It will be Bears vs Texans Superbowl

SB that no one will watch

Texans vs Bears
Texans vs seahawks
Texans vs rams
Colts vs any team

I'm pretty sure the Super Bowl will have its usual huge viewership regardless of the teams in it. It may be a bit higher or lower, but there is no combination of teams which would equate to a "SB that no one will watch." :p
The majority rank it #1.

It's also the new silicon valley.
4 Reasons Why Austin is America’s New Silicon Valley
That's AUSTIN.

Why isn’t Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio seeing the same surge in the tech industry? The simple answer is these cities don’t have the cool factor that Austin carries.

WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
The majority rank it #1.

It's also the new silicon valley.
4 Reasons Why Austin is America’s New Silicon Valley
That's AUSTIN.

Why isn’t Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio seeing the same surge in the tech industry? The simple answer is these cities don’t have the cool factor that Austin carries.

WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
I just pointed out that it's in your most liberal of cities. Texas will turn blue.

Austins success is due to the success of Texas.
And Texas' success is due to it being a part of the USA but that doesn't stop you guys from talking about secession from the union.

Like Calipornia?
Thats comedy Gold anybody thinks the Bears or Texans will be in the superbowl. :laughing0301:The Saints in New Orleans will have them for breakfast IF they get that far.Now it IS realistic to think they could go to LA for a rematch and beat my Rams which i think there is a good chance of happening after their defense played so poorly against the horrible 493rs.but beating the saints in New Orleans? not happening.:abgg2q.jpg:

and the Texans in the AFC? seriously? a team that had everything to play for in getting the second seed but blew it giving up a touchdown late in the game against the eagles?:iyfyus.jpg:

The two teams in the NFL that ARE realistic in surprising everyone are the cowboys in the NFC ESPECIALLY after they beat the saints earlier in the year.

and the AFC? the chargers could surprise everyone,the NFL did not want them to have a home game because of playing in a small soccer stadium but they dont care if they go on the ROAD to get there.

You don't know shit about football do you?

Thats comedy Gold anybody thinks the Bears or Texans will be in the superbowl. :laughing0301:The Saints in New Orleans will have them for breakfast IF they get that far.Now it IS realistic to think they could go to LA for a rematch and beat my Rams which i think there is a good chance of happening after their defense played so poorly against the horrible 493rs.but beating the saints in New Orleans? not happening.:abgg2q.jpg:

and the Texans in the AFC? seriously? a team that had everything to play for in getting the second seed but blew it giving up a touchdown late in the game against the eagles?:iyfyus.jpg:

The two teams in the NFL that ARE realistic in surprising everyone are the cowboys in the NFC ESPECIALLY after they beat the saints earlier in the year.

and the AFC? the chargers could surprise everyone,the NFL did not want them to have a home game because of playing in a small soccer stadium but they dont care if they go on the ROAD to get there.

You don't know shit about football do you?

Uh yeah I do,that would be you,you're so biased about the Bears going to the superbowl that you hold these delusions that they will be able to go through new orleans and beat the saints there.:laughing0301: at least I am not deluded enough and am realistic to see that the Rams dont have any more of a chance of beating the saints in new orleans anymore than the bears do.:laughing0301::lmao: also the cowboys have been the hottest team in the NFC so they WOULD be a would know that if you got off that deserted island you are on.:laughing0301:
That's AUSTIN.

Why isn’t Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio seeing the same surge in the tech industry? The simple answer is these cities don’t have the cool factor that Austin carries.

WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.
Thats comedy Gold anybody thinks the Bears or Texans will be in the superbowl. :laughing0301:The Saints in New Orleans will have them for breakfast IF they get that far.Now it IS realistic to think they could go to LA for a rematch and beat my Rams which i think there is a good chance of happening after their defense played so poorly against the horrible 493rs.but beating the saints in New Orleans? not happening.:abgg2q.jpg:

and the Texans in the AFC? seriously? a team that had everything to play for in getting the second seed but blew it giving up a touchdown late in the game against the eagles?:iyfyus.jpg:

The two teams in the NFL that ARE realistic in surprising everyone are the cowboys in the NFC ESPECIALLY after they beat the saints earlier in the year.

and the AFC? the chargers could surprise everyone,the NFL did not want them to have a home game because of playing in a small soccer stadium but they dont care if they go on the ROAD to get there.

You don't know shit about football do you?

