liberals just claim false without providing facts.

it shows the weakness of their argument.

Where did you learn to play with colours?

Another reason why liberals need to drop the gun control nonsense and arm themselves. Conservatives dream of ramming into groups of protesters with vehicles to take them out. You've got to have some way to stop them.
Unfortunately, you are probably right.
SSStupid people are just that: ssstupid

It is legal in the state of California to use deadly force to protect oneself

You probably know that California has some of the most restrictive state gun laws in the United States, but did you know that California actually has a form of "Castle Law"? It is found in California Penal Code section 198.5 titled the "Home Protection Bill Of Rights" and it reads as follows The California Gun Attorney - Self-Defense in Your California Home
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

Of course its situational right? someone standing in front of you holding signs and chanting someting is one thing. Surrounding your vehicle banging on your car, trying to open door etc. begins to change things.
Not sure how many protesters tried opening doors of cars in order to attack people

Right. Well I'm not for running over people unless there was an actual threat but these so called protestors have been duped by someone into thinking what they are doing is protesting. It's not protesting, its disrupting. If someone dies on the way to the hospital because an ambulance was blocked or someone with a medical condition was stuck in their car or any other life changing event happens because of their disruption its on their hands.

If they had decided to protest respectfully from the very beginning, instead of screamming and spitting in peoples faces now blocking streets, they would have been taken more seriously. I would have taken them more seriously but now I don't want to hear anything they have to say if they cant protest in a peaceable way. I believe they are reaping the opposite effect of what they are trying to produce. It's not right to run people over but you will always have a driver overtaken by road rage, it happens every day on the freeway even without protestors. Why would these guys be shocked if someone drove through them? More likely the police need to clear them out of the road and prevent these incidents.

Let them do a protest in a town square, a park, march down the street without blocking cars. They need to use their brains and not just their emotions
That's kind of rich coming from a commie.

You can protest all you want, but if you block the road you'll be paving it.
Do you have murder fantasies often? There are therapy and medications available to help with your inner homicidal rage.

I only want to defend my country.
Defend it from what? Opposing opinions? The first amendment is to the left what the 2nd amendment is to the right. Trying to deprive people of either of these rights is going to be messy. Think about what would happen if someone actually came for your guns before you think about trying to put down free speech.
Spoiled Brats' Freedom of Screech

You're promoting freedom to block other people's freedom of movement. Your self-indulgent degenerate revolution will come to a screeching halt once armed vigilantes take the law back into patriots' hands.

Water the tree of liberty with the blood of liberals.

Dont shoot in my yard if avoidable ....I like my oaks and hate to see em poisoned.
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