It was McConnell who blocked Obama from Alerting Americans about the Russian interference.

Trump has not done a thing to alert the people of this and he knows what is going on and lies to you..he has lied from the beginning about Russia yet has you all brainwashed .
does trump have us all brainwashed, or does russia have you brainwashed?

valid question after those billions of bots took our neighbors identities and attacked us with them.
The OP is flat true and easily verified.

Those who attack it hate America, love Russia, and need to be opposed with everyone's might.
so there's only 1 reason for everything then.

simplistic ... well i hate to use the word "thinking" here because it simply is not but i'll go with it - so - simplistic "thinking" like this is bullshit on every level. there's a lot of reasons to do any given thing. you boiling it down to 1 speaks to you inability, not theirs.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

You do realize that nothing has changed at all right? Is there a copy of this alleged bipartisan statement? Was it anything more then a note someone sent them selves?
Simplistic thinking comes to the conclusion that it is bull shit.

Research shows that McConnell and Ryan spiked Obama's efforts to warn the nation.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.
So Obama was McConnell's bitch. Sounds right.
Simplistic thinking comes to the conclusion that it is bull shit.

Research shows that McConnell and Ryan spiked Obama's efforts to warn the nation.
and video shows obama making covert plans with russia.

wheee - this is fun!
In this case, yes, jknowgood, and if you said that McConnell and Ryan did not punk him on the issue, then you are a liar.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

So who was it that blocked him from telling the truth about Benghazi, instead of blaming it on a "Youtube video"?

Truthfully, I don't believe a single thing that came out of Obama's or Biden's pie holes. Especially Obama: he's proven himself to be a liar over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

Yet, no-minds like yourself, think Trump is a pathological liar.
Why not factually show us all the times Obama proved to show he's a lair, "over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.."
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
The only thing they're gonna do with Russia and Trump is waste tax dollars.
Now, Biden wants us to believe the Democrats. Obama and him were all helpless victims of just one person? Really?

I really don’t buy the BS, this makes Obama look like some coward that didn’t have enough character to stand up and do what was right.
Doing the right in this instance is far from black and white.
What Papa believes does not change the fact that McConnell and Ryan backed Obama down on this issue.
Now, Biden wants us to believe the Democrats. Obama and him were all helpless victims of just one person? Really?

I really don’t buy the BS, this makes Obama look like some coward that didn’t have enough character to stand up and do what was right.
Doing the right in this instance is far from black and white.

I think Biden is straight up lying, name all the times that Biden and Obama issued a joint statement.

Obama wasn't running for re-election so what difference did it make to Obama? Absolutely none and he trashed Trump during the election and now we are to believe he was trying to be fair? Just don't buy it.
Papa is having trouble that he is wrong, and that McConnell and Ryan empowered Russian meddling.
Now, Biden wants us to believe the Democrats. Obama and him were all helpless victims of just one person? Really?

I really don’t buy the BS, this makes Obama look like some coward that didn’t have enough character to stand up and do what was right.
Doing the right in this instance is far from black and white.

I think Biden is straight up lying, name all the times that Biden and Obama issued a joint statement.

Obama wasn't running for re-election so what difference did it make to Obama? Absolutely none and he trashed Trump during the election and now we are to believe he was trying to be fair? Just don't buy it.

Of course you do. Doesn't matter that this was reported a YEAR ago...

If that’s true, why didn’t the Obama administration push to release it earlier?

For one, the White House was probably afraid of looking like it was tipping the scale in Hillary Clinton’s favor, especially in an election that her opponent repeatedly described as rigged. Though Obama stumped for Clinton around the country, the administration didn’t want to open him up to attacks that he unfairly used intelligence to undermine Trump’s campaign, the Post reported.

Instead, top White House officials gathered key lawmakers—leadership from the House and Senate, plus the top Democrats and Republicans from both houses’ intelligence and homeland security committees—to ask for a bipartisan condemnation of Russia’s meddling. The effort was stymied by several Republicans who weren’t willing to cooperate, including, reportedly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. (On Sunday morning, a bipartisan statement condemning the hacks came from incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Jack Reed, a Democrat, and Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham.)

Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the Election?
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! This is BEYOND hilarious!!!!!! Let us just run through the things that is common knowledge about the election.

#1 The letter to exonerate the Hildebeast was written before the investigation ever took place.

#2 The Hildebeast never was under oath when she met with the know, the interview that she looked forward to.

#3 The Bill "drop trou"/ Loretta Lynch private meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona in late June of 2016 where none of her staff was allowed to board the plane.