Uh yeah I do,that would be you,you're so biased about the Bears going to the superbowl that you hold these delusions that they will be able to go through new orleans and beat the saints there.:laughing0301: at least I am not deluded enough and am realistic to see that the Rams dont have any more of a chance of beating the saints in new orleans anymore than the bears do.:laughing0301::lmao: also the cowboys have been the hottest team in the NFC so they WOULD be a would know that if you got off that deserted island you are on.:laughing0301:

Saints suck, we will knock drew out of the game

Thats comedy Gold anybody thinks the Bears or Texans will be in the superbowl. :laughing0301:The Saints in New Orleans will have them for breakfast IF they get that far.Now it IS realistic to think they could go to LA for a rematch and beat my Rams which i think there is a good chance of happening after their defense played so poorly against the horrible 493rs.but beating the saints in New Orleans? not happening.:abgg2q.jpg:

and the Texans in the AFC? seriously? a team that had everything to play for in getting the second seed but blew it giving up a touchdown late in the game against the eagles?:iyfyus.jpg:

The two teams in the NFL that ARE realistic in surprising everyone are the cowboys in the NFC ESPECIALLY after they beat the saints earlier in the year.

and the AFC? the chargers could surprise everyone,the NFL did not want them to have a home game because of playing in a small soccer stadium but they dont care if they go on the ROAD to get there.

You don't know shit about football do you?

Uh yeah I do,that would be you,you're so biased about the Bears going to the superbowl that you hold these delusions that they will be able to go through new orleans and beat the saints there.:laughing0301: at least I am not deluded enough and am realistic to see that the Rams dont have any more of a chance of beating the saints in new orleans anymore than the bears do.:laughing0301::lmao: also the cowboys have been the hottest team in the NFC so they WOULD be a would know that if you got off that deserted island you are on.:laughing0301:

Saints suck, we will knock drew out of the game



here let me give you this crying tissue so it will be handy for you when the butthurt kicks in.:lmao::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:
For those who said the NFL is falling apart because of Trump spoke too soon.

I just saw on the news that 46 of the top 50 telecasts this year were NFL.

That viewership growth is more than 5% of what it was last year.

Sounds pretty good.
If they go on the road 3 times and reach the SB again I don't think I can watch the NFL again
Yea last year you were so happy their starting we got hurt

Of course I was, I was confident Bill Belechick could game plan for Nick Foles
Only two teams I hope to god don’t win the Super Bowl. Patriots and cowboys. Especially the cowboys.

That was always my fear about the eagles and it happened
I would enjoy hating it while the cowboys won a Super Bowl. That would be fun. ITs just sports right? And who cares what a lions fan says right?

But it’ll be more fun when they get bounced! Texas sucks. What a gross place. Bunch of hicks

Texas is a Minority-Majority State which more minorities live within the State than whites.

I wish those like you would educate yourself before making asinine comments about Texas but alas you will wait until MSNBC and CNN tell you what to think first...
I used to make flight hardware for the Shuttle program when they actually were a space program.
At this point they're worthless.
And guess what? You also don’t have the best cancer center in the world. No better than the ones here up north.

We all say/think we have the best. Trust me your doctors and technology are not better than anywhere else.

Feel free to look it up.

Some say your cancer center is #2 not #1

Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Center, New York City
2 University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
3 Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
4 Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center, Boston
5 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

So bfd. I would hope/assume every cancer hospital in the country has the same care. If not what does that say about the state of healthcare?

You're telling me University of Michigan doesn't have a good cancer hospital? Ridiculous.

So then what does Texas have? It has Cancer hospitals and Lyin NASA. Not much.

The majority rank it #1.

It's also the new silicon valley.
4 Reasons Why Austin is America’s New Silicon Valley

Austin has been liberal for a long time, and out of step with the rest of the state for almost its entire existence. Austin was pro-Union during the Civil War (as was Sam Houston), for example, while the rest of the state’s population was solidly Confederate.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, the Hill Country (and Central Texas in general), where Austin is located, was settled not only by the more conservative Scotch-Irish who settled in the eastern parts of Texas most closely aligned with the Old South, but also by Germans, Czechs, and Poles, most of whom were differently educated than most Texans of the time, and many of whom were freethinkers (agnostics and atheists) who came to Texas to escape the political and religious tyranny of their homeland. There is even a monument to these freethinkers of the 1840s-1860s in my brother’s hometown of Comfort, Texas, which was for a long time the only atheist monument in America.

In addition, the state chose Austin as its capital and the home of its namesake University. (Texas A&M, built with the federal largesse of the land grant acts, is actually older than the University of Texas, but its original purpose was more narrowly focused.) The University of Texas, being one of the largest universities in the world in the 20th century, attracted an international academic crowd that was, typical for academia, more diverse in its beliefs and thus by necessity more tolerant of different ideas than would otherwise be the norm in a former slave state.

1. Texas is a Minority-Majority state.

2. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin are Democratic Cities.

