It takes 3/4 of the States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution: The Electoral College is safe

In a republic made up of 13 States, where the majority of the county was rural farmers in small communities, it made sense to have a Federal Government slow as molasses. The EC was useful because we didn't have instantaneous communication 24/7/365. Times have changed. Time to upgrade not just the EC but the whole process. Quit the continual campaign season and lets have a legislative season where we try to create solutions and not just try to stab each other in the back so we'll win next year.
The EC prevented a maj based on sectionalism. It was not about bigger v. smaller, as the South had the biggest and fifth biggest. But most states were not in the South. Maybe we
Violates one man, one vote

Some votes count more than others
Move to a nation that fits your needs then.

Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

We're not going to amend it. We may get 270 to agree to just vote the winner. And that might get every state to agree to just apportion their EV's by the pop vote in each state
You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

Oh right; those same folks (FFs) also gave US The 3/5ths Compromise. I suppose you still desire slavery?

Pay grade? LOL, you are a dumb ass that does not believe in progress.

You & your kind would rather be stuck in some goddamn cave, back in time, never evolving .........
The 3/5th’s clause was anti-slavery, no wonder you hate it, shitforbrains.

Amusing, but no.
Ya, giving slave states more Congressmen to rule the nation is anti slavery.


Dude, did that hurt when you twisted it out of your ass like that? it is not anti-Slavery in the least. It is a Pro Slave State compromise. It gave the Slave States more power to continue their pro-slavery agenda.
In a republic made up of 13 States, where the majority of the county was rural farmers in small communities, it made sense to have a Federal Government slow as molasses. The EC was useful because we didn't have instantaneous communication 24/7/365. Times have changed. Time to upgrade not just the EC but the whole process. Quit the continual campaign season and lets have a legislative season where we try to create solutions and not just try to stab each other in the back so we'll win next year.
The EC prevented a maj based on sectionalism. It was not about bigger v. smaller, as the South had the biggest and fifth biggest. But most states were not in the South. Maybe we
Move to a nation that fits your needs then.

Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

We're not going to amend it. We may get 270 to agree to just vote the winner. And that might get every state to agree to just apportion their EV's by the pop vote in each state

I agree we will not amend it.
Dude, did that hurt when you twisted it out of your ass like that? it is not anti-Slavery in the least. It is a Pro Slave State compromise. It gave the Slave States more power to continue their pro-slavery agenda.

I haven't read a lot of the Federalist papers on the topic but I think the 3/5 rule was instituted in order to deprive the Slave States of over-representation in the House of Representatives.

Otherwise, the Slave States would have had many, many more Representatives than they did.

Blacks couldn't vote but The Constitution doesn't distinguish between who can vote and who can't when comes to apportionment for the House, which is determined by the Census.

Women couldn't vote but they were counted toward apportionment.

In fact, in those days, they didn't even define what a 'Citizen' was. And not everybody could vote. For quite a time, you had to be a Property Owner to vote but non-property owners still counted in the Census

No, the 3/5 rule was to deny Federal House Representatives to the Slave States.

I don't know where you people get your information from but you need to stop.

Violates one man, one vote

Some votes count more than others
Move to a nation that fits your needs then.

Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

Of course it will, The blue city's and states are indoctrinated.
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.
"This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations."
Even that has a fix. Put good military minds in charge of the educational curriculum and oversight of every classroom in America. :muahaha:

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.
A president does not represent the states. That is what Congress is for

A president represents the people and should be popularly elected
Only a moron wants Los Angeles and New Yorkers picking the President every 4 years. Look what they’ve done to their own shitholes.
American citizens would be picking the president regardless of where they vote

Why should the vote of someone in Wyoming count four times that of someone in California?

You’re only assuming that because Cali is firmly entrenched as blue. If Cali were purple then a Cali vote would be worth considerably more than Wyoming
Doesn’t matter in a popular vote

All votes are equal regardless of the state
Dude, did that hurt when you twisted it out of your ass like that? it is not anti-Slavery in the least. It is a Pro Slave State compromise. It gave the Slave States more power to continue their pro-slavery agenda.

I haven't read a lot of the Federalist papers on the topic but I think the 3/5 rule was instituted in order to deprive the Slave States of over-representation in the House of Representatives.

Otherwise, the Slave States would have had many, many more Representatives than they did.

Blacks couldn't vote but The Constitution doesn't distinguish between who can vote and who can't when comes to apportionment for the House, which is determined by the Census.

Women couldn't vote but they were counted toward apportionment.

In fact, in those days, they didn't even define what a 'Citizen' was. And not everybody could vote. For quite a time, you had to be a Property Owner to vote but non-property owners still counted in the Census

No, the 3/5 rule was to deny Federal House Representatives to the Slave States.

I don't know where you people get your information from but you need to stop.


