IT WAS INEVITABLE: Speech control moves from the campus to the workplace

But, of course, they would make less, as taxes are a shared burden. And no, they would not give enough, which is proven, and which is why we have our social safety net in the first place.

I'm not going to have this idiotic libertarian debate with you. Get in a time machine and go back 150 years, and go enjoy losing that argument then.

If Dave actually went back 150 years to his Libertarian Paradise

Not everyone is a retard like you.

Fucking hell, Commies are stupid.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me why we need to be in the Middle East protecting the interests of the Zionist Entity... I'm sure you'll give me a good reason any day now.
Keep waiting, because there is no good reason you will accept as a good reason. Note that does not mean there are no good reasons; it just means you have your mind made up because you hate Jews.

You fucking idiot.
But, of course, they would make less, as taxes are a shared burden. And no, they would not give enough, which is proven, and which is why we have our social safety net in the first place.

I'm not going to have this idiotic libertarian debate with you. Get in a time machine and go back 150 years, and go enjoy losing that argument then.

If Dave actually went back 150 years to his Libertarian Paradise

View attachment 313779
If you went back to your Communist Paradise, you'd be in a mass grave.
If people kept more of the money they made, they'd have more to donate to those in need.
But, of course, they would make less, as taxes are a shared burden. And no, they would not give enough, which is proven, and which is why we have our social safety net in the first place.

I'm not going to have this idiotic libertarian debate with you. Get in a time machine and go back 150 years, and go enjoy losing that argument then.
So...your argument is government taking money away from people makes them more prosperous.

It's okay. You can acknowledge the utter dumbassery of that view.
Hey, Indy, did your brain short-circuit?
Keep waiting, because there is no good reason you will accept as a good reason. Note that does not mean there are no good reasons; it just means you have your mind made up because you hate Jews.

You fucking idiot.

There are no good reasons.

We shouldn't be protecting some squatters who stole someone else's land, and we shouldn't be playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East.

But as Upton Sinclair once observed, you can't get a man to understand a problem if his livelihood is dependent on him not understanding it.

If we took all the money we are pissing away propping up Israel and fighting wars and invested it in energy independence, we'd be a lot better off.

If you went back to your Communist Paradise, you'd be in a mass grave.

I'd like to go back to America in the 1960's. That's when guys like my Dad could have a middle class lifestyle because a union made sure it happened.
Keep waiting, because there is no good reason you will accept as a good reason. Note that does not mean there are no good reasons; it just means you have your mind made up because you hate Jews.

You fucking idiot.

There are no good reasons.

We shouldn't be protecting some squatters who stole someone else's land, and we shouldn't be playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East.

But as Upton Sinclair once observed, you can't get a man to understand a problem if his livelihood is dependent on him not understanding it.

If we took all the money we are pissing away propping up Israel and fighting wars and invested it in energy independence, we'd be a lot better off.

If you went back to your Communist Paradise, you'd be in a mass grave.

I'd like to go back to America in the 1960's. That's when guys like my Dad could have a middle class lifestyle because a union made sure it happened.
Wow. Parroting Islamic terrorist AND Communist propaganda in one post.

I bet you get a big bonus this week!
Wow. Parroting Islamic terrorist AND Communist propaganda in one post.

I bet you get a big bonus this week!

Nope, just a patriotic American who is tired of people putting Israel before America...
If you were a patriotic American, you wouldn't want to destroy it with your Commie bullshit.

Why? Frankly, we'd all be better off if the Zionists got pushed into the sea, as long as they don't come here.

We wouldn't feel the need to send young men to go off and fight in the Middle East because the Squatters in Palestine were really scared of the Swarthy Man.
If you were a patriotic American, you wouldn't want to destroy it with your Commie bullshit.

Why? Frankly, we'd all be better off if the Zionists got pushed into the sea, as long as they don't come here.

We wouldn't feel the need to send young men to go off and fight in the Middle East because the Squatters in Palestine were really scared of the Swarthy Man.
Oh, look, the retard Commie wants all Jews killed.

There is something seriously fucked in your head.
Oh, look, the retard Commie wants all Jews killed.

There is something seriously fucked in your head.

Naw, man, I just think when you are stupid enough to move in the middle of millions of people who want to kill you because you stole their land, it's totally NOT my problem that you are stupid.

We need to end their control of our government. Treat AIPAC for what it is, a foreign intelligence agency.

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