3. Houston was the first major city to elect a Lesbian Mayor.

So as you crap on the State of Texas it amazes me how much you do not know about the state or the City of Houston:

1. Houston has one of the largest ports in the World!

2. Texas economy is larger than most countries in the world.

3. Houston population is diverse from Latino Communities to Vietnamese communities and is not just white!

So can you please at least educate your self about Texas and Fourth populated City in America ( Houston ) before making your asinine comments!
The majority rank it #1.

It's also the new silicon valley.
4 Reasons Why Austin is America’s New Silicon Valley
That's AUSTIN.

Why isn’t Dallas, Houston, or San Antonio seeing the same surge in the tech industry? The simple answer is these cities don’t have the cool factor that Austin carries.

WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
I just pointed out that it's in your most liberal of cities. Texas will turn blue.

Austins success is due to the success of Texas.
And Texas' success is due to it being a part of the USA but that doesn't stop you guys from talking about secession from the union.

Wait a moment and let get this straight and you will bring up Texas secession movement and ignore California call of leaving the Union after Trump won the Electoral College?

Don't even start that nonsense in here because this is about Da Bears winning the Super Bowl.
I could see Chicago in the Super Bowl but not the Texans. The Chargers may be the best all around team in the NFL, whether that translates into a Super Bowl appearance, I am not sure. The Rams or the Saints should win the NFC.

If the Bears D stay hot they could win it all.
SB that no one will watch

Texans vs Bears
Texans vs seahawks
Texans vs rams
Colts vs any team

I am still pissed the bears didn't pick Watson out of Clemson


Yeah, when Watson was drafted I felt he was going to be good.
WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

Please shut up because your ignorance is showing and I have schooled you more than once in this thread.

You have no knowledge about the State of Texas or even Houston itself.

Texas has a fast growing population that is diverse and that is reality.

Without the City of Houston and surrounding Cities you would not have the great advances not only in Cancer Research but also Heart Research and again we have NASA.

Houston is a diverse city and did you know before the current QB there was Moon and McNair that played for the Oilers that are now the Titans?

Yes, Houston has had a few great African American QB's come through it city and play for it teams.

So let see you crap all over a State that has an economy larger than Canada...

You crap on a city ( Houston ) that has great medical services and research, NASA and one of the largest ports in the world.

You called an entire state trash because you lack the knowledge about the fact it is a Minority-majority state.

Now tell me how are the Lions quest for a championship or how about those Tigers or Pistons or Red Wings?

What does Michigan really offer beside polluted water?
Yea last year you were so happy their starting we got hurt

Of course I was, I was confident Bill Belechick could game plan for Nick Foles
Only two teams I hope to god don’t win the Super Bowl. Patriots and cowboys. Especially the cowboys.

That was always my fear about the eagles and it happened
I would enjoy hating it while the cowboys won a Super Bowl. That would be fun. ITs just sports right? And who cares what a lions fan says right?

But it’ll be more fun when they get bounced! Texas sucks. What a gross place. Bunch of hicks

Texas is a Minority-Majority State which more minorities live within the State than whites.

I wish those like you would educate yourself before making asinine comments about Texas but alas you will wait until MSNBC and CNN tell you what to think first...
And I wish you would do the same about Detroit.

Ultimately we are all Americans and if sports can bring Indians and Pakistanis together I’m sure Texas and Michigan can be friends right?
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

Please shut up because your ignorance is showing and I have schooled you more than once in this thread.

You have no knowledge about the State of Texas or even Houston itself.

Texas has a fast growing population that is diverse and that is reality.

Without the City of Houston and surrounding Cities you would not have the great advances not only in Cancer Research but also Heart Research and again we have NASA.

Houston is a diverse city and did you know before the current QB there was Moon and McNair that played for the Oilers that are now the Titans?

Yes, Houston has had a few great African American QB's come through it city and play for it teams.

So let see you crap all over a State that has an economy larger than Canada...

You crap on a city ( Houston ) that has great medical services and research, NASA and one of the largest ports in the world.

You called an entire state trash because you lack the knowledge about the fact it is a Minority-majority state.

Now tell me how are the Lions quest for a championship or how about those Tigers or Pistons or Red Wings?

What does Michigan really offer beside polluted water?
Wait a second. Don’t you guys crap on California? A state who’s economy is not only bigger than Canada, it’s bigger than Texas too.

Don’t you see I’m only giving you the same shit you guys give us? Don’t you see your hypocrisy bragging on Texas for things California could say? And then to brag about NASA. An organization you hate, which is only in Texas because of the weather.

Michigan’s economy is booming.

We have the Great Lakes. Very valuable.

Don’t think lead pipes can’t happen in your neighborhood.

