It Took Secret Service Four Days To Realize Someone Fired Seven Shots At The White House

They didnt report it in hopes that he would come back and try again?
And maybe aim a little better......
If this has ANYTHING to do with the Service sandbagging it, they have to be investigated, and people need to be fired.

Even Ace of Spades HQ, a rightie blog if there ever was one, says this. They defend the institution as much as they defend the man. We may think he's an idiot, but the office is still ours.

Plus if anyone thinks Biden would be better they have a screw loose.
Maybe it has something to do with the way they're treated by the first family.
If this has ANYTHING to do with the Service sandbagging it, they have to be investigated, and people need to be fired.

Even Ace of Spades HQ, a rightie blog if there ever was one, says this. They defend the institution as much as they defend the man. We may think he's an idiot, but the office is still ours.

Plus if anyone thinks Biden would be better they have a screw loose.

Biden was born in the USA, ain't a muslim or a queer.....senile yeah, a traitor, no.
If this has ANYTHING to do with the Service sandbagging it, they have to be investigated, and people need to be fired.

Even Ace of Spades HQ, a rightie blog if there ever was one, says this. They defend the institution as much as they defend the man. We may think he's an idiot, but the office is still ours.

Plus if anyone thinks Biden would be better they have a screw loose.

Biden was born in the USA, ain't a muslim or a queer.....senile yeah, a traitor, no.
I don't know about the traitor part, look at where his loyalties lie now.
Hmmm...Hispanic wall jumpers and now the White House getting peppered. The latter shouldn't be considered a big deal. They're probably a dozen drive-by gunfire incidents a day in DC, all of them perpetrated by gang-banging crip thugs like Michael Brown. The White House just happened to be collateral damage in one of them.
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.

Yeah, invoking the federal power of eminent domain to trump the property rights of a few more poor people just so we can build our CiC a more secretive, fortified, Byzantine house: bet that'll go over really well in the media.
When diversity of workforce becomes more important than competence in the workforce, why is anyone surprised that actual evidence of incompetence begins appearing?
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.

Yeah, invoking the federal power of eminent domain to trump the property rights of a few more poor people just so we can build our CiC a more secretive, fortified, Byzantine house: bet that'll go over really well in the media.

If it were built elsewhere we would not need the takings clause. If it remains where it is, they need to use that mother to build a palace for the POTUS. So the Ronald Reagan building built by Asian businessmen and the American Redcross might have to relocate. No big deal in the grand scheme of things.
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.
That part of town isn't really inundated with locals and is fairly removed from DC crime. An effort needs to be made to make crime there happen.
This is most likely SS following the lead of the ineptness of their president.
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.
That part of town isn't really inundated with locals and is fairly removed from DC crime. An effort needs to be made to make crime there happen.
This is most likely SS following the lead of the ineptness of their president.

The issue isn't locals. That area of DC is inundated with people. Pushing out the boundaries of the WH campus and putting sightline barriers in place to catch bullets would help security a lot. Moving the POTUS residence to somewhere else where anybody reconning the place would stand out like a sore thumb would be even better.
This is the same secret service having drunken parties with hired whores. Then tried to short the whores.
My old Recon platoon could take the WH in a matter of minutes....Maybe Obozo should remember he's at the mercy of Troops who despise him. :doubt:
The Presidential Residence needs to be moved to somewhere more secure or the government just needs to eminent domain parts of the entire area that they do not currently own and bulldoze most of it. Trying to keep the POTUS & family secure 24/7 in an urban setting with people being able to get within shooting distance is insane.
That part of town isn't really inundated with locals and is fairly removed from DC crime. An effort needs to be made to make crime there happen.
This is most likely SS following the lead of the ineptness of their president.

The issue isn't locals. That area of DC is inundated with people. Pushing out the boundaries of the WH campus and putting sightline barriers in place to catch bullets would help security a lot. Moving the POTUS residence to somewhere else where anybody reconning the place would stand out like a sore thumb would be even better.
They already have jersey barriers in place since Clinton's days. What's more there are snipers on the roof of the White House and the exec building 24/7. Seems they could/should have seen the action coming and taken necessary steps. Unless they were all inside having another party.

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