It was an insurrection. The insurrectionists said so.

That is stupid because an insurrection by design and intent requires overwhelming weapons.
These protestors had essentially no weapons at all.

Sure some people likely WANTED an insurrection.
Everyone should find the current government to be so corrupt that we likely should start over.
But that is because of illegal actions by congress like the War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, illegal foreign wars like the invasion of Iraq, etc.
No one would use weapons to show their suspicions over the election.
That is stupid because an insurrection by design and intent requires overwhelming weapons.
These protestors had essentially no weapons at all.
Not true at all. John Brown lost decisively and no one disagrees that Harper’s ferry was an insurrection. Same with the whiskey rebellion or any number of Native American uprisings. They don’t need to be well planned, provisioned or successful to be insurrections.
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Which ones, the ones that The Capital Police killed, or The FBI plants that instigated entering The Capital Building?

Why did The Capital Police invite them in for a tour, and then once they got them inside, attacked their invited visitors?

Why did Nancy Pelosi refuse two times, reinforcements before the incident from Capital Police, and from The Trump Administration?

Who is Epps who instigated going in to The Capital and why hasn't he been charged with a single thing.

Why isn't Nancy Pelosi testifying in the Kangaroo Court Proceedings, and why can't we see her emails and texts regarding it, since she controls The Capital Police?
Trump National Guard email

Foia ble
Not true at all. John Brown lost decisively and no one disagrees that Harper’s ferry was not an insurrection. Same with the whiskey rebellion or any number of Native American uprisings. They don’t need to be well planned, provisioned or successful to be insurrections.
"Insurrectionist" or "Founding Father" depends on who wins.
Sorry republicans, it was an insurrection, and the people planning it knew it.

There are fringe groups on all sides of the spectrum that claim they are going to force a revolution, doesn’t mean they are. And one small segment speaks for the entire group?

There were a ton of police just walking side by side with the rioters (I will call them that), asking nicely not to do that. Pelosi told them specifically to stand down, so that they could waste time on a faux investigation and pass devastating laws in the name of justice.
Uh huh. “Trump’s Troopers” lost decisively.
They never intended to "win", as in the feverish rantings of some who insisted they were trying to take over the government. Obviously, because no one thought to bring a gun. Not a single one of them had delusions of grandeur that they were going to form the nucleus of a new government. They were there to cause trouble and that's what they did.
Not true at all. John Brown lost decisively and no one disagrees that Harper’s ferry was not an insurrection. Same with the whiskey rebellion or any number of Native American uprisings. They don’t need to be well planned, provisioned or successful to be insurrections.

Totally wrong.

First of all, John Brown definitely did not intend an "insurrection" at all, because he thought the federal government would be on his side, against those supporting slavery.
Second is that John Brown definitely brought weapons and the whole intend of attack on Harper's Ferry armory was to get thousands of rifles.
So he clearly planned on have sufficient weapons for an insurrection.

The Whiskey Rebellion also was NOT an insurrection at all, by any measure.
The Whiskey Rebellion (also known as the Whiskey Insurrection) was a violent tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 during the presidency of George Washington, ultimately under the command of American Revolutionary War veteran Major James McFarlane. The so-called "whiskey tax" was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government. Beer was difficult to transport and spoiled more easily than rum and whiskey. Rum distillation in the United States had been disrupted during the Revolutionary War, and whiskey distribution and consumption increased after the Revolutionary War (aggregate production had not surpassed rum by 1791). The "whiskey tax" became law in 1791, and was intended to generate revenue for the war debt incurred during the Revolutionary War. The tax applied to all distilled spirits, but consumption of American whiskey was rapidly expanding in the late 18th century, so the excise became widely known as a "whiskey tax".[3] Farmers of the western frontier were accustomed to distilling their surplus rye, barley, wheat, corn, or fermented grain mixtures to make whiskey. These farmers resisted the tax. In these regions, whiskey often served as a medium of exchange. Many of the resisters were war veterans who believed that they were fighting for the principles of the American Revolution, in particular against taxation without local representation, while the federal government maintained that the taxes were the legal expression of Congressional taxation powers.

Throughout Western Pennsylvania counties, protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting the tax. Resistance came to a climax in July 1794, when a US marshal arrived in western Pennsylvania to serve writs to distillers who had not paid the excise. The alarm was raised, and more than 500 armed men attacked the fortified home of tax inspector General John Neville. Washington responded by sending peace commissioners to western Pennsylvania to negotiate with the rebels, while at the same time calling on governors to send a militia force to enforce the tax. Washington himself rode at the head of an army to suppress the insurgency, with 13,000 militiamen provided by the governors of Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The rebels all went home before the arrival of the army, and there was no confrontation. About 20 men were arrested, but all were later acquitted or pardoned. Most distillers in nearby Kentucky were found to be all but impossible to tax—in the next six years, over 175 distillers from Kentucky were convicted of violating the tax law.[4] Numerous examples of resistance are recorded in court documents and newspaper accounts.[5]
The proof that the Whisky Rebellion was NOT an insurrection was not just that it was narrow and justified, but that all involved were pardoned.

And Native uprisings are just that, not insurrections. The Natives were not part of the US during that time period, so could not possibly have any part in an "insurrection".
Don’t these Leftists / Demonrats ever get tired of mastrubating to the same hoax? They did the same thing for four years over the Russia collusion hoax, which actually they themselves were far more guilty of it. Now the Russia Russia Russia has been replaced by brays of insurrection insurrection insurrection that they’re going to be guilty of when they start burning cities and govt. buildings down again, after their asses are handed to them in the mid terms.
Her failure, is awesome at finding scapegoats though

January 7
Your own link notes that she "called for his resignation".

NOT that she fired him

But that said...he obviously failed at his job. Didn't prepare adequately or respond appropriately to what YOUR buddies did
Don’t these Leftists / Demonrats ever get tired of mastrubating to the same hoax? They did the same thing for four years over the Russia collusion hoax, which actually they themselves were far more guilty of it. Now the Russia Russia Russia has been replaced by brays of insurrection insurrection insurrection that they’re going to be guilty of when they start burning cities and govt. buildings down again, after their asses are handed to them in the mid terms.
It's what they do. They find something to get irritated about, craft a narrative for their true believers to regurgitate endlessly, and blow the whole thing up until it bears no resemblance to what actually happened.

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