And thanks republican gov rick Snyder for giving flint lead poisoning
Of course I was, I was confident Bill Belechick could game plan for Nick Foles
Only two teams I hope to god don’t win the Super Bowl. Patriots and cowboys. Especially the cowboys.

That was always my fear about the eagles and it happened
I would enjoy hating it while the cowboys won a Super Bowl. That would be fun. ITs just sports right? And who cares what a lions fan says right?

But it’ll be more fun when they get bounced! Texas sucks. What a gross place. Bunch of hicks

Texas is a Minority-Majority State which more minorities live within the State than whites.

I wish those like you would educate yourself before making asinine comments about Texas but alas you will wait until MSNBC and CNN tell you what to think first...
And I wish you would do the same about Detroit.

Ultimately we are all Americans and if sports can bring Indians and Pakistanis together I’m sure Texas and Michigan can be friends right?

I lived in Lansing, so I know enough about your State.

You have no clue about Texas and should educate yourself.

Detroit is nothing but a she of it former self...

Houston has more to offer than L.A., Chicago or Detroit.
Only two teams I hope to god don’t win the Super Bowl. Patriots and cowboys. Especially the cowboys.

That was always my fear about the eagles and it happened
I would enjoy hating it while the cowboys won a Super Bowl. That would be fun. ITs just sports right? And who cares what a lions fan says right?

But it’ll be more fun when they get bounced! Texas sucks. What a gross place. Bunch of hicks

Texas is a Minority-Majority State which more minorities live within the State than whites.

I wish those like you would educate yourself before making asinine comments about Texas but alas you will wait until MSNBC and CNN tell you what to think first...
And I wish you would do the same about Detroit.

Ultimately we are all Americans and if sports can bring Indians and Pakistanis together I’m sure Texas and Michigan can be friends right?

I lived in Lansing, so I know enough about your State.

You have no clue about Texas and should educate yourself.

Detroit is nothing but a she of it former self...

Houston has more to offer than L.A., Chicago or Detroit.
Yea but Y’all look stupid in those hats.
What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

Please shut up because your ignorance is showing and I have schooled you more than once in this thread.

You have no knowledge about the State of Texas or even Houston itself.

Texas has a fast growing population that is diverse and that is reality.

Without the City of Houston and surrounding Cities you would not have the great advances not only in Cancer Research but also Heart Research and again we have NASA.

Houston is a diverse city and did you know before the current QB there was Moon and McNair that played for the Oilers that are now the Titans?

Yes, Houston has had a few great African American QB's come through it city and play for it teams.

So let see you crap all over a State that has an economy larger than Canada...

You crap on a city ( Houston ) that has great medical services and research, NASA and one of the largest ports in the world.

You called an entire state trash because you lack the knowledge about the fact it is a Minority-majority state.

Now tell me how are the Lions quest for a championship or how about those Tigers or Pistons or Red Wings?

What does Michigan really offer beside polluted water?
Wait a second. Don’t you guys crap on California? A state who’s economy is not only bigger than Canada, it’s bigger than Texas too.

Don’t you see I’m only giving you the same shit you guys give us? Don’t you see your hypocrisy bragging on Texas for things California could say? And then to brag about NASA. An organization you hate, which is only in Texas because of the weather.

Michigan’s economy is booming.

We have the Great Lakes. Very valuable.

Don’t think lead pipes can’t happen in your neighborhood.

And thanks republican gov rick Snyder for giving flint lead poisoning

1. Please provide where I have stated I hate NASA and if not please educate yourself!

2. California economy just like Texas Economy is based on the U.S. Government Trade agreements.

3. The local government of Flint is to blame for the polluted water.

In the end it was you spitting lies and when shown your error you doubled down as usual on stupidity.
That was always my fear about the eagles and it happened
I would enjoy hating it while the cowboys won a Super Bowl. That would be fun. ITs just sports right? And who cares what a lions fan says right?

But it’ll be more fun when they get bounced! Texas sucks. What a gross place. Bunch of hicks

Texas is a Minority-Majority State which more minorities live within the State than whites.

I wish those like you would educate yourself before making asinine comments about Texas but alas you will wait until MSNBC and CNN tell you what to think first...
And I wish you would do the same about Detroit.

Ultimately we are all Americans and if sports can bring Indians and Pakistanis together I’m sure Texas and Michigan can be friends right?

I lived in Lansing, so I know enough about your State.

You have no clue about Texas and should educate yourself.

Detroit is nothing but a she of it former self...

Houston has more to offer than L.A., Chicago or Detroit.
Yea but Y’all look stupid in those hats.

So do Aussies...

I wear the outback hat...

So please stop with the stupidity about Texas.

Also I am a Canadian Frog which is worse than a Damn Yankee in Texas...

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