It was McConnell who blocked Obama from Alerting Americans about the Russian interference.

"Obama chief of staff: Mitch McConnell prevented Obama from getting tough on Russia"

"In a world where the Obama administration had repeatedly and publicly dismissed the idea that Russia was a threat, it’s an expression of impotence. Former Barack Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough claims that the president was handcuffed from taking more assertive action against Russia during the election because Mitch McConnell refused to sign onto a public statement accusing them of interference"

Evidence shows Obama knew about Russian attempts to interfere in the election, about their on-going Psy Ops programs that targeted social media - resulting in Liberals (Snowflakes) organizing and marching for them, etc.... and yet he did nothing, unwilling to upset Vlad, from whom he sought permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...

View attachment 180524

Leaders lead because they are leaders. They don't do it because of a "consensus", the man was never a leader he was a place holder. He had a job to do and he did it just as he was told to. For the record Rump is doing the same thing.

Fool, the moment Obama comes out and pronounces Russians trying to elect Trump the entire “Russian meddling” becomes a hyper partisan issue with half the country thinking that Obama is the one meddling in an election.

It is what YOU would be screaming from the rooftops. Hilarious to see how little introspection rightwingers have as they jump from one argument of convinience to another.

The blame is squarely with McConnel and Ryan - they did not do the right thing when they refused to co-sign a bi-partisan statement.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

It's funny the 17 intelligence agencies never thought to mention it to the President, and he was waiting for Congress to tell him.
It's obvious that if you expect your federal government or Congress to do what they should, then you are a fool.
It was McConnell who blocked Obama from Alerting Americans about the Russian interference.
Yes, it was.
I LOVE it - snowflakes are now claiming Mitch McConnell was more powerful than Barak Obama, that he PREVENTED the President of the United States from taking action, that Obama was 'POWERLESS' against the might of 'Mitchie Rich' McConnell.

"That's Right - I OWNED His A$$!"

"Obama chief of staff: Mitch McConnell prevented Obama from getting tough on Russia"

"In a world where the Obama administration had repeatedly and publicly dismissed the idea that Russia was a threat, it’s an expression of impotence. Former Barack Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough claims that the president was handcuffed from taking more assertive action against Russia during the election because Mitch McConnell refused to sign onto a public statement accusing them of interference"

Evidence shows Obama knew about Russian attempts to interfere in the election, about their on-going Psy Ops programs that targeted social media - resulting in Liberals (Snowflakes) organizing and marching for them, etc.... and yet he did nothing, unwilling to upset Vlad, from whom he sought permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...

View attachment 180524

Leaders lead because they are leaders. They don't do it because of a "consensus", the man was never a leader he was a place holder. He had a job to do and he did it just as he was told to. For the record Rump is doing the same thing.

Fool, the moment Obama comes out and pronounces Russians trying to elect Trump the entire “Russian meddling” becomes a hyper partisan issue with half the country thinking that Obama is the one meddling in an election.

It is what YOU would be screaming from the rooftops. Hilarious to see how little introspection rightwingers have as they jump from one argument of convinience to another.

The blame is squarely with McConnel and Ryan - they did not do the right thing when they refused to co-sign a bi-partisan statement.

You're an idiot. No doubt you bought into his "Lead from behind" bullshit. The blame is your magic negroes and his inability to lead. Wanna know how I know you're stupid? Meddling IS A HYPER PARTISAN ISSUE AND IT IS EMANATING FROM dumb asses like you.
McConnell stopped him? I didn't know that. I assumed that the
Lake County, Florida Tax Collector heard about it and informed
Obama not to go public with it.
McConnell stopped him? I didn't know that. I assumed that the
Lake County, Florida Tax Collector heard about it and informed
Obama not to go public with it.

Obambi's narcissism will not allow him to accept even a tiny failure. He is god on earth .
Don't know the truth about how or what happened, but do know McConnell could care less about your average American.
McConnell stopped him? I didn't know that. I assumed that the
Lake County, Florida Tax Collector heard about it and informed
Obama not to go public with it.

Obambi's narcissism will not allow him to accept even a tiny failure. He is god on earth .

Except what you just said is FANTASY in direct contradiction to fact of Obama admitting failure a number of times

Obama admits failure to leave behind strong Democratic Party

President Obama Admits the 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency

President Obama admits Arrogance
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Joe Biden says it's so? Hair Plug Joe's still trying to figure out some way to get elected President...which means he'll say just about anything that he thinks will resonate with the Left!
Just don't let Joe anywhere near your pre-pubescent daughters!
How about you work on being honest in your posts?
How about you work on your IQ. Democrats - Obama and Hillary especially - have repeatedly demonstrated they often work, communicate, scheme, and take action through proxy. Try being honest sometime...or perhaps you were / are just ignorant of such facts.
Yes they do sometimes...
Thank you.
You’re welcome. That doesnt excuse your blantant dishonesty
nor yours.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

Triple neck McConnel is sum...
"Obama chief of staff: Mitch McConnell prevented Obama from getting tough on Russia"

"In a world where the Obama administration had repeatedly and publicly dismissed the idea that Russia was a threat, it’s an expression of impotence. Former Barack Obama chief of staff Denis McDonough claims that the president was handcuffed from taking more assertive action against Russia during the election because Mitch McConnell refused to sign onto a public statement accusing them of interference"

Evidence shows Obama knew about Russian attempts to interfere in the election, about their on-going Psy Ops programs that targeted social media - resulting in Liberals (Snowflakes) organizing and marching for them, etc.... and yet he did nothing, unwilling to upset Vlad, from whom he sought permission to Un-Constitutionally invade Syria...

View attachment 180524

Leaders lead because they are leaders. They don't do it because of a "consensus", the man was never a leader he was a place holder. He had a job to do and he did it just as he was told to. For the record Rump is doing the same thing.

Fool, the moment Obama comes out and pronounces Russians trying to elect Trump the entire “Russian meddling” becomes a hyper partisan issue with half the country thinking that Obama is the one meddling in an election.

It is what YOU would be screaming from the rooftops. Hilarious to see how little introspection rightwingers have as they jump from one argument of convinience to another.

The blame is squarely with McConnel and Ryan - they did not do the right thing when they refused to co-sign a bi-partisan statement.

You're an idiot. No doubt you bought into his "Lead from behind" bullshit. The blame is your magic negroes and his inability to lead. Wanna know how I know you're stupid? Meddling IS A HYPER PARTISAN ISSUE AND IT IS EMANATING FROM dumb asses like you.

Simple question - would you accuse Obama of partisanship if he came out with the statements about Russians supporting Trump during the election?

Simple answer - OF COURSE YOU WOULD.

And it's not even about nutters like you that shit on Obama no matter what he does, it is also about further undermining trust in our institutions and electoral process. With Trump screaming RIGGED!!!! out of every microphone he gets in front, revelations from administration about Russian activities to help him win, even if true, would play VERY BAD. Bad for investigating this activity, bad for America.

Obama coming to Republican leadership with this was exactly the right way to go about it and it's too bad they refused to put AMERICA FIRST.
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If BHO was a god on earth, he would have released the info without McConnell's agreement.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

Sounds like Obama needed a Twitter account to tell Americans himself.
Simple question - would you accuse Obama of partisanship if he came out with the statements about Russians supporting Trump during the election?

Simple answer - OF COURSE YOU WOULD.

You don't give a shit about what Obama does, what you care is pooping on him no matter what he did or didn't do.

Obama coming to Republican leadership with this was exactly the right way to go about it and it's too bad they refused to put AMERICA FIRST.

They missed the point that a bipartisan response was needed to avoid a cry of partisanship.

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