Nolte: Yes, Democrats Really Do Want to Groom Your Children

And they most certainly do not need to be “taught” about depraved and insane perversions such as homosexuality, transsexuality, and such.

Anyone who thinks that shit is in any way age-appropriate for children needs to be kept far away from children. Preferably either in prison or in a mental hospital.
Unless you were born in 1922.
Speaking of dates ....

If this was 1933 Germany, this is what you'd be telling everyone:

"Of course Jews murder infants and drink their blood! TheParty said so! The evidence is right there in TheParty newsletter! The Jews even admit they do it in _The Protocoals of the Elders of Zion_! If you're denying it, you must be pro-infant-murder!"

You would have been such a GoodGerman. Authoritarian-followers never change.
Speaking of dates ....

If this was 1933 Germany, this is what you'd be telling everyone:

"Of course Jews murder infants and drink their blood! TheParty said so! The evidence is right there in TheParty newsletter! The Jews even admit they do it in _The Protocoals of the Elders of Zion_! If you're denying it, you must be pro-infant-murder!"

You would have been such a GoodGerman. Authoritarian-followers never change.
WTF are you babbling about?
Okay, so your four examples include 1) A private school, 2) an online workshop which was geared towards older kids, 3) something in the UK, and 4) Something a WHO bureaucrat said.

So, um, you just pretty much lied about public schools teaching explicit sex content.
Where did I say it was only about public schools?

Hint: Nowhere.
Whenever you see fascist shitstains cry, you know good things are happening in the USA. They're weeping even more sore-loser bitch tears than usual here, which is awesome.

So, little Nazi asslickers, what's the master plan from here on out? Cry at decent people even harder? Call for even more fascist brownshirt violence, because it gives you such an awesome pervy tingle up the leg?

Why did you think ou wouldn't be called out for acting like fascist filth? Just because you're part of a cult of pussitude, don't assume that everyone else is just as gutless as yourself. We squashed you fascist cockroaches in WWII, and we'll do it again.
You didn't do shit.

And it's funny how it's "fascist" to want to keep pedophiles from children.

Do you even realize what you're supporting here?
Speaking of dates ....

If this was 1933 Germany, this is what you'd be telling everyone:

"Of course Jews murder infants and drink their blood! TheParty said so! The evidence is right there in TheParty newsletter! The Jews even admit they do it in _The Protocoals of the Elders of Zion_! If you're denying it, you must be pro-infant-murder!"

You would have been such a GoodGerman. Authoritarian-followers never change.
...says the leftist authoritarian.

Yes, you'd have informed on the Founding Fathers to the Crown, you'd have told the Brownshirts about the neighbors hiding Jews in their attic, and you vote Democrat.
Bob, you're not supposed to admit that for conservatives, it's still entirely about bigotry and gay-hatred.

Even though it clearly is. Conservatives just all deliberately lie about it, because that's what they do. They hate gay people, and they want to see them imprisoned and attacked.

The amazing thing is we had this discussion 50 years ago when Anita Bryant tried to push the same lies about gays "recruiting" children. Except it was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.

The ironic thing is that Anita Bryant's granddaughter came out as gay despite her really Christian family.
Where did I say it was only about public schools?

Hint: Nowhere.

The point is, you couldn't find an example of it happening in public schools. So you picked private institutions (unregulated) and foreign places. To prove, what, exactly?

As much grief as I give them, I don't think the Catholic Church promotes pedophilia, but they had a pedo problem. Why? The church's policy on celibacy was part of the problem. So was the notion that if someone confesses to you, you are obligated to keep their confidences.
The amazing thing is we had this discussion 50 years ago when Anita Bryant tried to push the same lies about gays "recruiting" children. Except it was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.

We're seeing it happen. They're not even trying to hide it, any more. And you, like a good LIbtARd, keep alternating between denying and defending it.

Anita Bryant was right back then, and she's still right.
The truth, that is why they have reacted as they have over a simple law in Florida to protect children K-3. Look at all the lies they have and are spewing over that law.

Of course the political left and the Democrat party want to sexually groom little kids. The evidence is everywhere and the reasons why are sick and political.
Is this not clear enough for you?
How about this?
Or this?
Or the debate we’re having right now…
THE LEFT: We don’t want to sexualize little kids behind the backs of parents. Stop saying that. It’s a lie!
FLORIDA: We’re going to outlaw sexualizing little kids behind the backs of parents.
What kind of country are we living in where we even have to pass a bill that outlaws sexualizing kids aged four to eight in the classroom?
What kind of country are we living in where Florida teachers are angry that they can’t discuss their personal lives with your little kids, much less discuss sex?
What kind of country are we living in where the Walt Disney Co., a company built on the idea of preserving the innocence of children and teaching them lessons about honesty, hard work, and true love, is now openly bragging about feeding the little kids sexual propaganda?
Of course, this is grooming.
What else would you call it?

John Nolte...must reading for any conservative/libertarian.......also for leftists but too many of them are beyond help....
Just a note -- using the term "groomer" is universally associated with the speaker being fascist filth, so it's best to avoid using that term. Unless you want people to think you're fascist filth.

The old Nazis accused the Jews of being pedos. The new Nazis accuses Democrats. Fascists don't change their tactics. They try to dehumanize their opposition, to justify even more brownshirt violence.

You can tell this is the truth about leftists.........they are lashing out in a panic as they are correctly named "groomers," for their attempts to sexualize children.

Are all teachers "groomers?" Of course not...but the ones pushing this curriculum are....the teachers who are teaching it are enablers..............
You can tell this is the truth about leftists.........they are lashing out in a panic as they are correctly named "groomers," for their attempts to sexualize children.
In 1933, you'd have been talking about how the Jews were murdering childrren to drink their blood, because TheParty told you so, so it must be true. And you're be shrieking that anyone contradicting you was clearly in league with the infant-cannibalizing Jews.

You'd have made the perfect obedient GoodGerman. The fight against fascist filth like you never ends.
In 1933, you'd have been talking about how the Jews were murdering childrren to drink their blood, because TheParty told you so, so it must be true. And you're be shrieking that anyone contradicting you was clearly in league with the infant-cannibalizing Jews.

You'd have made the perfect obedient GoodGerman. The fight against fascist filth like you never ends.
Do you even know what you're saying?

You're comparing pedophiles to Jews.

Pedos are not victims. They children they harm are.

You probably should just shut the fuck up now.
In 1933, you'd have been talking about how the Jews were murdering childrren to drink their blood, because TheParty told you so, so it must be true. And you're be shrieking that anyone contradicting you was clearly in league with the infant-cannibalizing Jews.

You'd have made the perfect obedient GoodGerman. The fight against fascist filth like you never ends.

Nice attempt to deflect from the actual practices of the democrat party teachers.....we are not making up stories....we are reporting actual things the democrat party teachers unions and teachers are doing in actual classrooms across the country....we cite the incidents, we cite the want to hide the fact that they are enabling the grooming of children for sex, and it just ain't going to fly, you dumb ass.....

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