it wasn't a bow.............

well if you are a muslim king i guess it is a good thing ......

I doubt he's given it any thought.

I started looking for a mention of it in the Middle Eastern press, beginning with al Jazeera, and found this:

Could somebody who cares about this explain to me what it meant with Bush awkwardly rubbed the shoulders of the German Chancellor? Did that mean that the US wanted to have sex with Germany??
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:34 a.m.


"My son just returned from Iraq (his 3rd tour) and the president's presence over there is being scrutinized by those middle east countries"

I really doubt that anybody with any kind of education (ie: decision maker) cares about bowing. It wasn't even mentioned in Aljazeera.
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:28 a.m.

Obama bows to Saudi King! ::
from a BLOG????

from your link cherry....

The president has performed an act of obeisance (note: The King did *not* return the bow) that will never be forgotten by non-christians throughout the world.

pwnd :lol:
we threw off royalty over 200 years ago
the POTUS is every bit an eaqual to any other head of state
thats why he DOESN'T(hasnt till this dumbo did) bow to royalty
from your link cherry....

The president has performed an act of obeisance (note: The King did *not* return the bow) that will never be forgotten by non-christians throughout the world.

pwnd :lol:
we threw off royalty over 200 years ago
the POTUS is every bit an eaqual to any other head of state
thats why he DOESN'T(hasnt till this dumbo did) bow to royalty

yup, obama just openly gave authority to the king of SA....

as manu said...he knew exactly what he was doing, no such bow to the queen of england, but a full bend at the waist all the way over bow to the king of a muslim nation....a muslim nation that happens to contain the MOST HOLY spot of islam....
from your link cherry....

The president has performed an act of obeisance (note: The King did *not* return the bow) that will never be forgotten by non-christians throughout the world.

pwnd :lol:
we threw off royalty over 200 years ago
the POTUS is every bit an eaqual to any other head of state
thats why he DOESN'T(hasnt till this dumbo did) bow to royalty

That was an opinion just as uninformed as the rest of the opinions that the gesture meant anything untoward. "non-christians throughout the world" aren't even discussing it.
from your link cherry....

The president has performed an act of obeisance (note: The King did *not* return the bow) that will never be forgotten by non-christians throughout the world.

pwnd :lol:
we threw off royalty over 200 years ago
the POTUS is every bit an eaqual to any other head of state
thats why he DOESN'T(hasnt till this dumbo did) bow to royalty

That was an opinion just as uninformed as the rest of the opinions that the gesture meant anything untoward. "non-christians throughout the world" aren't even discussing it.
you are just another lame assed obamabot
sheeesh, what a waste
you dont get it at all
here is an asian newspaper.....

United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.

Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative | Asia Daily News Online

From the same article:

"...The meeting between Obama and Abdullah was the first face-to-face talk between the two. The meeting created a storm of debate, primarily among American conservatives, when pictures and a video were released that appeared to show Obama bowing to the Saudi monarch at the G20 photo-op...."

No mention of subservience, fealty, or ass-kissing.

You know, "deference" also simply means "courteous respect." It isn't only used to indicate "submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes, or judgment of another."
deference - definition of deference by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
well if you are a muslim king i guess it is a good thing ......

I doubt he's given it any thought.

I started looking for a mention of it in the Middle Eastern press, beginning with al Jazeera, and found this:

Could somebody who cares about this explain to me what it meant with Bush awkwardly rubbed the shoulders of the German Chancellor? Did that mean that the US wanted to have sex with Germany??
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:34 a.m.


"My son just returned from Iraq (his 3rd tour) and the president's presence over there is being scrutinized by those middle east countries"

I really doubt that anybody with any kind of education (ie: decision maker) cares about bowing. It wasn't even mentioned in Aljazeera.
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:28 a.m.

Obama bows to Saudi King! ::
from a BLOG????


Blogs and MBs are about the only places it's being discussed. You don't think professional journalists are spending a great deal of time weighing the import of a non-event, now, do you?!
here is an asian newspaper.....

United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.

Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative | Asia Daily News Online

I doubt he's given it any thought.

