It takes 3/4 of the States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution: The Electoral College is safe

Violates one man, one vote

Some votes count more than others
the Electoral College is as out dated & useless as a dirty used condom full of holes.

the fear in this thread from the right is hilarious.

The only hilarious thing I see is an idiot like you who doesn't understand the EC.

Sucks to be your worthless ass.

The only hilarious thing I see is an idiot like you who doesn't understand the EC.

Sucks to be your worthless ass."

The only hilarious thing I see is an idiot who refuses to speak like a civilized person so she resorts to insults and personal attacks.

Just like trump.

I am so thankful I am a better person.
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

DO conservatives also believe that weaker sports teams should get extra points?

you make it fair........

why should the BIG schools win all the time......

It wouldn't be fair.....
You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

Of course it will, The blue city's and states are indoctrinated.

As Trumpybear has found out, the US Presidency is not a dictatorship. Electing the President by a National vote wouldn't change that.

Excuse me?

A liberal judge ruled that Trump couldn't erase an Obama's E.O. unless he went through congress. (It doesnt matter that the boy king didn't)

Directly electing a President will not effect the ability of the President to issue EO's
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

DO conservatives also believe that weaker sports teams should get extra points?

you make it fair........

why should the BIG schools win all the time......

It wouldn't be fair.....
Flee to Venezuela while you still can.
As to the "works" if the goal is a tyranny by the minority
Violates one man, one vote

Some votes count more than others

Your vote matter for Senate , House, State and Local elections and the Presidential Elections was setup so States like California would not elect the President while the majority of States voted against their candidate.

All of you understand this and yet to accept it. Obama and Clinton won twice under this system, so where was your complaint during those times?
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

I really hate agreeing with you. But, in this one, isolated case, you're right. ;)
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

If the 2016 results were reversed, the Hildebeast winning the EC but losing the popular vote to Trump this would NOT be an issue. This is a two faced attempt by the looney left.
Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk.

Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk. | RealClearPolitics
April 4, 2019 ~ By Susan Crabtree
The push to abolish the Electoral College is picking up steam as Democrats turn their attention to the 2020. Former Attorney General Eric Holder is among the latest high-profile Democrats to call for eliminating the age-old system, deeming it a “vestige of the past” and “undemocratic.” Some of the Democrats in the crowded 2020 field, ranging from South Bend, Ind., Mayor Peter Buttigieg to Sens. Elizabeth and Kirsten Gillibrand, had previously sounded the call. Warren has argued for a change in which “every vote matters.” ~ Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk.
A group of big-state Democratic senators, including Gillibrand (New York), Dick Durbin (Illinois), and Dianne Feinstein (California), introduced a constitutional amendment Tuesday that would jettison the Electoral College. The measure is mostly an exercise to spur debate because such amendments require two-thirds majority votes in both the chambers of Congress, and GOP Senate leaders would no doubt block it from receiving any floor consideration....If American history is any guide, however, both major political parties should be careful what they wish for. Altering the Constitution doesn’t always produce the expected consequences.

The elimination of the Electoral College means the end of the two party system in the US. Without 51 individual, including DC, winner take all elections for POTUS there is no reason structural reason why there cannot be more than 2 major political parties. Depending on the system used the US will have 3 to perhaps a dozen credible parties in a popular vote presidential system.
Proceed at One's Own Risk. Like 1913, with the direct election of Senators.
Amending or not amending the Constitution based on today's political calculations is a monument to stupidity.
The Electoral College has a purpose. And even though the small Blue States are doing their best to deny themselves the protection of the E.C. system, it should remain in place. The EC is specifically designed to protect the Republic from the tyranny of the mob. see the Federalist Papers #45 for details.
The Federalist #45
Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk.

Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk. | RealClearPolitics
April 4, 2019 ~ By Susan Crabtree
The push to abolish the Electoral College is picking up steam as Democrats turn their attention to the 2020. Former Attorney General Eric Holder is among the latest high-profile Democrats to call for eliminating the age-old system, deeming it a “vestige of the past” and “undemocratic.” Some of the Democrats in the crowded 2020 field, ranging from South Bend, Ind., Mayor Peter Buttigieg to Sens. Elizabeth and Kirsten Gillibrand, had previously sounded the call. Warren has argued for a change in which “every vote matters.” ~ Abolish the Electoral College? Proceed at One's Own Risk.
A group of big-state Democratic senators, including Gillibrand (New York), Dick Durbin (Illinois), and Dianne Feinstein (California), introduced a constitutional amendment Tuesday that would jettison the Electoral College. The measure is mostly an exercise to spur debate because such amendments require two-thirds majority votes in both the chambers of Congress, and GOP Senate leaders would no doubt block it from receiving any floor consideration....If American history is any guide, however, both major political parties should be careful what they wish for. Altering the Constitution doesn’t always produce the expected consequences.

The elimination of the Electoral College means the end of the two party system in the US. Without 51 individual, including DC, winner take all elections for POTUS there is no reason structural reason why there cannot be more than 2 major political parties. Depending on the system used the US will have 3 to perhaps a dozen credible parties in a popular vote presidential system.
Proceed at One's Own Risk. Like 1913, with the direct election of Senators.
Amending or not amending the Constitution based on today's political calculations is a monument to stupidity.
The Electoral College has a purpose. And even though the small Blue States are doing their best to deny themselves the protection of the E.C. system, it should remain in place. The EC is specifically designed to protect the Republic from the tyranny of the mob. see the Federalist Papers #45 for details.
The Federalist #45

Well shit, I was agasint getting rid of the EC till you posted this....The elimination of the Electoral College means the end of the two party system in the US. Without 51 individual, including DC, winner take all elections for POTUS there is no reason structural reason why there cannot be more than 2 major political parties. Depending on the system used the US will have 3 to perhaps a dozen credible parties in a popular vote presidential system.

The two party system is killing America, they have absolute power and absolute power always corrupts. The two parties are fundamentally the same except for a few social issues.
The hedonistic Democrats want to dismantle the United States, get rid of fair elections that the Electoral College guarantees, and beat up Republican leaders on their way to the throne they plan on setting up just as soon as they can unseat President Trump as fast as they can. All these creepy demands for information that quite frankly is none of their business when it violates the Separation of Powers we have always observed.

They had their two years to destroy Trump. The footshoot stops here.
The Democrats will do anything to rig the next election to go DEm. Bring in the illegals, put the voting age to 18, get rid of the EC. Super Delegates were not enough!

What a sorry lot they are.
the end of the two party system in the US

Well I'm sold. Let's get started.

the tyranny of the mob.

Oh, true democracy would be such a tyrannical nightmare! The horror!
Democracies crumble. Republics last longer. Be patient. When Democracies crumble, Strongmen come in to pick up the pieces, right after they murder off a quarter or more of the population when their weak cabinets really screw things up.
Y’all be singing a different tune if the EC ignored the votes and decided to put in Hillary .

Which is allowed under the EC system .

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