it wasn't a bow.............

It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Boy, it sure was worth the ridiculous expense, that we the taxpayers paid, for the President to bring 500 staff members to make sure he didn't do any rookie stupid shit during this trip. Wheeeew, we sure are lucky he had the good sense to bring all of those experts........... he might have done something really dumb like give iPods as gifts to 82 year old monarchs.:lol::lol::lol:

What a dick he is! An Ivy League dick!

and we sure are lucky that the optical nerve of the democwat is hot wired to something other than their cerebral cortex. :lol:
i agree its not a big issue, but why did they then have to lie about it if it wasnt a problem

and does another know if any previous POTUS has bowed for him?

well... Bush kissed him - on the lips and held hands with him on a little stroll together. Does that count?

I think your greater point is well taken... why lie about it?
Of course that is a rhetorical question.
He has to lie about it because it showed his inexperience in the field of world affairs and is an embarrassing situation.
I wonder if he has actually grasped exactly what it means to be the president of the last remaining superpower.
He coulda weasled out of it by simply claiming that he is showing the world that we Americans do not hold ourselves above anyone.. and that includes the president. He could have gotten a lot of mileage out of this faux pas if he was a little quicker on his feet.
I betcha Bill Clinton would have had the world eating out of his hand if he made such a clumsy gesture. (Lets don't even guess how Bush would have handled it)
I reckon experience counts, doesn't it?
Oh well... much ado about nothing, I suppose... we have much bigger fish to fry.

Well all it amounts to is the PResident of the US bowing before a Muslim King... that's all.

So the US has gone in less than 90 days from prosecuting a war against radical Islam to bowing before the King of Saudi Arabia... funding the largest terrorist netowrk on the word with a Billion Dollars and telling Israel that it will face severe retribution if if acts to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons...

Bigger fish indeed... And WE are what's for dinner.
I'm much too lazy to read the entire thread, but three things occur to me regarding this story.

1) It was definitely a bow. To suggest otherwise is to insult pretty much everyone's intelligence.

2) The claim that it wasn't a bow was allegedly made by white house aide speaking in anonymity. So it's a bit of a stretch to conclude it's the official position.

3) I recall Obama saying that of course he'll make mistakes, but the difference between him and Bush is that he'll admit fault and move on.... we're waiting :eusa_whistle:

They are talking about you people talking about it!

Don't you understand the difference?

The bow didn't occur and the U.S. and foreign press immediately jump on it and start debating whether or not it was appropriate.

First, the U.S. right-wing crackpots made an issue of it, then the press picked up on the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it, and now the press is discussing the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it.

Your first link is to the same article that appeared in the Asia Times. The majority of the article discusses actual, legitimate issues of concern to the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. The article also notes that U.S. conservatives have made an issue of the bow.

Your second link is to an article that was generated by the chatter in the right-wing blogosphere.

Everybody get back in your houses. Nothing to see here.
yeah, keep dismissing it, moron

I will. There is nothing to it. That there is nothing to it is proved by the lack of interest in discussing its alleged 'implications' by anyone except U.S. right-wing crackpots.
well, its not really surprising the liberal MSM is ignoring it
they ignored everything else about him during the campaign, why should they change now

Whatever. There's nothing to it, except in the fertile imaginations of people whose job is to make up stuff to whine about.

And we all do know what makes really great fertilizer, don't we?!
uh, you assholes did that for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS
stop your whining already

Our whining?! This topic was brought up (made up) by you people.
It was a faux pas.

It was not some catastrophic error in judgement.

But it is one of those excellent betrayers of messageboard partisan hackery. :eusa_whistle:
They are talking about you people talking about it!

Don't you understand the difference?

The bow didn't occur and the U.S. and foreign press immediately jump on it and start debating whether or not it was appropriate.

First, the U.S. right-wing crackpots made an issue of it, then the press picked up on the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it, and now the press is discussing the right-wing crackpots making an issue of it.

Your first link is to the same article that appeared in the Asia Times. The majority of the article discusses actual, legitimate issues of concern to the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. The article also notes that U.S. conservatives have made an issue of the bow.

Your second link is to an article that was generated by the chatter in the right-wing blogosphere.

Everybody get back in your houses. Nothing to see here.
yeah, keep dismissing it, moron

I will. There is nothing to it. That there is nothing to it is proved by the lack of interest in discussing its alleged 'implications' by anyone except U.S. right-wing crackpots.

so it's the right wing equivalent of "stolen" elections in 2000 and 2004?
I'm much too lazy to read the entire thread, but three things occur to me regarding this story.

1) It was definitely a bow. To suggest otherwise is to insult pretty much everyone's intelligence.

2) The claim that it wasn't a bow was allegedly made by white house aide speaking in anonymity. So it's a bit of a stretch to conclude it's the official position.

3) I recall Obama saying that of course he'll make mistakes, but the difference between him and Bush is that he'll admit fault and move on.... we're waiting :eusa_whistle:

1) Who cares? Nobody has yet demonstrated that it matters one way or the other.

2) More than just "a stretch." For all we know, the alleged 'denial' was invented at a keyboard.

3) What mistake? Surely, if it had been a mistake, it would have been a topic for discussion in the foreign press. So far, the foreign press has only commented on U.S. right-wing crackpots making an issue of it.
Perhaps the foreign press is delighted at the idea of a US President bowing to a foreign king. In which case, they'd hardly be motivated to make a big deal out of it.
on the whole, it isn't a big issue, but it is a breach in protocol....US Presidents do not bow to other leaders since they are on equal footing....

Much in the same way why the US flag is never "bowed down" to a foreign soveriegn....

Nope, thats not a bow at all, Obama merely shakes hands like no other man in the entire world, that is what you call "change".

Nope, thats not a bow at all, Obama merely shakes hands like no other man in the entire world, that is what you call "change".

Looks to me like he could be looking at something on the floor, or checking out the guy's shoes...maybe he wonders what the heck they wear under those robes...
Valid Saudi royals wear underbritches, or do they go "freebird"?

In any event, Obama didn't "bow" to some Muslim king's "authoritah"'s all much ado about nothing.
The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Ben Smith's Blog: White House: No bow to Saudi -

too funny.......

I don't think anyone cares, except for Rush Limbaugh fans.

But, you should check out those photos of Bush french kissing and holding hands with the saudi king. Hilarious!
The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Ben Smith's Blog: White House: No bow to Saudi -

too funny.......

I don't think anyone cares, except for Rush Limbaugh fans.

But, you should check out those photos of Bush french kissing and holding hands with the saudi king. Hilarious!

HEY...that gives me a great idea for getting an answer to my question..."do Saudi royals wear underbritches, or do they go 'freebird'?" ...
Betcha Dubya would know!:lol:
Well , I get down on my knees to talk to my grandchildren because they are toddlers, but to bow to a king of Saudi Arabia, no way, the majority of those terrorist hijackers came from Saudi Arabia they took down the twin towers and the pentagon, cost the lives of over 3,000 Americans, sent our economy into a tail spin, bow to that king, not with a gun to my head. What an embarrasment Obama is turning out to be.

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