It should be legal to run over protesters blocking roads

If protesters blocked a public street with an illegal protest, would you stop?

  • Yes. It's wrong to run people over.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • No. Get the fuck out of the road!

    Votes: 24 82.8%

  • Total voters
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I was thinking of this thread, and something occurred to me.

Lefties like to claim that we cons are bad people, racist, supporters of racial violence, even NAZIS.

Yet, we see them string themselves in line of "protesters" across streets, and screaming abuse at the people sitting in cars, that they are seriously hampering, at best.

In doing so, despite their bullshit words, they demonstrate that they are so confident that we are good and nice that they are wiling to be their LIVES literally, that we would not harm them even as they spew hate and threats of violence at us.

At some level, these assholes, know they are the bad guys.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

It could be for an old lady. She might get nervous and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake

Seriously. I think if some dumbass protesters is illegaly protesting without a permit, it should be totally legal to run them over.

If a bunch of liberal protesters came to my neighborhood blocking the street.

I wouldn't stop.

Would you?

I would stop but don't take my stopping as agreeing with their stupidity but knowing unless they do something to threaten my life the only action i can take is stopping and waiting until they move their Walking Brain Dead asses along like the zombies they are.

Now if they decide to try to harm me or those riding with me, well then I will enjoy the crunching of bones because I have the legal right to protect myself and property at the cost of their lives!

Just drive really close to them and provoke them.

Then fear for your life and run their asses down.

Tape only parts that make them look bad for the jury in case things go down.

I prefer to wait for one of the brainless assholes to act stupid and let then start the shit. Texas is a fun state to live in when you know the limits of what you can actually do, and your car and truck are protected and can be defended here in Texas!

Yeah...we're a Joe Horn kinda state.
If the cops fail to do their job and keep traffic moving then protesters become fair game......Death Race 2016
If the cops fail to do their job and keep traffic moving then protesters become fair game......Death Race 2016

Hopefully that'll go the same way as the presidential election.

Now that's what i call a fucking landslide
JimmJohann cracks me up. Smallest minority victory ever in our history. Buyers' remorse growing by leaps and bounds. Powerful GOP senators saying Trump's picks are going to be scrutinized very, very carefully. And Washington D. C. bureaucracy that believes the city is shut down to demonstrations until March? :lol:
Another reason why liberals need to drop the gun control nonsense and arm themselves. Conservatives dream of ramming into groups of protesters with vehicles to take them out. You've got to have some way to stop them.
Exactly. 12 gauge to the front window and a couple shots to the radiator should slow them down.
Another reason why liberals need to drop the gun control nonsense and arm themselves. Conservatives dream of ramming into groups of protesters with vehicles to take them out. You've got to have some way to stop them.
Exactly. 12 gauge to the front window and a couple shots to the radiator should slow them down.
Jeeze Negro.

If you want a war on the streets, sure, long guns will need to get involved.

But if I see Negros with guns I am going to turn around and go down the next off/on ramp to get away from them.
Another reason why liberals need to drop the gun control nonsense and arm themselves. Conservatives dream of ramming into groups of protesters with vehicles to take them out. You've got to have some way to stop them.
Exactly. 12 gauge to the front window and a couple shots to the radiator should slow them down.
Jeeze Negro.

If you want a war on the streets, sure, long guns will need to get involved.

But if I see Negros with guns I am going to turn around and go down the next off/on ramp to get away from them.
Thats the point. You wouldnt be running over any valuable Black people.
Go and try it.

I would say no to running over protestors, but if they descend into attacking your vehicle and threatening violence, they cant hide behind their protestor status any longer. At that point it becomes disseminating Terror
Sounds seriously whimpy if you were to ask me. 'Terror?' :laugh2:

It could be for an old lady. She might get nervous and hit the gas pedal instead of the brake
You're providing exactly what is needed. New ways to justify patriots taking their country back from the stampede of feral misfits.

Well, i wasn't really endorsing squadrons of Grannys in LTDs but if the protestors are wise, they'll give em a wide berth.
"spewing your hatred"....if it even happened besides in your a tad different than wanting to run people over legally. Ok, maybe not in Drumplethinskin World.

Why do you think all the polls were wrong? Why did so many Trump voters not admit to pollsters that they were planning to vote for Trump?

hint: It's because you guys are asshole bullies.

Fuck you.
Such anger from the Right.....
The Klan and the NRA are in the driver`s seat and they`re still whining. Perhaps Trump will pull a George Bush and loot the Treasury and send everyone a check but I suspect they will still cry like babies because Hillary isn`t in jail for using email. Some people just enjoy being miserable I suppose.
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