Nolte: Yes, Democrats Really Do Want to Groom Your Children

Yes, I have often compared Libertarians to retarded children. They don't seem to understand that you don't have civilization without government.

It's easy to believe in "exceptionalism" when you've had 400 years of white privilege gaming the system for you.
You think I'm white?

What makes you think that?
The problem is the sexualization of kids happens all over. The media is massively guilty. It's NOT schools doing it.

Schools are, for the most part, trying to EDUCATE children.

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Here's a nice map of sex ed in the US.

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Here's a map of STD

Mississippi is number one for STDs.

"Mississippi state law requires that abstinence-only or abstinence-plus education be taught in schools."

"however, sex ed in Mississippi “shall not include instruction and demonstrations on the application and use of condoms.”"

"Mississippi state law does not require STDs and HIV/AIDS education, but it school sex ed programs are to discuss “the nature, causes and effects of [STDs],” and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other [STDs].”"

So clearly the lack of GOOD sex ed in Mississippi is part of the problem.

Nevada is number two for STDs in the US.

"Teaching about abstinence or contraceptives, such as condoms, the Pill, or the Patch, is not required."

"Teaching about abstinence or contraceptives, such as condoms, the Pill, or the Patch, is not required."

Nevada's sex ed is probably better than Mississippi's, though I'd suggest Vegas plays a big part in all of this.

Louisiana is third for STDs.

"Louisiana state law does not overtly require sex ed to be taught in school, but as of the 2014-2015 school year, students are required to take a half-credit of health education."

"Students are to “learn about sexual abstinence and sexual risk behaviors…"

California is number 4

The issue with CA is that many people are from outside of CA. Sex ed doesn't impact them if they don't go through sex ed in the first place.

San Francisco attracts lots of gay people from other states, people who'll move there in their early adulthood, having had sex ed (or not) in another state.

"As of 2019, 34% of San Francisco, CA residents were born outside of the country (300k people)."

Also San Francisco is known as the gay capital of the US and this probably attracts people who do sleep around a lot and don't take as many precautions.

New Mexico is number 5

"Abstinence must be covered and stressed as the only completely effective protection against unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS when transmitted sexually."

So clearly there's a link between the teaching of abstinence only, and proper sex ed and the amount of STDs in a state. Education IS THE ANSWER. It's pretty clear.
But I guess it goes against people's religion, allowing them to push ignorance and problems for their own purposes.
Schools are not trying to educate---
They have been failing at educating more each year as they rely more and more heavily on indoctrinating children.
Schools are not trying to educate---
They have been failing at educating more each year as they rely more and more heavily on indoctrinating children.

Well, that's not true... as test scores have been going up for nearly two decades.

Schools are not trying to educate---
They have been failing at educating more each year as they rely more and more heavily on indoctrinating children.

Well, what you've said seems to be "indoctrination" too.

Indoctrination is an important part of society. People grow up with the values and habits of their own society. That's why China is different to the US and both different to Europe.

We indoctrinate from all levels because indoctrination is forcing something on people and it happens right from the word "go", because kids can't think for themselves. Many adults can't either, but kids actually can't. They need to be given a lot of things before they can even contemplate using their own brains to think about things.

Part of education is producing productive adults. People are more productive if they go along with what they're told than if they're constantly fighting because they have their opinions that run contrary to others.

Even if you educate most people, they're going to go along with some line of indoctrination or other. Information being pumped out that sounds good and people don't stop to think. Like climate change the anti-government, anti-do anything about climate change or those who know they have to do something about climate change and warming is only because of humans. Either side has its indoctrination and its believers.

Religion produces a bunch of believers, a bunch of people so indoctrinated they couldn't think for themselves if they tried.

Education is wasted on a lot of people, especially the education you're talking about which requires them to use their brains, rather than learn, regurgitate, rinse and repeat type education.
Confession: I couldn't get through all 7 pages of this thread.
There be nutjobbery here.