#4 Comey claims that the Hildebeast was incredibly negligent about passing classified information back and forth on a private server....allows her staff to smash hard drives and Blackberrys and ignores the 33,000 emails that were deleted and never passed off to the investigation team....but claims that there was no criminal intent........(snicker)

#5 Julian Assange gets a thumb drive from a former UK ambassador that he had gotten from Seth Rich and releases e-mails showing criminality and corruption of unprecedented proportions.......some even showing that they knew that SCOTUS Judge Scalia was going to be they had plotted to make sure that Sanders would never win the nomination. How the shadow government had already fixed Hildebeast's case and that Comey was complying. Information of how the Hildebeast had been complicit in making sure that child trafficker Laura Silsby was treated lightly after she tried to whisk away 33 children that she claimed were "orphans" (lie) and that she was starting an orphanage.....I guess these kids were a "starter kit"??? John Pedo Podesta's e-mails where he talks about having better luck playing dominos on pizza rather than pasta........deep web terminology for child trafficking. There are more incriminating e-mails but THAT one should make even the most staunch denier stand up and say "WTF?".......

#6 Pervert Anthony Weiner gets busted for sending pictures of his junk to a 15 year old girl and has his laptop confiscated on October 28th, 2016...The NYPD detectives find not only security sensitive emails that Huma Abedin sent him? But they find a file that is labeled "Insurance" and it has child porn and snuff films on it that are so horrific that even the most hardened NYPD detective breaks down and they insist that the FBI and Comey re-opens the case. The NYPD is put under a gag order but eventually those that are brave will come forth and reveal what they saw.

#7 The Polls are rigged proclaiming that the Hildebeast is going to win and that it's a foregone conclusion. Hildebeast is given the debate questions ahead of time.......

#8 The lamestream media continues it's relentless attack against Trump while claiming that any negative thing said against the Hildebeast is a lie......they even claim after the election that they did all they could for her.

#9 One of the criminal members of Bush clan releases a video of him talking to Trump about the gold diggers that attach themselves to him from 2005 where he says "Yeah, they were so close that I could grab them by the pussy". The major lamestream media ran with it like no guy had ever used that type of language. Locker room talk that every guy that has been in the spotlight can relate to. I never hit the big time as a musician but I have had women throw themselves at me and send me nasty, naughty little notes on cocktail napkins during a set. It happens and you take some pride in's a "guy thing".

So, to sum it all up????? All facts posted above are true and verifiable and none of them are spin you can put on it to put lipstick on that pig.......but yet leftards claim that Russian bots using social media slandered the (snicker) "good name" of Hillary Rodham's like living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and "down" is really "up" is actually white. I would laugh at the absurdity of it all if it wasn't so fucking sad.
Cant address the topic at hand?

I did address the just aren't smart enough to put the pieces together. This is truly a case of the guilty dog barking the loudest. The DNC and their deep state cohorts are the ones guilty of the very thing that they have accused President Trump of doing. All this has been from the outset is a shit flinging venture hoping that something would stick.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! This is BEYOND hilarious!!!!!! Let us just run through the things that is common knowledge about the election.

#1 The letter to exonerate the Hildebeast was written before the investigation ever took place.

#2 The Hildebeast never was under oath when she met with the know, the interview that she looked forward to.

#3 The Bill "drop trou"/ Loretta Lynch private meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona in late June of 2016 where none of her staff was allowed to board the plane.

#4 Comey claims that the Hildebeast was incredibly negligent about passing classified information back and forth on a private server....allows her staff to smash hard drives and Blackberrys and ignores the 33,000 emails that were deleted and never passed off to the investigation team....but claims that there was no criminal intent........(snicker)

#5 Julian Assange gets a thumb drive from a former UK ambassador that he had gotten from Seth Rich and releases e-mails showing criminality and corruption of unprecedented proportions.......some even showing that they knew that SCOTUS Judge Scalia was going to be they had plotted to make sure that Sanders would never win the nomination. How the shadow government had already fixed Hildebeast's case and that Comey was complying. Information of how the Hildebeast had been complicit in making sure that child trafficker Laura Silsby was treated lightly after she tried to whisk away 33 children that she claimed were "orphans" (lie) and that she was starting an orphanage.....I guess these kids were a "starter kit"??? John Pedo Podesta's e-mails where he talks about having better luck playing dominos on pizza rather than pasta........deep web terminology for child trafficking. There are more incriminating e-mails but THAT one should make even the most staunch denier stand up and say "WTF?".......

