It Starts: London Muslim Mayor Bans Women In Advertisements

London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women In Advertisements

The Infamous Muslim Oppression of Women Has Begun In London.

Hillary - like Obama - just can't wait to bring thousands of Islamists into the country, despite Sharia law and our Constitution and laws mixing like oil and water. She just declared that Trump, who wants to temporarily suspend bringing them in at least until we have a vetting system that actually WORKS, will take America BACK!

Ummmmm....a Muslim now in power just took London...and women...back to the 'Stone Age'. These are the same people with the same mindset that oppress women, murder them for being raped, and murder gays in their own countries, bringing those tenets of Sharia law to the nations and governments they 'infiltrate'.

How long before the idea of banning gays is introduced in London...then killing them? How long before it starts here?

Before anyone starts balking and saying 'that could never happen here', did you ever think women would be banned from being in advertisements in London? I know I sure never did.

Some might suggest this is a bit of an overreaction on your part. He banned skinny girl ads n the tube and buses in an effort to keep young women from feeling shame if they are not a size 2. Yawn......wake me when he tells women they all must wear burkas. Actually, on second thought don't, they elected the guy, so they get what they get.
The OP means this: "Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport."

The OP supports public porn ads.

No you idiot, public porn is already illegal. Why are progressive so dumb?... why?

This was the horrific ad that just was too shaming to the crazy progressive loonies, who want to ban everything they don't like:

Just more standard Regressive Left tactics.

Turn it on you, make it an insult, deflect from the story.

Fascinating to watch, huh?
Mac loves ad porn and the humiliation of women. Typical far righty sexist.

And again. It literally is an automatic impulse with you people.

Fascinating to watch.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

It really goes to show how the notion of liberalism has all but completely vanished from the left with which it was once associated.
You elect a Muslem politician in Europe sometimes you also elect Sharia law. One thing Americans should know (but probably don't if they were educated in the last 40 years) is that no other country in the world has a Bill of Rights that guarantees freedom like the United States. In other words a European official can ban the things we take for granted in the Constitution until some other official disagrees.
Mac loves him sum ad porn and stumbles along.

Why do you enjoy the shaming of women?

Fascinating indeed. Even if a sign of alarming retardation.
Tell us why Mac and the other perverts love shaming women? Oh . . .
See? He can't stop doing it, even after we point it out.

I'm sure there's some kind of name for this behavior - obsessive compulsive?

That could be part of the explanation for the Regressive Left's behavior.
Couture by Jake
London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women In Advertisements

The Infamous Muslim Oppression of Women Has Begun In London.

Hillary - like Obama - just can't wait to bring thousands of Islamists into the country, despite Sharia law and our Constitution and laws mixing like oil and water. She just declared that Trump, who wants to temporarily suspend bringing them in at least until we have a vetting system that actually WORKS, will take America BACK!

Ummmmm....a Muslim now in power just took London...and women...back to the 'Stone Age'. These are the same people with the same mindset that oppress women, murder them for being raped, and murder gays in their own countries, bringing those tenets of Sharia law to the nations and governments they 'infiltrate'.

How long before the idea of banning gays is introduced in London...then killing them? How long before it starts here?

Before anyone starts balking and saying 'that could never happen here', did you ever think women would be banned from being in advertisements in London? I know I sure never did.

Some might suggest this is a bit of an overreaction on your part. He banned skinny girl ads n the tube and buses in an effort to keep young women from feeling shame if they are not a size 2. Yawn......wake me when he tells women they all must wear burkas. Actually, on second thought don't, they elected the guy, so they get what they get.

because Muslims men are so in tune with the feelings of women......
Damn, this is just so stupid. There are men who are better looking than I am. They are taller, better built, or endowed with bigger equipment. They have better hair, bigger muscles, slimmer waists, and more attractive complexions. Do I demand that only aging men with thinning hair and the beginnings of a beer belly be allowed on ads? No, of course not, and if I did,I would be mocked quite deservedly.

I honestly cannot believe how a person could be so stupid as to be completely unable to see through this most transparent Muslim ruse. Body shaming, indeed.

I have a word of advice to both men and women. If you are fat and unattractive, deal with it -- literally if you wish. maybe you can work on your personality, instead of running around whining that others look better than you while demanding they change everything they do to assuage your feelings of insecurity.
London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women In Advertisements

The Infamous Muslim Oppression of Women Has Begun In London.

Hillary - like Obama - just can't wait to bring thousands of Islamists into the country, despite Sharia law and our Constitution and laws mixing like oil and water. She just declared that Trump, who wants to temporarily suspend bringing them in at least until we have a vetting system that actually WORKS, will take America BACK!

Ummmmm....a Muslim now in power just took London...and women...back to the 'Stone Age'. These are the same people with the same mindset that oppress women, murder them for being raped, and murder gays in their own countries, bringing those tenets of Sharia law to the nations and governments they 'infiltrate'.

How long before the idea of banning gays is introduced in London...then killing them? How long before it starts here?