I started looking for a mention of it in the Middle Eastern press, beginning with al Jazeera, and found this:

Could somebody who cares about this explain to me what it meant with Bush awkwardly rubbed the shoulders of the German Chancellor? Did that mean that the US wanted to have sex with Germany??
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:34 a.m.


"My son just returned from Iraq (his 3rd tour) and the president's presence over there is being scrutinized by those middle east countries"

I really doubt that anybody with any kind of education (ie: decision maker) cares about bowing. It wasn't even mentioned in Aljazeera.
GOLO member since March 16, 2009
April 7, 2009 11:28 a.m.

Obama bows to Saudi King! ::
from a BLOG????


Blogs and MBs are about the only places it's being discussed. You don't think professional journalists are spending a great deal of time weighing the import of a non-event, now, do you?!


Yurt didnt have any trouble finding a journalist talking about it
we threw off royalty over 200 years ago
the POTUS is every bit an eaqual to any other head of state
thats why he DOESN'T(hasnt till this dumbo did) bow to royalty

That was an opinion just as uninformed as the rest of the opinions that the gesture meant anything untoward. "non-christians throughout the world" aren't even discussing it.
you are just another lame assed obamabot
sheeesh, what a waste
you dont get it at all

Oh, I "get it" just fine. I get that a bunch of right-wing crackpots can make an issue out of anything, especially if it's nothing worth making an issue over.

Now where's that "Obama is a secret Jew" thread?!
That was an opinion just as uninformed as the rest of the opinions that the gesture meant anything untoward. "non-christians throughout the world" aren't even discussing it.
you are just another lame assed obamabot
sheeesh, what a waste
you dont get it at all

Oh, I "get it" just fine. I get that a bunch of right-wing crackpots can make an issue out of anything, especially if it's nothing worth making an issue over.

Now where's that "Obama is a secret Jew" thread?!
yeah, no journalists are talking about it

here are two in a quick search

Did Obama bow to Saudi king? See video :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama
Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
i agree its not a big issue, but why did they then have to lie about it if it wasnt a problem

and does another know if any previous POTUS has bowed for him?

well... Bush kissed him - on the lips and held hands with him on a little stroll together. Does that count?

I think your greater point is well taken... why lie about it?
Of course that is a rhetorical question.
He has to lie about it because it showed his inexperience in the field of world affairs and is an embarrassing situation.
I wonder if he has actually grasped exactly what it means to be the president of the last remaining superpower.
He coulda weasled out of it by simply claiming that he is showing the world that we Americans do not hold ourselves above anyone.. and that includes the president. He could have gotten a lot of mileage out of this faux pas if he was a little quicker on his feet.
I betcha Bill Clinton would have had the world eating out of his hand if he made such a clumsy gesture. (Lets don't even guess how Bush would have handled it)
I reckon experience counts, doesn't it?
Oh well... much ado about nothing, I suppose... we have much bigger fish to fry.
here is an asian newspaper.....

United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.

Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative | Asia Daily News Online

from a BLOG????


Blogs and MBs are about the only places it's being discussed. You don't think professional journalists are spending a great deal of time weighing the import of a non-event, now, do you?!


Yurt didnt have any trouble finding a journalist talking about it

Yurt found a journalist talking about American conservatives talking about it, as I've already pointed out.

I noticed that several right-wing bloggers were grousing that the Australian press had not ignored the bow the way the U.S. press had, so I went to the Sydney Morning Herald article they referenced and ... oops! It's talking about American conservatives talking about ....

"...Conservative American commentators have accused Barack Obama of "grovelling" to an Arab monarch at the G20 summit in London...."
Obama and the King: a right royal bow row |
you are just another lame assed obamabot
sheeesh, what a waste
you dont get it at all

Oh, I "get it" just fine. I get that a bunch of right-wing crackpots can make an issue out of anything, especially if it's nothing worth making an issue over.

Now where's that "Obama is a secret Jew" thread?!
yeah, no journalists are talking about it

here are two in a quick search

Did Obama bow to Saudi king? See video :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama
Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

They are talking about you people talking about it!

Don't you understand the difference?

The bow didn't occur and the U.S. and foreign press immediately jump on it and start debating whether or not it was appropriate.