#6 Pervert Anthony Weiner gets busted for sending pictures of his junk to a 15 year old girl and has his laptop confiscated on October 28th, 2016...The NYPD detectives find not only security sensitive emails that Huma Abedin sent him? But they find a file that is labeled "Insurance" and it has child porn and snuff films on it that are so horrific that even the most hardened NYPD detective breaks down and they insist that the FBI and Comey re-opens the case. The NYPD is put under a gag order but eventually those that are brave will come forth and reveal what they saw.

#7 The Polls are rigged proclaiming that the Hildebeast is going to win and that it's a foregone conclusion. Hildebeast is given the debate questions ahead of time.......

#8 The lamestream media continues it's relentless attack against Trump while claiming that any negative thing said against the Hildebeast is a lie......they even claim after the election that they did all they could for her.

#9 One of the criminal members of Bush clan releases a video of him talking to Trump about the gold diggers that attach themselves to him from 2005 where he says "Yeah, they were so close that I could grab them by the pussy". The major lamestream media ran with it like no guy had ever used that type of language. Locker room talk that every guy that has been in the spotlight can relate to. I never hit the big time as a musician but I have had women throw themselves at me and send me nasty, naughty little notes on cocktail napkins during a set. It happens and you take some pride in's a "guy thing".

So, to sum it all up????? All facts posted above are true and verifiable and none of them are spin you can put on it to put lipstick on that pig.......but yet leftards claim that Russian bots using social media slandered the (snicker) "good name" of Hillary Rodham's like living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and "down" is really "up" is actually white. I would laugh at the absurdity of it all if it wasn't so fucking sad.
Cant address the topic at hand?

I did address the just aren't smart enough to put the pieces together. This is truly a case of the guilty dog barking the loudest. The DNC and their deep state cohorts are the ones guilty of the very thing that they have accused President Trump of doing. All this has been from the outset is a shit flinging venture hoping that something would stick.
For all the misdeeds of the Hillary camp, they were never beholden to a hostile foreign power.
Ex-workers at russian troll factory say all the indictments are true.
Now, Biden wants us to believe the Democrats. Obama and him were all helpless victims of just one person? Really?

I really don’t buy the BS, this makes Obama look like some coward that didn’t have enough character to stand up and do what was right.
Doing the right in this instance is far from black and white.

I think Biden is straight up lying, name all the times that Biden and Obama issued a joint statement.

Obama wasn't running for re-election so what difference did it make to Obama? Absolutely none and he trashed Trump during the election and now we are to believe he was trying to be fair? Just don't buy it.

Of course you do. Doesn't matter that this was reported a YEAR ago...

If that’s true, why didn’t the Obama administration push to release it earlier?

For one, the White House was probably afraid of looking like it was tipping the scale in Hillary Clinton’s favor, especially in an election that her opponent repeatedly described as rigged. Though Obama stumped for Clinton around the country, the administration didn’t want to open him up to attacks that he unfairly used intelligence to undermine Trump’s campaign, the Post reported.

Instead, top White House officials gathered key lawmakers—leadership from the House and Senate, plus the top Democrats and Republicans from both houses’ intelligence and homeland security committees—to ask for a bipartisan condemnation of Russia’s meddling. The effort was stymied by several Republicans who weren’t willing to cooperate, including, reportedly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. (On Sunday morning, a bipartisan statement condemning the hacks came from incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Jack Reed, a Democrat, and Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham.)

Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russi
Now, Biden wants us to believe the Democrats. Obama and him were all helpless victims of just one person? Really?

I really don’t buy the BS, this makes Obama look like some coward that didn’t have enough character to stand up and do what was right.
Doing the right in this instance is far from black and white.

I think Biden is straight up lying, name all the times that Biden and Obama issued a joint statement.

Obama wasn't running for re-election so what difference did it make to Obama? Absolutely none and he trashed Trump during the election and now we are to believe he was trying to be fair? Just don't buy it.

Of course you do. Doesn't matter that this was reported a YEAR ago...

If that’s true, why didn’t the Obama administration push to release it earlier?

For one, the White House was probably afraid of looking like it was tipping the scale in Hillary Clinton’s favor, especially in an election that her opponent repeatedly described as rigged. Though Obama stumped for Clinton around the country, the administration didn’t want to open him up to attacks that he unfairly used intelligence to undermine Trump’s campaign, the Post reported.

Instead, top White House officials gathered key lawmakers—leadership from the House and Senate, plus the top Democrats and Republicans from both houses’ intelligence and homeland security committees—to ask for a bipartisan condemnation of Russia’s meddling. The effort was stymied by several Republicans who weren’t willing to cooperate, including, reportedly, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. (On Sunday morning, a bipartisan statement condemning the hacks came from incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Jack Reed, a Democrat, and Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham.)

