It Use To Be Catholic Priests, Now Its Your Kids' Techers

Yes, you did, you fucking liar. You said "Better background checks, cameras in the classroom for starters"!
Show me where I said I hate teachers or that I know what's in current background checks, bitch.

You CAN'T because I didn't say any of that. Go away, liar. Pester someone else with your emotional bullshit.
Show me where I said I hate teachers or that I know what's in current background checks, bitch.

You CAN'T because I didn't say any of that. Go away, liar. Pester someone else with your emotional bullshit.
Your attitude is that you hate teachers and it is readily apparent to anyone who reads your idiotic comments.

If you don't know what it is in the current background checks, why the fuck did you say we needed better background checks?

You are turning into a real piece of shit easyt65! You lie too much!
Better background checks, cameras in the classroom for starters
This again? They are not going to put cameras in the classrooms. Let it go. When criminals are caught committing crimes they should be punished and punished harshly. That goes for every kind of crime in every kind of situation in every kind of profession.
Better background checks, cameras in the classroom for starters
Every teacher counselor and administrator in a public school has to undergo a Cori check every year. When these freaks in question get caught, it’s the first time they got caught. Punishments must be harsh enough that it is the last and that other people see how dire the consequences of such crimes are.
Thank you for admitting YOU LIED and that I did NOT say those things, LIAR, but way to try to spin your way out of it.

Hey dickhead! Do you know what this means? "?"

It means a fucking question, you incredible dumbass!

I never lie. You do all too often. I just caught you in a lie about background checks! Now, slink off the thread like a good little liar!
Hey dickhead! Do you know what this means? "?"

It means a fucking question, you incredible dumbass!

I never lie.
Hey, Captain Dickhead, you declared I said I hated teachers. I challenged you to post my exact words saying I did.

Your response was, "Your ATTITUDE blah, blah, blah..."

You got caught in a lie, one of those things you said you never do...which means you just LIED AGAIN!


Dude, just stop while you're BEHIND before you humiliate yourself further.

Put your big ego in your pocket next to your tiny *Johnson, & just walk away.


One of the biggest mistakes egotistical pompous assholes like you always make is trying to speak for others - 'You said / you think" - instead of just sticking to speaking for yourselves. I don't need a translator, especially one who lies about what I said, admits he lied, then.lies about never everyone just saw you do.


If you want to get all emotional now and try to convince me that you never lie and when you admitted I never said what you claimed you got your feelings hurt you will be talking to yourself. This ridiculous conversation is over.

Man up, admit you screwed the pooch, and apologize, or just keep throwing your tantrum over getting busted.

As observed above, child-predators seek out positions where they will have opportunities to isolate and victimize children of their preferred type. Further, they do everything they can to avoid detection, and to intimidate their victims so they will not talk about what has been done to them.

The propensity to engage in these activities cannot always be detected through any sort of screening, so some predators will always slip through the cracks.

The only solution is to teach kids what to look for and what to avoid, and whom to tell when something inappropriate is done. Investigate every report and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Without violating anyone's rights to the presumption of innocence and a fair and impartial trial.

Unfortunately, it is likely that there are several actual cases of abuse for every single one that comes to light.

135 known cases is a meaningless statistic.

Sexualizing and grooming your kids hasn't been enough for an alarming number of teachers this year...

Pedo educator sex crimes on the rise...

Actually it's always been teachers as well as priests, and scout leaders, and child care professionals.

As one criminal once said about why he robbed banks "because that's where the money is". Well for this situation it's "that's where the kids are"
Noted that Fox News didn't post the number of teachers in total of the United States.

In short, since the author of this thread will never read a link, the math of 135 in 3,198.170 can not be "sex crimes on the rise", especially when no other numbers are presented by his link.

So because it's less of a percent than 30 years ago when it was priests in the news there is no issue with this?

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.
As observed above, child-predators seek out positions where they will have opportunities to isolate and victimize children of their preferred type. Further, they do everything they can to avoid detection, and to intimidate their victims so they will not talk about what has been done to them.

The propensity to engage in these activities cannot always be detected through any sort of screening, so some predators will always slip through the cracks.

The only solution is to teach kids what to look for and what to avoid, and whom to tell when something inappropriate is done. Investigate every report and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Without violating anyone's rights to the presumption of innocence and a fair and impartial trial.

Unfortunately, it is likely that there are several actual cases of abuse for every single one that comes to light.

135 known cases is a meaningless statistic.

I think with priests it was the fact that men with homosexual urges found the priesthood as an acceptable "out" and some couldn't control themselves. Most priest molestations were pubescent and post-pubescent boys, right about the point most of the priests subdued their own sexual development.

The issue has been decreasing since the 90's and 2000's now that the Church has begun screening potential priests far more seriously.

Of course letting priests marry would eliminate the dual problem of this, as well as the priest shortage. I would let priests only marry nuns, make it like some giant Catholic matchmaking service.
Hey, Captain Dickhead, you declared I said I hated teachers. I challenged you to post my exact words saying I did.

Your response was, "Your ATTITUDE blah, blah, blah..."

You got caught in a lie, one of those things you said you never do...which means you just LIED AGAIN!


Dude, just stop while you're BEHIND before you humiliate yourself further.

Put your big ego in your pocket next to your tiny *Johnson, & just walk away.


One of the biggest mistakes egotistical pompous assholes like you always make is trying to speak for others - 'You said / you think" - instead of just sticking to speaking for yourselves. I don't need a translator, especially one who lies about what I said, admits he lied, then.lies about never everyone just saw you do.


If you want to get all emotional now and try to convince me that you never lie and when you admitted I never said what you claimed you got your feelings hurt you will be talking to yourself. This ridiculous conversation is over.

Man up, admit you screwed the pooch, and apologize, or just keep throwing your tantrum over getting busted.

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I quoted what I said, and it was a fucking question. Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury or did you never learn to read?

You really are challenging for the forum Dickhead of the Year Award. Reread the G-D thread or find a 5th grader to read it for you.
I quoted what I said, and it was a fucking question. Did you suffer a traumatic brain injury or did you never learn to read?

You really are challenging for the forum Dickhead of the Year Award. Reread the G-D thread or find a 5th grader to read it for you.
"Why do you hate teachers so much?"

You accused me of hating teachers. I NEVER SAID I DID.

The above is a little snowflake trick used by punk-asses trying to score cheap hits on others by insinuating false premises.
-- If those big words and the concept were too hard to understand get your mommy to explain them to you.

You accused me of a lot of things I never said.

Again, cut the crap, stop the childish games, cease your egotistical tantrum, and go peddle your shit to your low-IQ friends who are easily impressed (and equally easily offended like you).

While funny and mildly entertaining, your attempt to salvage your ego after getting appropriately busted / scolded is getting old.

....but if it makes you feel better and prevents you from going out and shooting up a 7-12, RANT ON, Cap'n.


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