It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

And you call this "getting what you deserve"? Nine out of ten doctors recommend "X". 100 doctors were interviewed beforehand but only 10 (those specifically chosen out of the hundred) went on to fill in the second questionnaire. It is from the second one that PR make their claim.

No, the majority of doctors do not recommend "X" and "the gaggle of idiots running for the Democratic (and Republican) nomination" were plucked out of the much larger gaggle of not-so-idiotic men and women who probably would be great politicians. America hasn't got "who they deserved" in a coon's age.

There is no applicable analogy between doctors and politicians.
There most certainly is. The good ones don't make "the cut".
I haven't voted for a Dem or Rep in decades.
There's a glimmer of hope you after all!
And you call this "getting what you deserve"? Nine out of ten doctors recommend "X". 100 doctors were interviewed beforehand but only 10 (those specifically chosen out of the hundred) went on to fill in the second questionnaire. It is from the second one that PR make their claim.

No, the majority of doctors do not recommend "X" and "the gaggle of idiots running for the Democratic (and Republican) nomination" were plucked out of the much larger gaggle of not-so-idiotic men and women who probably would be great politicians. America hasn't got "who they deserved" in a coon's age.

There is no applicable analogy between doctors and politicians.
There most certainly is. The good ones don't make "the cut".
I haven't voted for a Dem or Rep in decades.
There's a glimmer of hope you after all!

There is no applicable analogy.

Doctors are judged on knowledge and skill gained during their studies. There is no vote as to which students receive their medical degree.

As we have sen any idiot can be a politician and get voted into a public office
Still think that having semi and automatic weapons registered is a good idea.
For no apparent reason.
We need new tools, you boys on the right are far too stringent in your beliefs about the 2nd Amendment.
Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue
Plus the M-16 is a weapon of war should'nt be in the public hands.

Are you saying that if I personally owned one (an M16), it would go out and kill people all by itself?
Why do you assume I would be so dangerous or irresponsible?

I have a 4,500 pound can be just as deadly ....why should those be in the hands of civilians?

It would be terribly easy for someone to tap into the water mains feeding large communities and kill THOUSANDS if not tens of thousands at a time with certain chemicals before authorities could react......

Why should we have water mains? because we NEED them. And believe it or not, the Founding Fathers knew from personal experience that a society NEEDS to be well armed.

I know...I's "different". But is it? what I'm saying is that if someone decides to kill....guns are NOT at all the only way to kill many at a time. get rid of guns and you may open a Pandoras box of MUCH worse mass killings.

I'm not taking anybody's anything. I want certain kinds of weapons to be registered. American men are so privileged. By that I mean they can store a cache in their homes and the military can only qualify with their weapons once a year.
It's a right, not a privilege..
But there is a right to bear a musket AK's AR 's NO
"Assault weapons" are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, making them "bearable arms" as the term is use din 2A jurisprudence.
Thus, your statement there is no right to own and use 'assault weapons' - like just about everything else you post - is unsupportable nonsense.
free speech is limited--so is the 2A
A red herring?
That's the -best- you can do?
I accept your concession of the point - that, by virtue of the fact 'assault weapons' are in common use for traditionally lawful purposes, we do in fact have a right to own and use them.

Now, to address your red herring:
The basic exercise of the right to free speech is only limited when it harms others and/or places them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger -- when does the basic exercise of the right to keep and bear arms harm others, or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger?

I know this question is above your pay grade, but please do try to not embarrass yourself with your response.
o---geeee--let me think--this is tough one.....???
how about when they MURDER someone---that's harming, isn't it?!!!!
Thank you for demonstrating my question was, indeed, above your pay grade.
None of your babbling changes the fact the premise that the federal government should confiscate 'assault weapons' is irrational.
Weapons deemed too dangerous to be owned by the public should be removed but not by confiscation. Banning sales, making ownership illegal after a certain date and a buy back program would remove most of the weapons.
So... confiscation.
On average, handguns are used to murder ~600x more people per year than 'assault weapons'; handguns cannot be banned.
What weapons are more dangerous than handguns, and if handguns cannot be banned, how then can weapons that are less dangerous?
Hand guns are used to kill a lot more people than assault weapons because there are a lot more of them, they are more available, cheaper, and easy to carry and conceal compared to assault weapons. That does not make them more dangerous.
I see.
Well then, if not the number of people they are actually used kill, how do you define "dangerous"?
How is that definition sound?
In regard to weaponry, killing capacity.
With one exception., every mass shooting in the US could have been equally perpetrated with a handgun indeed, the majority of mass shootings are committed with, and the majority of deaths from mass shootings are from, handguns.
How does this measure into your test for "killing capacity"?
cars needed--weapons not..this is plain and simple
That's right. Cars are produced to transport goods and people. Guns are produced to destroy things and kill.
Weapons, a Constitutional right
Cars? Nope.
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.

Not really. It would take years to approve such an amendment, if it was even possible to get it approved, which is far, far from certain.
So what exactly does your "not really" signify?

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
English grammar escapes you doesn't it?

Have you never considered how stupid the 2nd. Amendment is?