[URL='']Why Didn’t Obama Reveal Intel About Russia’s Influence on the Election?

a’s Influence on the Election?[/URL]

So there was a partisan support, and Biden straight up lied. The other thing is Obama didn't want to look bad and figured Clinton would win anyway so he decided that his reputation was more important than the country.

See, none of this makes any sense.
McConnell and Ryan road blocked the effort to notify the citizens.

You Alt Right can't get around the fact that helped Trump.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! This is BEYOND hilarious!!!!!! Let us just run through the things that is common knowledge about the election.

#1 The letter to exonerate the Hildebeast was written before the investigation ever took place.

#2 The Hildebeast never was under oath when she met with the know, the interview that she looked forward to.

#3 The Bill "drop trou"/ Loretta Lynch private meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona in late June of 2016 where none of her staff was allowed to board the plane.

#4 Comey claims that the Hildebeast was incredibly negligent about passing classified information back and forth on a private server....allows her staff to smash hard drives and Blackberrys and ignores the 33,000 emails that were deleted and never passed off to the investigation team....but claims that there was no criminal intent........(snicker)

#5 Julian Assange gets a thumb drive from a former UK ambassador that he had gotten from Seth Rich and releases e-mails showing criminality and corruption of unprecedented proportions.......some even showing that they knew that SCOTUS Judge Scalia was going to be they had plotted to make sure that Sanders would never win the nomination. How the shadow government had already fixed Hildebeast's case and that Comey was complying. Information of how the Hildebeast had been complicit in making sure that child trafficker Laura Silsby was treated lightly after she tried to whisk away 33 children that she claimed were "orphans" (lie) and that she was starting an orphanage.....I guess these kids were a "starter kit"??? John Pedo Podesta's e-mails where he talks about having better luck playing dominos on pizza rather than pasta........deep web terminology for child trafficking. There are more incriminating e-mails but THAT one should make even the most staunch denier stand up and say "WTF?".......

#6 Pervert Anthony Weiner gets busted for sending pictures of his junk to a 15 year old girl and has his laptop confiscated on October 28th, 2016...The NYPD detectives find not only security sensitive emails that Huma Abedin sent him? But they find a file that is labeled "Insurance" and it has child porn and snuff films on it that are so horrific that even the most hardened NYPD detective breaks down and they insist that the FBI and Comey re-opens the case. The NYPD is put under a gag order but eventually those that are brave will come forth and reveal what they saw.

#7 The Polls are rigged proclaiming that the Hildebeast is going to win and that it's a foregone conclusion. Hildebeast is given the debate questions ahead of time.......

#8 The lamestream media continues it's relentless attack against Trump while claiming that any negative thing said against the Hildebeast is a lie......they even claim after the election that they did all they could for her.

#9 One of the criminal members of Bush clan releases a video of him talking to Trump about the gold diggers that attach themselves to him from 2005 where he says "Yeah, they were so close that I could grab them by the pussy". The major lamestream media ran with it like no guy had ever used that type of language. Locker room talk that every guy that has been in the spotlight can relate to. I never hit the big time as a musician but I have had women throw themselves at me and send me nasty, naughty little notes on cocktail napkins during a set. It happens and you take some pride in's a "guy thing".

So, to sum it all up????? All facts posted above are true and verifiable and none of them are spin you can put on it to put lipstick on that pig.......but yet leftards claim that Russian bots using social media slandered the (snicker) "good name" of Hillary Rodham's like living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and "down" is really "up" is actually white. I would laugh at the absurdity of it all if it wasn't so fucking sad.
Cant address the topic at hand?

I did address the just aren't smart enough to put the pieces together. This is truly a case of the guilty dog barking the loudest. The DNC and their deep state cohorts are the ones guilty of the very thing that they have accused President Trump of doing. All this has been from the outset is a shit flinging venture hoping that something would stick.
For all the misdeeds of the Hillary camp, they were never beholden to a hostile foreign power.
Ex-workers at russian troll factory say all the indictments are true.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! That is utterly hilarious! You are going to say with a straight face that Rooskie trolls tipped the election in Trump's favor in spite of the Hildebeast's war chest and the lamestream media doing all that they could to carry her over the finish line? There was so much dirt on the Hildebeast that all they had to do was point it out but it's not like people with a couple of brain cells didn't already know. I would say the fact that since it was the Hildebeast was one of the people that signed off on Uranium One and took millions in bribes that SHE was the one that was compromised.
Trump knows that McConnell blocked Obama.. so do the news people..