First, the U.S. right-wing crackpots made an issue of it, then the press picked up on the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it, and now the press is discussing the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it.

Your first link is to the same article that appeared in the Asia Times. The majority of the article discusses actual, legitimate issues of concern to the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. The article also notes that U.S. conservatives have made an issue of the bow.

Your second link is to an article that was generated by the chatter in the right-wing blogosphere.

Everybody get back in your houses. Nothing to see here.
here is an asian newspaper.....

United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.

Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative | Asia Daily News Online

Blogs and MBs are about the only places it's being discussed. You don't think professional journalists are spending a great deal of time weighing the import of a non-event, now, do you?!


Yurt didnt have any trouble finding a journalist talking about it

Yurt found a journalist talking about American conservatives talking about it, as I've already pointed out.

I noticed that several right-wing bloggers were grousing that the Australian press had not ignored the bow the way the U.S. press had, so I went to the Sydney Morning Herald article they referenced and ... oops! It's talking about American conservatives talking about ....

"...Conservative American commentators have accused Barack Obama of "grovelling" to an Arab monarch at the G20 summit in London...."
Obama and the King: a right royal bow row |
well, its not really surprising the liberal MSM is ignoring it
they ignored everything else about him during the campaign, why should they change now

Yurt didnt have any trouble finding a journalist talking about it

Yurt found a journalist talking about American conservatives talking about it, as I've already pointed out.

I noticed that several right-wing bloggers were grousing that the Australian press had not ignored the bow the way the U.S. press had, so I went to the Sydney Morning Herald article they referenced and ... oops! It's talking about American conservatives talking about ....

"...Conservative American commentators have accused Barack Obama of "grovelling" to an Arab monarch at the G20 summit in London...."
Obama and the King: a right royal bow row |
well, its not really surprising the liberal MSM is ignoring it
they ignored everything else about him during the campaign, why should they change now

Whatever. There's nothing to it, except in the fertile imaginations of people whose job is to make up stuff to whine about.

And we all do know what makes really great fertilizer, don't we?!
Oh, I "get it" just fine. I get that a bunch of right-wing crackpots can make an issue out of anything, especially if it's nothing worth making an issue over.

Now where's that "Obama is a secret Jew" thread?!
yeah, no journalists are talking about it

here are two in a quick search

Did Obama bow to Saudi king? See video :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama
Obama Bows to Saudi King, Supports Saudi Initiative - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

They are talking about you people talking about it!

Don't you understand the difference?

The bow didn't occur and the U.S. and foreign press immediately jump on it and start debating whether or not it was appropriate.

First, the U.S. right-wing crackpots made an issue of it, then the press picked up on the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it, and now the press is discussing the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it.

Your first link is to the same article that appeared in the Asia Times. The majority of the article discusses actual, legitimate issues of concern to the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. The article also notes that U.S. conservatives have made an issue of the bow.

Your second link is to an article that was generated by the chatter in the right-wing blogosphere.

Everybody get back in your houses. Nothing to see here.
yeah, keep dismissing it, moron
Yurt found a journalist talking about American conservatives talking about it, as I've already pointed out.

I noticed that several right-wing bloggers were grousing that the Australian press had not ignored the bow the way the U.S. press had, so I went to the Sydney Morning Herald article they referenced and ... oops! It's talking about American conservatives talking about ....

"...Conservative American commentators have accused Barack Obama of "grovelling" to an Arab monarch at the G20 summit in London...."
Obama and the King: a right royal bow row |
well, its not really surprising the liberal MSM is ignoring it
they ignored everything else about him during the campaign, why should they change now

Whatever. There's nothing to it, except in the fertile imaginations of people whose job is to make up stuff to whine about.

And we all do know what makes really great fertilizer, don't we?!
uh, you assholes did that for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS
stop your whining already
Boy, it sure was worth the ridiculous expense, that we the taxpayers paid, for the President to bring 500 staff members to make sure he didn't do any rookie stupid shit during this trip. Wheeeew, we sure are lucky he had the good sense to bring all of those experts........... he might have done something really dumb like give iPods as gifts to 82 year old monarchs.:lol::lol::lol:

What a dick he is! An Ivy League dick!

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