Just a note -- using the term "groomer" is universally associated with the speaker being fascist filth, so it's best to avoid using that term. Unless you want people to think you're fascist filth.
Well, I'm not convinced that those who are using the new RWNJ concept of 'grooming' are always, or necessairly, "fascist filth". Rather, I tend more towards the suggestion that the popularity of the term is proof of the mainstreaming of QAnon's jackassery. I read "grooming" and I automatically think QAnon-nutter.
But that's just me.

Fuck you, asshole. I'm not faking anything. I was there. I saw it all with my own two eyes. .... Fuck you from the bottom of my heart. ...........
Every word out of their mouths is a fucking lie. ..........
Well, I got news for this fucking retard,

Now look, I understand the concept of YMMV----Your Mileage May Vary ---as code for the idea that we each may see issues and developments with different eyes. So with that said, I'll offer some patience to a poster like above.
However, I personally would fear for children who are raised in a household where a sense of anger, grievance, and rage (witness all those f-bombs) is pervasive.
How can living with such be good for young children?
I ask out of mere curiosity.

They have no idea their kids are being seduced as well as raped.
Please see one of the above responses about QAnon jackassery. Sadly, it is common on internet gossipboards where RWNJ can do their keyboard enemas anonymously.
The last two decades have taught us that any accusation by a conservative is actually a confession on their part. They auto-accuse liberals of what they're doing themselves in order to deflect attention away from what they're doing themselves.

The conclusions we draw from this thread are thus scary.
For a long time, it's been Putin's standard tactic to paint anyone opposing him as a pedophile. Trump cultists have learned well from their true master.

A this stage, it's not a question of whether Trump cultists use classic fascist tactics. They do. It's only a question of whether they differ from fascists in any significant way. They don't.
Well, that's not true... as test scores have been going up for nearly two decades.

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You are so full of chit.

The chart is MEANINGLESS because of the way that the test scores are scored---aka statistically with assumptions instead of what is actuality. Never mind what is being tested is also an issue.

kids are less and less "educated"...more indoctrinated---and changing how the test is scored to hide the facts is patently dishonest and immoral.
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Teaching kids not to be bigots and educating them. That's what I would call it.

Nobody can teach your kid to be gay any more than they can teach them to be straight.

Sexual orientation is programmed. Otherwise, you could tell me the day you decided to be straight.
That's easy. For me, it was the day that I saw the first episode of I Dream of Jeannie.
And I have no problem with age-appropriate sex education.

But 5-9-year-olds don't need to learn about masturbation in school, do they?

Hint: No. No, they don't. That's not age-appropriate.
Only liberals would think that you need to explain masturbation to nine year-olds, so that when they become teenagers, they will do it.
Okay, so your four examples include 1) A private school, 2) an online workshop which was geared towards older kids, 3) something in the UK, and 4) Something a WHO bureaucrat said.

So, um, you just pretty much lied about public schools teaching explicit sex content.

Well, first, the number was STILL pretty high in the 1990's, when abortion had already been legal for all of these kid's lives. It was only after the 1990's, when the government increased sex education, that we saw the number plummet.

Also- fetuses aren't babies and nothing is killed during an abortion.

What, none of your murder fantasies, Mormon Bob. Don't hold back because it makes you sound like a crazy person.

Nobody is teaching kids how to have sex in the Public Schools. They are teaching them that LGBTQ people are a thing. You guys have every Sunday at church to push your homophobic messages. (At least until we start yanking your tax exemptions, and then you'll be amazed how quickly "God" will be okay with gays.)
Um deflect spin and lie.
Yeah, it is officially the Democratic Party and not Democrat Party. I guess that was its point. Blah.
Okay, show of hands, who really give a shit and isn't a crying little bitch about it:

... ...

Okay, I count none.
The last two decades have taught us that any accusation by a conservative is actually a confession on their part. They auto-accuse liberals of what they're doing themselves in order to deflect attention away from what they're doing themselves.

The conclusions we draw from this thread are thus scary.

looks like it, yes

looks like it, yes

After all, having girls and women compete in competitions of wholesome feminine beauty is exactly comparable to grooming and brainwashing young children toward depraved sexual perversions, right?

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