Biden: McConnell blocked Obama from raising flags about Russia's 2016 election involvement

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to sign a bipartisan statement specifically calling out Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Biden said he and Obama believed that putting out a statement without bipartisan support would be perceived badly by the public.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to join them in publicly condemning Russia's meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

Biden said he believed that McConnell's refusal to sign a bipartisan statement acknowledging Russian interference appeared to be "all about the political play," according to Politico.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! This is BEYOND hilarious!!!!!! Let us just run through the things that is common knowledge about the election.

#1 The letter to exonerate the Hildebeast was written before the investigation ever took place.

#2 The Hildebeast never was under oath when she met with the know, the interview that she looked forward to.

#3 The Bill "drop trou"/ Loretta Lynch private meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona in late June of 2016 where none of her staff was allowed to board the plane.

#4 Comey claims that the Hildebeast was incredibly negligent about passing classified information back and forth on a private server....allows her staff to smash hard drives and Blackberrys and ignores the 33,000 emails that were deleted and never passed off to the investigation team....but claims that there was no criminal intent........(snicker)

#5 Julian Assange gets a thumb drive from a former UK ambassador that he had gotten from Seth Rich and releases e-mails showing criminality and corruption of unprecedented proportions.......some even showing that they knew that SCOTUS Judge Scalia was going to be they had plotted to make sure that Sanders would never win the nomination. How the shadow government had already fixed Hildebeast's case and that Comey was complying. Information of how the Hildebeast had been complicit in making sure that child trafficker Laura Silsby was treated lightly after she tried to whisk away 33 children that she claimed were "orphans" (lie) and that she was starting an orphanage.....I guess these kids were a "starter kit"??? John Pedo Podesta's e-mails where he talks about having better luck playing dominos on pizza rather than pasta........deep web terminology for child trafficking. There are more incriminating e-mails but THAT one should make even the most staunch denier stand up and say "WTF?".......

#6 Pervert Anthony Weiner gets busted for sending pictures of his junk to a 15 year old girl and has his laptop confiscated on October 28th, 2016...The NYPD detectives find not only security sensitive emails that Huma Abedin sent him? But they find a file that is labeled "Insurance" and it has child porn and snuff films on it that are so horrific that even the most hardened NYPD detective breaks down and they insist that the FBI and Comey re-opens the case. The NYPD is put under a gag order but eventually those that are brave will come forth and reveal what they saw.

#7 The Polls are rigged proclaiming that the Hildebeast is going to win and that it's a foregone conclusion. Hildebeast is given the debate questions ahead of time.......

#8 The lamestream media continues it's relentless attack against Trump while claiming that any negative thing said against the Hildebeast is a lie......they even claim after the election that they did all they could for her.

#9 One of the criminal members of Bush clan releases a video of him talking to Trump about the gold diggers that attach themselves to him from 2005 where he says "Yeah, they were so close that I could grab them by the pussy". The major lamestream media ran with it like no guy had ever used that type of language. Locker room talk that every guy that has been in the spotlight can relate to. I never hit the big time as a musician but I have had women throw themselves at me and send me nasty, naughty little notes on cocktail napkins during a set. It happens and you take some pride in's a "guy thing".

So, to sum it all up????? All facts posted above are true and verifiable and none of them are spin you can put on it to put lipstick on that pig.......but yet leftards claim that Russian bots using social media slandered the (snicker) "good name" of Hillary Rodham's like living in Bizzarro World where "up" is "down" and "down" is really "up" is actually white. I would laugh at the absurdity of it all if it wasn't so fucking sad.
Cant address the topic at hand?

I did address the just aren't smart enough to put the pieces together. This is truly a case of the guilty dog barking the loudest. The DNC and their deep state cohorts are the ones guilty of the very thing that they have accused President Trump of doing. All this has been from the outset is a shit flinging venture hoping that something would stick.
For all the misdeeds of the Hillary camp, they were never beholden to a hostile foreign power.
Ex-workers at russian troll factory say all the indictments are true.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! That is utterly hilarious! You are going to say with a straight face that Rooskie trolls tipped the election in Trump's favor in spite of the Hildebeast's war chest and the lamestream media doing all that they could to carry her over the finish line? There was so much dirt on the Hildebeast that all they had to do was point it out but it's not like people with a couple of brain cells didn't already know. I would say the fact that since it was the Hildebeast was one of the people that signed off on Uranium One and took millions in bribes that SHE was the one that was compromised.
They did point it out.
Comey publicly re-opened Hillary's email investigation a week prior to the vote.
If there was something with Uranium One, you would have heard about it during Obama admin. Instead they wasted 4 years on Benghazi, so your ship has sailed, because all that occurred prior to Benghazi.
Poor snowflakes, its a conservative meltdown.

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