Before anyone starts balking and saying 'that could never happen here', did you ever think women would be banned from being in advertisements in London? I know I sure never did.
This is no big deal! What about a long ago ad for a certain kind of Sun Tan Lotion! Ya know, where the kids bathing suit is down showing tan line on the kids butt? So, what was that? An ad for emerging Pedophiles! This guy in London, the Mayor doesn't want to screw around with Donald Trump. These freakin Muslims are a peculiar group; shame the women but kill the infidels.
This country is based on Christian Beliefs...we cannot have Muslims make
Beheading or wholesale murder occur in our cities.
Khan, who was elected in May, said the ads targeted in the ban promote “unrealistic expectations” surrounding women’s bodies. “As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies,” he said in a statement.

London’s Mayor Bans Body-Shaming Ads on Public Transport

I'm not sure I agree with his ban, but it is of course limited to adds on their the Public Transport.
Khan, who was elected in May, said the ads targeted in the ban promote “unrealistic expectations” surrounding women’s bodies. “As the father of two teenage girls, I am extremely concerned about this kind of advertising which can demean people, particularly women, and make them ashamed of their bodies,” he said in a statement.

London’s Mayor Bans Body-Shaming Ads on Public Transport

I'm not sure I agree with his ban, but it is of course limited to adds on their the Public Transport.
As I recall, we shamed Abercombie and Finch a few years back. It's just more of the Trump bandwagon of xenophobia. Personally, I'm not voting for the guy, though. (-:
As I recall, we shamed Abercombie and Finch a few years back. It's just more of the Trump bandwagon of xenophobia. Personally, I'm not voting for the guy, though. (-:

"we"? Who is "we"?

The Muslim Brotherhood?

Abercrombie & Fitch: Stop Making Teens Feel Worthless

O.k. -- so you are a member of Proud2Bme -- an online community for teens.

My question is this: If you are really so concerned with body image, why did you use that mostly shirtless guy with the smokin hot body to advertise yourself?

I'm feeling so much shame right now and it's all because of you damn teenagers!
The OP means this: "Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport."

The OP supports public porn ads.
Nice liberal spin. Just as the Muslim mayor is outrun on his Islamic spin. He calls it body shamming to put a pretty women in advertisement. Bullshit he is pushing passive sharia law.

Do you liberal nutjobs not care about slippery slopes? British girls are regularly physically attacked by Muslims for wearing skirts or other clothing they don't approve of. How long before they force British women to wear modest dresses that go all the way to the floor? How long before the "morality" police patrol the streets?

In just 10 years Muslims have grown from a percent of a percent to 5%. Look at the stats. 10 mil Brits are over 65 and the native British youth aren't reproducing. While the Muslims still pump out 4-6 kids per family and legal and illegal immigration is still very high. By 2050 they will be at 40-50%.

UK Muslim population of 26 million by 2051? - The Commentator
Seriously jake? You find a woman in a bathing suit objectionable? Next you want them banned from the pools and beach as well?
Whay happened to its a womans body, her chojce?
The OP means this: "Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport."

The OP supports public porn ads.

No you idiot, public porn is already illegal. Why are progressive so dumb?... why?

This was the horrific ad that just was too shaming to the crazy progressive loonies, who want to ban everything they don't like:

Just more standard Regressive Left tactics.

Turn it on you, make it an insult, deflect from the story.

Fascinating to watch, huh?
Mac loves ad porn and the humiliation of women. Typical far righty sexist.
The OP means this: "Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, announced Monday that “body shaming” advertisements will no longer be allowed in London’s public transport."

The OP supports public porn ads.
Jake you are a deceiver and a liar. Porn ads are not placed on London public transport. Try engaging in a discussion without lying and making things up to score bogus points at others' expense.

This is nothing more than the massive oppression of women, and the hypocritical liberals who claim the GOP is waging the bogus War on Women are actually defending this Islamist / Muslim as he institures Sharia law in london.

Get ready for burquas, ladies.
As I recall, we shamed Abercombie and Finch a few years back. It's just more of the Trump bandwagon of xenophobia. Personally, I'm not voting for the guy, though. (-:

"we"? Who is "we"?

The Muslim Brotherhood?

Abercrombie & Fitch: Stop Making Teens Feel Worthless

O.k. -- so you are a member of Proud2Bme -- an online community for teens.

My question is this: If you are really so concerned with body image, why did you use that mostly shirtless guy with the smokin hot body to advertise yourself?

I'm feeling so much shame right now and it's all because of you damn teenagers!
blow it out your racist xenophobic dishonest ass
In just 10 years Muslims have grown from a percent of a percent to 5%. Look at the stats. 10 mil Brits are over 65 and the native British youth aren't reproducing. While the Muslims still pump out 4-6 kids per family and legal and illegal immigration is still very high. By 2050 they will be at 40-50%.

UK Muslim population of 26 million by 2051? - The Commentator

You need to remember that you are talking to Jakey boy, here. This represents his perfect multicultural paradise.

The extinguishment of all the diverse European cultures can't come fast enough for him.

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