Nolte: Yes, Democrats Really Do Want to Groom Your Children

There is no such thing, dumb leftie.

You lefties were hoodwinked by a bunch of communists.
Tamir Rice. Laquan McDonald. Michael Brown. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd... those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

The root cause of crime is... wait for it... CRIMINALS!

Goddammit lefties are stupid!

Sounds like a guy who never went to bed hungry in his life.

Shove your bigotry, leftard liar. You see bigotry under every tree stump, but you're afraid to look in the mirror.

Listen up stupid leftie, YOU are not going to formulate education policy based on 0.01% of the child population. And YOU are not going to formulate education policy AT ALL, because you're a stupid leftie and as of this moment lefties are out of the education business.

Uh, guy, hate to break it to you, most teachers are liberals and will continue to be liberals. You'll pass your bigoted laws, they'll find ways around them.
Please point out where I ever advocated killing anyone. Thanks.
You're a leftist, and a Communist. Wholesale murder is part of your ideology. You can't get rational people to subscribe to your beliefs, so you have to kill them.

History shows this. REAL history, not the crap you get from Howard Zinn.
You're a leftist, and a Communist. Wholesale murder is part of your ideology. You can't get rational people to subscribe to your beliefs, so you have to kill them.

History shows this. REAL history, not the crap you get from Howard Zinn.

So you can't show where I advocate murdering anyone, you claim I'm a communist because I don't agree that our runaway corporatism is a good thing. (You guys are only against corporations that oppose Trump).

Thanks for admitting you lied.
Tamir Rice. Laquan McDonald. Michael Brown. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd... those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.

So what?


Got any more ridiculous leftist fantasies, dumbass?

Uh, guy, hate to break it to you, most teachers are liberals and will continue to be liberals. You'll pass your bigoted laws, they'll find ways around them.
But they'll be sneaking around doing it, and scurrying for cover like the little cockroaches they are when the light comes on.
So what?


Got any more ridiculous leftist fantasies, dumbass?

These were black people killed by police for either non-crimes or petty crimes... how is that not systematic murder?

But they'll be sneaking around doing it, and scurrying for cover like the little cockroaches they are when the light comes on.

Meh, not really. Let's not forget, it wasn't 20 years ago, you guys were all going to save us from the EEEEEEEEEEvils of Gay Marriage.

You didn't stop gay marriage from happening, but Bush did let his banker pals loot the treasury.
Sounds like a guy who never went to bed hungry in his life.
If you try to steal my food I'll shoot you right between the eyes.

Stupid leftie, all you gotta do is ask. Maybe I might give you some.

Try to steal though, and I'll make it my business to see you don't get any, today, tomorrow, or the next day.

Same thing with sex education for kids. ASK the parents, they might say yes. Try to strongarm them, and you might suddenly find a load of double aught buck up your ass.
If you try to steal my food I'll shoot you right between the eyes.

Stupid leftie, all you gotta do is ask. Maybe I might give you some.

Try to steal though, and I'll make it my business to see you don't get any, today, tomorrow, or the next day.

Same thing with sex education for kids. ASK the parents, they might say yes. Try to strongarm them, and you might suddenly find a load of double aught buck up your ass.

Wow, the point went right over your head, didn't it? You are lucky you were born white... you are too stupid to survive as a minority.

You dumb fucking asshole, I supported gay marriage from day one.

Got any more leftist bullshit?

Yet you are signing on to the latest bit of homophobic tripe the Religious Right is trotting out. They know a sucker when they see one.
Wow, the point went right over your head, didn't it? You are lucky you were born white... you are too stupid to survive as a minority.

Yet you are signing on to the latest bit of homophobic tripe the Religious Right is trotting out. They know a sucker when they see one.
You're just too stupid to have an intelligent conversation, arent you?

All lefties are like this, that's why they can't hold an election victory for more than two years.

It takes lefties less than two years to fuck up everything they touch.

Listen up, leftist moron: you will NOT touch my kids. That's final. I don't care how much you bleat about it.
You're just too stupid to have an intelligent conversation, arent you?

All lefties are like this, that's why they can't hold an election victory for more than two years.

It takes lefties less than two years to fuck up everything they touch.

Listen up, leftist moron: you will NOT touch my kids. That's final. I don't care how much you bleat about it.

You guys have stolen more elections than you won...

If your ideas were popular, you wouldn't need to cheat and suppress the vote.
Speaking of dates ....

If this was 1933 Germany, this is what you'd be telling everyone:

"Of course Jews murder infants and drink their blood! TheParty said so! The evidence is right there in TheParty newsletter! The Jews even admit they do it in _The Protocoals of the Elders of Zion_! If you're denying it, you must be pro-infant-murder!"

