It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Voter ID Law Enforcement Became Voting Quizzes


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.
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They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?

Much less know how their government works or even what the Constitution is.
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

How did they know the person was a non republican?
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

ID's can be fake.
This is nothing but a few individuals who have a chip on their shoulder looking to make trouble.
It is the OPINION of the blogger that the questions are not part of the law.
More lib clap trap....Stow it.
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?
Here's what the law states they should do...
  • 1st ask for their name and address
  • 2nd ask for their id to verify what they said.

Here's what these RW SCUMBAGS are actually doing
  • 1st asking for their names and addresses
  • 2nd asking for their ids
  • 3rd asking to spell names and addresses
  • 4th asking additional questions based on the ids like age, weight, height, etc.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

THAT is voter fraud.

You should be as outraged as I am.

Basically HARASSING non-Republican voters.

How did they know the person was a non republican?
They know which precincts are mostly Republican and which are mostly Democrats.
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

ID's can be fake.
This is nothing but a few individuals who have a chip on their shoulder looking to make trouble.
It is the OPINION of the blogger that the questions are not part of the law.
More lib clap trap....Stow it.
So you're suggesting that the dictates that these polling people become certified fake ID checkers too? Is that it?
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote or having to answer some questions

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough
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Wasn't a republican politician not allowed to vote
because he didn't have the right piece of ID?
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough

Sometimes I am taken aback by how ignorant some posters are. They read the thread title, post their dumb, uninformed opinion, and make a complete ass of themselves because they didn't read vital information contained within the OP and the rest of the thread.

Then there's you, who apparently didn't even read the thread title. This isn't about having an ID to vote, this is about ID checkers now violating voter ID laws and conducting their own Jim Crow-esque quizzing of voters in a deliberate, undeniable attempt at voter suppression.

Besides all of that, asking someone to spell their own name is clearly a literacy test, which is illegal. For every one Wrongpublican on this board bragging about how "hurr durr we da party dat ended slavery," there are at least a one hundred Wrongpublican pollworkers out there actively seeking to either bring it back or reinstitute the discriminatory, unconstitutional policies that immediately followed it.
They are asking for names, addresses and date of birth.
Some motherfuckers are so stupid they'll have trouble with that. Why should they be voting?

Does this mean I should finish the 12 pack AFTER I vote?


Wait...I vote using a mail in ballot...nevermind.

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Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?

OMG! They asked those poor people their name, date of birth and address! How could ANYONE be expected to know questions as hard as those!!!! Call out the National Guard! Call the NY Times!! Cue Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson!!!
Sounds like questions cops ask when they pull you over or stop you on the street. Even presenting an ID at bars has bought on questions like that to ensure I wasn't using a fake ID.

Why don't people object to having their ID verified to cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol or buy an airline ticket, but are pissed when it comes to voting?

If there wasn't fraud, and there is, we wouldn't be in this stupid situation where people were questioned. They shouldn't be.

Motor voter registration seemed like a good idea at the time, but all it does is ensure that millions of ballots for legally registered voters go unused by the people who have a right to them. Don't think for a moment they are being tossed out. Only about a third of the eligible voters even turn out, yet some places show more than 100% of voters showing up and voting for one person. Get a clue.

End motor voter and make all citizens re-register before the next election. Those that don't vote won't bother and it will ensure that millions of registered voters don't have their ballots claimed by scammers.
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I know I'll be accused of racism and god knows what other nonsense but I'll say it anyway...

Is it just me...or does it seem wrong to have people voting who don't know their own name? I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here and say that if you don't know who YOU're probably not going to have a fucking clue about who's running in a national election!!!
There IS no right to vote contained in the Constitution IN a Federal Presidential Election...

I know I'll be accused of racism and god knows what other nonsense but I'll say it anyway...

Is it just me...or does it seem wrong to have people voting who don't know their own name? I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here and say that if you don't know who YOU're probably not going to have a fucking clue about who's running in a national election!!!
But people sure as HELL know who they are when asked to produce an ID at the bank to cash in their welfare check...
You no what, you all didn't care about all the money and problems with OScamCare

so don't give us all this faux outrage over frkken having to have an ID to vote or having to answer some questions

grow up if you don't have an Id and know where and how to vote by now, tough


This ISN'T about not having IDs, as ALL the voters had VALID IDs.


I know I'll be accused of racism and god knows what other nonsense but I'll say it anyway...

Is it just me...or does it seem wrong to have people voting who don't know their own name? I'm gonna go WAY out on a limb here and say that if you don't know who YOU're probably not going to have a fucking clue about who's running in a national election!!!
Why do these American citizens trying to cast a vote have to go through ADDITIONAL hoops to do so?

Isn't PROVIDING their VALID ID more than enough?

Why HARASS them further?

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