It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

OK, I'll bite

What new "compromises" you have will keep guns out of the hands of mass murderers and thieves?

What "actions" should we take so that villains do not walk into a "gun free" zone and turn regular citizens into a game of "duck hunt"?

Tell us and show us how this all work without abridging our rights to bear arms.

If you can, we might think about it.

HOw about having the kind of gun laws Germany has. Germany has one gun for every five citizens, and they never have the kinds of mass shootings we have on a regular basis.

You start off by getting rid of the notion that owning a gun is a 'right'. No. Owning a gun is a privilege, that should be earned and proven.

The problem with these mass murderers is that every last one of them we find was either a criminal or had some kind of mental defect, and yet they were able to get their hands on guns.

Philosophy is ghey.................:bye1::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Harvard study concludes that gun control does not prevent murders other violent crime
What silly logic. Is there a right to keep and smoke tobacco in the Constitution? No. But there most certainly is a right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution.

Why don't you un-American Americans go on a crusade to ban cars, since cars kill far more people than guns do each year? Cars are also involved in thousands of crimes each year--cars are used to perform get-aways, to transport stolen goods, to transport kidnapped women and children, to transport criminals to and from their crime scenes, etc., not to mention that tens of thousands of people are killed each year by cars.

Do you know why the framers insisted that individual citizens must have the right to own guns?
What silly logic. Is there a right to keep and smoke tobacco in the Constitution? No. But there most certainly is a right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution.

Why don't you un-American Americans go on a crusade to ban cars, since cars kill far more people than guns do each year? Cars are also involved in thousands of crimes each year--cars are used to perform get-aways, to transport stolen goods, to transport kidnapped women and children, to transport criminals to and from their crime scenes, etc., not to mention that tens of thousands of people are killed each year by cars.

Do you know why the framers insisted that individual citizens must have the right to own guns?

Gun threads have become laughable in 2015. 2nd amendment folks don't even have to try defending their side our history, the debate has never been so one sided. Under Obama, gun production has :boobies::boobies:DOUBLED:boobies::boobies:.......and its kinda funny. Im sure the progressive assholes figured they'd end up getting a gun ban with this cheesedick in office and instead, guns have never been more popular!!!! 75% of the country are AGAINST banning handguns!!

The gun grabbers have never been so marginalized, but like typical nutters, they continue to think emotion rules every issue!!!!:coffee:
Gun threads have become laughable in 2015. 2nd amendment folks don't even have to try defending their side our history, the debate has never been so one sided. Under Obama, gun production has :boobies::boobies:DOUBLED:boobies::boobies:.......and its kinda funny. Im sure the progressive assholes figured they'd end up getting a gun ban with this cheesedick in office and instead, guns have never been more popular!!!! 75% of the country are AGAINST banning handguns!!

The gun grabbers have never been so marginalized, but like typical nutters, they continue to think emotion rules every issue!!!!:coffee:

I will be interested to see when the firearms manufacturers start promoting more strict gun laws ... Their sales multiply every time the legislators attempt it.
It is really hilarious ... We should attempt to ban firearms ... And support our fellow Americans in the firearms industry.

I wonder who the poor sods who get selected to collect a bunch of firearms will be if a ban ever occurs ... That would have to be the most dangerous job imaginable.
"Hey ... We have determined you are crazy ... Give us your guns," ... Yeah right, that is going to go over well.

Hardcore NRA wingnuts need to be thinking about two words: "Compromise" and "Consensus"...

Ending the second amendment is not a compromise.

Also there are two big lies in the facts you stated. First other western nations might have lower homicide rates but they have much higher violent crime rates. Esp the UK.

Second, there has never been a constitutional right to smoke tobacco, but there is one for guns.
OK, I'll bite

What new "compromises" you have will keep guns out of the hands of mass murderers and thieves?

What "actions" should we take so that villains do not walk into a "gun free" zone and turn regular citizens into a game of "duck hunt"?

Tell us and show us how this all work without abridging our rights to bear arms.

If you can, we might think about it.

HOw about having the kind of gun laws Germany has. Germany has one gun for every five citizens, and they never have the kinds of mass shootings we have on a regular basis.

You start off by getting rid of the notion that owning a gun is a 'right'. No. Owning a gun is a privilege, that should be earned and proven.

The problem with these mass murderers is that every last one of them we find was either a criminal or had some kind of mental defect, and yet they were able to get their hands on guns.

Yes, surprisingly enough the German gun laws favor the wealthy. You know the old saying, "when guns are outlawed, only the rich will have them". Then he US will really be enslaved again.
OK, I'll bite

What new "compromises" you have will keep guns out of the hands of mass murderers and thieves?

What "actions" should we take so that villains do not walk into a "gun free" zone and turn regular citizens into a game of "duck hunt"?

Tell us and show us how this all work without abridging our rights to bear arms.

If you can, we might think about it.

HOw about having the kind of gun laws Germany has. Germany has one gun for every five citizens, and they never have the kinds of mass shootings we have on a regular basis.

You start off by getting rid of the notion that owning a gun is a 'right'. No. Owning a gun is a privilege, that should be earned and proven.

The problem with these mass murderers is that every last one of them we find was either a criminal or had some kind of mental defect, and yet they were able to get their hands on guns.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

All of your gun laws have worked wonders in your home town, haven't they?
What silly logic. Is there a right to keep and smoke tobacco in the Constitution? No. But there most certainly is a right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution.

Why don't you un-American Americans go on a crusade to ban cars, since cars kill far more people than guns do each year? Cars are also involved in thousands of crimes each year--cars are used to perform get-aways, to transport stolen goods, to transport kidnapped women and children, to transport criminals to and from their crime scenes, etc., not to mention that tens of thousands of people are killed each year by cars.

Do you know why the framers insisted that individual citizens must have the right to own guns?
Chief Shitting Bullshit will support the right to keep and bear arms the moment a Conservative takes his seat in the oval office.
OK, I'll bite

What new "compromises" you have will keep guns out of the hands of mass murderers and thieves?

What "actions" should we take so that villains do not walk into a "gun free" zone and turn regular citizens into a game of "duck hunt"?

Tell us and show us how this all work without abridging our rights to bear arms.

If you can, we might think about it.

HOw about having the kind of gun laws Germany has. Germany has one gun for every five citizens, and they never have the kinds of mass shootings we have on a regular basis.

You start off by getting rid of the notion that owning a gun is a 'right'. No. Owning a gun is a privilege, that should be earned and proven.

The problem with these mass murderers is that every last one of them we find was either a criminal or had some kind of mental defect, and yet they were able to get their hands on guns.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

All of your gun laws have worked wonders in your home town, haven't they?
You forgot to include some words there. It is that part that the left is so blind to - the part where the right is CLEARLY protected for the people. Not the state, not the government, not the militia but the PEOPLE and the left loves to simply ignore that part because it does not fit into the dogma or agenda.
Where is the Right To Smoke in the 2nd Amendment?
I'm not for unchecked gun ownership by lunatics...but I hate it when people make false comparisons like "gay = race" or "guns are the same as tobacco". The last time I checked it's pretty near impossible to kill a home intruder using a cigarette. I suppose if you were to wait there like 20 years and make him smoke 2 packs a day, you might succeed in protecting your children from the home invasion... :cool:
Spambot wishes someone would pay attention to it.

And this, students, is a TEXTBOOK example of pure projection!

Dude, seriously: is this board your ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE?! You have made more than 40 posts a day for FOUR FUCKING YEARS! Get out of the basement!

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