The position of the Free states was that the Slaves should only count for taxation purposes but not for representation. Of course the Slave states wanted no slave to be counted for taxation purposed and all the slaves to be counted for representation. The compromise gave the Slave states more representation than the free states wanted but less than the Slave states wanted. It is not anti-slavery by any stretch of the imagination. The 13th Amendment is Anti-Slavery!
A constitutional amendment ending the electoral college will never pass

The only option is for states to pledge their electoral votes to whoever wins the nationwide popular vote
The Democrats want to be like Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.
The Left wants America to be a one party country so that they can do what ever they want.
Move to a nation that fits your needs then.

Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

Of course it will, The blue city's and states are indoctrinated.

As Trumpybear has found out, the US Presidency is not a dictatorship. Electing the President by a National vote wouldn't change that.
The position of the Free states was that the Slaves should only count for taxation purposes but not for representation. Of course the Slave states wanted no slave to be counted for taxation purposed and all the slaves to be counted for representation. The compromise gave the Slave states more representation than the free states wanted but less than the Slave states wanted. It is not anti-slavery by any stretch of the imagination. The 13th Amendment is Anti-Slavery!

Jesus Jumping Christ on a fucking Pogo stick.

You're conflating the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.........

Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia

The proposed ratio was, however, a ready solution to the impasse that arose during the Constitutional Convention. In that situation, the alignment of the contending forces was the reverse of what had been obtained under the Articles of Confederation in 1783. In amending the Articles, the North wanted slaves to count for more than the South did because the objective was to determine taxes paid by the states to the federal government. In the Constitutional Convention, the more important issue was representation in Congress, so the South wanted slaves to count for more than the North did
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

It's good to bear in mind that we do NOT live in a democracy but a representative republic. That way you won't look so foolish in future. Trust me on this or else read your constitution. I trust you can read.
Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

Of course it will, The blue city's and states are indoctrinated.

As Trumpybear has found out, the US Presidency is not a dictatorship. Electing the President by a National vote wouldn't change that.
Of course Leftards want New Yorkers and Los Angelinos to determine who’s President. Then campaigning would be merely promising those two cities freebies for everything.
The world’s first democracy was ancient Athens, which allowed around 30,000 free adult male citizens to choose their leaders. They made up less than 15 percent of the population, but it was the most egalitarian political innovation to date.

It didn’t take long for the system to implode amid rampant corruption, an economic downturn, immigration headaches and unpopular foreign wars. (Sound familiar?) The plan of “one man, one vote” devolved into a kind of mob rule, the populace veering with wild swings of opinion. Voters overthrew leaders, exiled the unpopular, and executed generals and politicians – even Socrates himself.

As the saying goes, democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. The Founders looked to Athens less as a political model than an object lesson in what not to do.

James Madison said that democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Therefore, America was set up as a republic, filled with countless checks and balances to avoid one group gaining power and using it to punish or exclude everyone they didn’t like.

The Electoral College is undemocratic? Of course. That's why it works

This push to gut our Constitution is the fruits of the Left controlling the education system and dumbing down the younger generations.

It's good to bear in mind that we do NOT live in a democracy but a representative republic. That way you won't look so foolish in future. Trust me on this or else read your constitution. I trust you can read.
You need to learn to read.
Never heard of a Constitutional amendment?

You, me, maybe a few others here understand The Constitution is a 'living' document that the Founders desired to have flexibility over time.
The conservative shitheads here however HATE The Constitution, they hate the potential for lawful amendments, thus these shitheads HATE The Constitution.

You would never get an Amendment passed dissolving the electoral college.
No way did our FF's want a straight up democracy.....they liked the democratic republic.....and for good reason
that goes way above your pay grade, apparently.

The entire country voting on one position will not throw the country in to straight up, tyrannical democracy.

Of course it will, The blue city's and states are indoctrinated.

As Trumpybear has found out, the US Presidency is not a dictatorship. Electing the President by a National vote wouldn't change that.

Excuse me?

A liberal judge ruled that Trump couldn't erase an Obama's E.O. unless he went through congress. (It doesnt matter that the boy king didn't)
The position of the Free states was that the Slaves should only count for taxation purposes but not for representation. Of course the Slave states wanted no slave to be counted for taxation purposed and all the slaves to be counted for representation. The compromise gave the Slave states more representation than the free states wanted but less than the Slave states wanted. It is not anti-slavery by any stretch of the imagination. The 13th Amendment is Anti-Slavery!

Jesus Jumping Christ on a fucking Pogo stick.

You're conflating the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.........

Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia

The proposed ratio was, however, a ready solution to the impasse that arose during the Constitutional Convention. In that situation, the alignment of the contending forces was the reverse of what had been obtained under the Articles of Confederation in 1783. In amending the Articles, the North wanted slaves to count for more than the South did because the objective was to determine taxes paid by the states to the federal government. In the Constitutional Convention, the more important issue was representation in Congress, so the South wanted slaves to count for more than the North did

The issue is nearly identical.

Representatives and direct Taxes.

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