FIRST of all, it is only an amendment. Do you know what an amendment is? It is synonymous with "change" or "addition". It is not part of the constitution as it was written ... it is an "add on".

SECONDLY, how in blue blazes can "an addition" claim to be non-infringeable? It is of utmost clarity - by pure definition - that the ability to "amend" is legal. This is so stupid as to say, "I am going to change this and then it will be illegal to change it". Yeah, right. How about, "Heads I win tails you lose". Or let's play basketball: "When I put the ball through the hoop I get a point, when you put the ball through the hoop it doesn't count".

An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
And you call this "getting what you deserve"? Nine out of ten doctors recommend "X". 100 doctors were interviewed beforehand but only 10 (those specifically chosen out of the hundred) went on to fill in the second questionnaire. It is from the second one that PR make their claim.

No, the majority of doctors do not recommend "X" and "the gaggle of idiots running for the Democratic (and Republican) nomination" were plucked out of the much larger gaggle of not-so-idiotic men and women who probably would be great politicians. America hasn't got "who they deserved" in a coon's age.

There is no applicable analogy between doctors and politicians.
There most certainly is. The good ones don't make "the cut".
I haven't voted for a Dem or Rep in decades.
There's a glimmer of hope you after all!

There is no applicable analogy.

Doctors are judged on knowledge and skill gained during their studies. There is no vote as to which students receive their medical degree.

As we have sen any idiot can be a politician and get voted into a public office
Are you illiterate?
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.
An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
"Quickly"? "Any time soon"? What the hell are you talking about? :cuckoo:
And you call this "getting what you deserve"? Nine out of ten doctors recommend "X". 100 doctors were interviewed beforehand but only 10 (those specifically chosen out of the hundred) went on to fill in the second questionnaire. It is from the second one that PR make their claim.

No, the majority of doctors do not recommend "X" and "the gaggle of idiots running for the Democratic (and Republican) nomination" were plucked out of the much larger gaggle of not-so-idiotic men and women who probably would be great politicians. America hasn't got "who they deserved" in a coon's age.

There is no applicable analogy between doctors and politicians.
There most certainly is. The good ones don't make "the cut".
I haven't voted for a Dem or Rep in decades.
There's a glimmer of hope you after all!

There is no applicable analogy.

Doctors are judged on knowledge and skill gained during their studies. There is no vote as to which students receive their medical degree.

As we have sen any idiot can be a politician and get voted into a public office
Are you illiterate?
Are you a fucking asshole?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
And you call this "getting what you deserve"? Nine out of ten doctors recommend "X". 100 doctors were interviewed beforehand but only 10 (those specifically chosen out of the hundred) went on to fill in the second questionnaire. It is from the second one that PR make their claim.

No, the majority of doctors do not recommend "X" and "the gaggle of idiots running for the Democratic (and Republican) nomination" were plucked out of the much larger gaggle of not-so-idiotic men and women who probably would be great politicians. America hasn't got "who they deserved" in a coon's age.

There is no applicable analogy between doctors and politicians.
There most certainly is. The good ones don't make "the cut".
I haven't voted for a Dem or Rep in decades.
There's a glimmer of hope you after all!

There is no applicable analogy.

Doctors are judged on knowledge and skill gained during their studies. There is no vote as to which students receive their medical degree.

As we have sen any idiot can be a politician and get voted into a public office
Are you illiterate?
Are you a fucking asshole?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So you are both illiterate and a fucking asshole? A great combination! :21:
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.
An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
"Quickly"? "Any time soon"? What the hell are you talking about? :cuckoo:

read up on it.

How Difficult Is It to Amend the Constitution?

2/3s of both Senate and House.
3/4s of states, currently 48.

Generally takes awhile
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.
An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
"Quickly"? "Any time soon"? What the hell are you talking about? :cuckoo:

read up on it.

How Difficult Is It to Amend the Constitution?

2/3s of both Senate and House.
3/4s of states, currently 48.

Generally takes awhile
What in Satan's scrotum does that have to do with anything?
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.
An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
"Quickly"? "Any time soon"? What the hell are you talking about? :cuckoo:

You can't amend an amendment without passing a new amendment. You do know that, right?
A simple amendment will change that before the ink is even dry.
An amendment is as much a part of the Constitution as the rest of it. Congress cannot simply cancel one.
Cancel? It is called "Amend". It is just as legal as the 2nd. Amendment itself. It can ... and will be done.

It's not really possible to quickly pass a new amendment, which is what would have to happen to do away with the second.
It can be, but it's not likely to be done any time soon. Remember that you have to get the states to agree, and in this case, it simply didn't matter how many people in large urban centers want it to happen, a handful of people in enough lightly populated states can prevent it.
"Quickly"? "Any time soon"? What the hell are you talking about? :cuckoo:

read up on it.

How Difficult Is It to Amend the Constitution?

2/3s of both Senate and House.
3/4s of states, currently 48.

Generally takes awhile
What in Satan's scrotum does that have to do with anything?

changing the Constitution, or an Amendment in it.

Doesn't happen over night, or even in a year.

Educate yourself

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