It Was Not Acceptable For The Clintons - It Must NOT Be For the Trumps


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
According to many sources close to and in both the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, it was rumored Hillary all but ran a branch of the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department. THAT WAS COMPLETELY UN-ACCEPABLE...and turned off many people from voting for her in the election.

Now there are rumors / reports that the Trumps are getting very close to that line as well.

Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father’s Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

"Ivanka Trump — who Donald Trump has said will help run his businesses while he is president — appears, per a photo provided by the Japanese government, to have at least been present for part of Thursday’s meeting with Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe."

- Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father's Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

Trump needs to be warned right now, right up front that his Presidential administration and his 'Trump Enterprise' MUST be completely separate - NO ties, NO links, no perception of impropriety. If there is any proven during his presidency there will need to be serious consequences - just as should have been the case for the Clintons.

Draining the swamp doesn't mean once it's done you fill it back up with your own snakes and alligators

EQUAL adherence to the Constitution and Rule of Law, EQUAL 'Justice' across the board for EVERYONE! I don't care who you are or what Party you represent - you break the law you pay!

That has GOT to be the way it goes across the board!
Ivanka is hot though. Can't we make an exception to honor such beauty?
According to many sources close to and in both the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, it was rumored Hillary all but ran a branch of the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department. THAT WAS COMPLETELY UN-ACCEPABLE...and turned off many people from voting for her in the election.

Now there are rumors / reports that the Trumps are getting very close to that line as well.

Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father’s Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

"Ivanka Trump — who Donald Trump has said will help run his businesses while he is president — appears, per a photo provided by the Japanese government, to have at least been present for part of Thursday’s meeting with Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe."

- Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father's Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

Trump needs to be warned right now, right up front that his Presidential administration and his 'Trump Enterprise' MUST be completely separate - NO ties, NO links, no perception of impropriety. If there is any proven during his presidency there will need to be serious consequences - just as should have been the case for the Clintons.

Draining the swamp doesn't mean once it's done you fill it back up with your own snakes and alligators

EQUAL adherence to the Constitution and Rule of Law, EQUAL 'Justice' across the board for EVERYONE! I don't care who you are or what Party you represent - you break the law you pay!

That has GOT to be the way it goes across the board!
Ivanka didn't meet with him, she was present in her father's home when her father met with him.
According to many sources close to and in both the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, it was rumored Hillary all but ran a branch of the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department. THAT WAS COMPLETELY UN-ACCEPABLE...and turned off many people from voting for her in the election.

Now there are rumors / reports that the Trumps are getting very close to that line as well.

Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father’s Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

"Ivanka Trump — who Donald Trump has said will help run his businesses while he is president — appears, per a photo provided by the Japanese government, to have at least been present for part of Thursday’s meeting with Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe."

- Ivanka Trump, Expected To Run Father's Business, Also Met With Japanese Prime Minister

Trump needs to be warned right now, right up front that his Presidential administration and his 'Trump Enterprise' MUST be completely separate - NO ties, NO links, no perception of impropriety. If there is any proven during his presidency there will need to be serious consequences - just as should have been the case for the Clintons.

Draining the swamp doesn't mean once it's done you fill it back up with your own snakes and alligators

EQUAL adherence to the Constitution and Rule of Law, EQUAL 'Justice' across the board for EVERYONE! I don't care who you are or what Party you represent - you break the law you pay!

That has GOT to be the way it goes across the board!

The trumps aren't going to use the presidency to make money. They have all the money they need.

Nobody would have cared about Clinton running it out of the state dept. offices if she hadn't been RACKETEERING.

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