You would have been such a GoodGerman. Authoritarian-followers never change.
Another case of liberals losing the debate so they bring in the Nazis.
Please point out where I ever advocated killing anyone. Thanks.

You openly support abortion, which is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings—thousands every day.

You condemn me for putting the lives of criminals, perverts, and other subhuman shit below those of actual human beings, while you put the most innocent and precious of all human lives below those of the lowest subhuman filth.

On what high ground do you delusionally imagine that you stand, from which to look down on me?
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You openly support abortion, which is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings—thousands every day.

You condemn me for putting the lives of criminals, perverts, and other subhuman shit below those of actual human beings, while you put the most innocent and precious of all human lives below those of the lowest subhuman filth.

On what high ground do you delusionally imagine that you stand, from which to look down on me?

My moral ground is called "THE REAL WORLD". If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

no country has ever successfully banned abortion, not even this one.

Now, I've told you my plan for less abortions.

Comprehensive sex education (you know, what you fools are calling "Grooming" now)
Access to contraception
Paid family Leave
Universal health care.

You give a poor woman a choice between a $300.00 abortion and a $3000.00 live birth she doesn't want, abortion wins every time.
My moral ground is called "THE REAL WORLD". If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

no country has ever successfully banned abortion, not even this one.

Now, I've told you my plan for less abortions.

Comprehensive sex education (you know, what you fools are calling "Grooming" now)
Access to contraception
Paid family Leave
Universal health care.

You give a poor woman a choice between a $300.00 abortion and a $3000.00 live birth she doesn't want, abortion wins every time.

Your logic and ethics are those of a terrorist—Holding the lives of innocents hostage to demand that we enact harmful and immoral polices.

You manage to twist the words in a way to make it almost seem rational and justifiable, but the ugly truth beneath it is not well hidden.

Literally, you are demanding these polices in exchange for not murdering children.

And if you got your way, there is no reason to believe you'd back away from supporting the murder of children.

You truly are a lowly subhuman murdering piece of shit.
Your logic and ethics are those of a terrorist—Holding the lives of innocents hostage to demand that we enact harmful and immoral polices.

Universal health care is "immoral"? I'd think giving people easy access to health care would be a moral thing.

I never remember Jesus asking people if they could pay him before he healed the sick or lepers or cripples.

You manage to twist the words in a way to make it almost seem rational and justifiable, but the ugly truth beneath it is not well hidden.

The ugly truth is that if you want certain results, you need certain policies.

I can give you two extremes

France has all the policies I've outlined. Their per capita abortion rate is lower than the United States.

The Philippines have the kinds of laws you want, but no social services, and their abortion rate is considerably higher. In addition to having 500-K to 800K illegal abortions a year (Keep in mind, the rate of legal abortions in the US is 800K a year, with three times the population!) they also have up to a million abandoned children living in the streets.

Literally, you are demanding these polices in exchange for not murdering children.

I'm demanding nothing. It's no skin off my nose either way. The question is, how do you get to the results you want?

And if you got your way, there is no reason to believe you'd back away from supporting the murder of children.

If I got my way, there will still be women who don't use contraception, and will make bad choices in relationships. That isn't going to stop any more than the weather or gravity.

For instance, when I was in the service, I knew this young lady who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. He treated her poorly in general, but then she stopped taking her birth control to try to get him to make good on his promise to marry her in a wedding that should have happened two years earlier. Well, big surprise, he didn't, and she got an abortion because she didn't want her religious parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22. Now, by your logic, this never should have happened, right? She was very religious (Catholic), came from a traditional Asian-American family, and she was college educated.

I kind of stayed friends with her, but stopped being friends with him, and thankfully, he ETS'd out of my unit so I didn't have to see him. (He eventually became a cop in a community I intentionally drive around, just to be safe.) Well, a year later, she hooked back up with him and got knocked up again.

Point being, all the religion and screaming at people isn't going to change them.

You truly are a lowly subhuman murdering piece of shit.

You the problem with having conversations with cultists is that they can't see any worldview outside their own cult.
Oh, you are some kind of a tard!
Libertard, if you must coin a phrase. :p

I'm an individualist, I believe in individual exceptionalism.

Which is the exact opposite of a progtard, who wants to dumb everyone down to the lowest common denominator.
Libertard, if you must coin a phrase. :p

I'm an individualist, I believe in individual exceptionalism.

Which is the exact opposite of a progtard, who wants to dumb everyone down to the lowest common denominator.

Yes, I have often compared Libertarians to retarded children. They don't seem to understand that you don't have civilization without government.

It's easy to believe in "exceptionalism" when you've had 400 years of white privilege gaming the system for you.

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