It will be Bears vs Texans Superbowl

WTF does that have to do with Texas being the new silicon valley?
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
the Bears QB admits he has mental health issues.

just sayin

he will cost them in the superbowl,you can COUNT on that.LOL

oh wait i just noticed,i said in the superbowl,i obviously meant to to say he will cost them in the NFC title game against the saints for sure IF they get that i said,do not rule out the eagles,i said that game would be close and they are hanging in there with the bears now.
“They should have played Flacco!!!” -every white football fan who longs for the days when Black QBs got converted into DBs
Thats comedy Gold anybody thinks the Bears or Texans will be in the superbowl. :laughing0301:The Saints in New Orleans will have them for breakfast IF they get that far.Now it IS realistic to think they could go to LA for a rematch and beat my Rams which i think there is a good chance of happening after their defense played so poorly against the horrible 493rs.but beating the saints in New Orleans? not happening.:abgg2q.jpg:

and the Texans in the AFC? seriously? a team that had everything to play for in getting the second seed but blew it giving up a touchdown late in the game against the eagles?:iyfyus.jpg:

The two teams in the NFL that ARE realistic in surprising everyone are the cowboys in the NFC ESPECIALLY after they beat the saints earlier in the year.

and the AFC? the chargers could surprise everyone,the NFL did not want them to have a home game because of playing in a small soccer stadium but they dont care if they go on the ROAD to get there.

You don't know shit about football do you?

now what was it you were saying that "I" did not know anything about football? comedy gold.who was the nutcase who actually picked the TEXANS to go to the superbowl? rolls off coach in laughter.LOL cant believe you were that dumb to think they were that great a team,that they were as good as their record indicated ESPECIALLY when they had the golden opportunity to win the second seed but blew it against the eagles in their biggest game of the year at that point.hee hee

ready to wipe that egg off your face? LOL your face will REALLY turn red in embarrassment if the bears get that far to play the saints and they get their asses kicked by them. since the rematch game against the rams will be in LA next week i dont even think they will even make it that also realistic unlike you to know better though to say that the rams could very well lose that game to the bears and if the rams won that game,they wont beat the saints in new orleans and go to the superbowl.hee hee.

Let’s go Seattle. I think by the fourth quarter Seattle will have dallas’ number.

Then I will be 100% on my picks. I want to see the home teams all lose.

glad to see those two assholes wilson and pete the cheat lose.:abgg2q.jpg: for the first time in my life i am actually happy the seahawks lost to the cowturds.i got one of the teams i hate to lose,unfortunately it looks like the other one chargers are going to go and win today,i just looked at the surprise in the least,the ravens nearly blew it last week against the hapless browns so i did not give them a chance today. bear is looking more and more rediculous with his AFC picks of the texans which it was so obvious they were not that a good a team :lmao:and yet ignoring how the chargers have been the hottest team down the stretch in the AFC AND in the NFL other than the saints.:lmao::rofl::lmao:

sucks that i have to root for the chargers to beat the cheatriots next week.thats the only time i will ever cheer for the chargers.

If philly wins then every away team won expect Dallas won at home. That’s ok they’ll lose. The next game.
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
My brothers neighbor has two lots that go to the corner for sale. One home but two lots. Arabs are tearing down homes to put up huge gaudy Arabic style homes. Beautiful but definitely Arab style. So it’s huge the person that buys the home doesn’t have to tear two homes down. My brother told the real estate agent if the person wants his lot he will sell. So some rich Arab will put a mansion on 3 lots where 3 normal houses would normally go.

I’m happy because that’s good for the economy. Happy Arabs happy whites.
Lets just focus on the fact you have two teams in the playoffs and neither of them will be in the Superbowl. Hell I have them both getting bounced in the first round. That's all this is really about. Lets not get political. We know NASA used to be good until it wasn't anymore, just like GW Bush.

Trump: George W. Bush behind 'worst single mistake' in US history

What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
Come on eagles
We had thought about moving to Dallas or Houston at one time for job opportunities, never did however when researching the two cities I discovered what a great a diverse area both cities were, no wonder so many people live there.
Let’s get serious for a moment. Sorry I made it political. I hate the cowboys but it’s the kind of hate like you love to hate them. I know too many cowboy fans and I hate the owner etc. bottom line is I love to hate Dallas.

I don’t even hate the Texans but because they too are in Texas, I hate them too. Lol.

Bottom line is I think both Texas teams are going to win tomorrow but I’m still saying both will lose. I hope they lose.

I especially want the cowboys to lose even though I like the coach and quarterback. Jerry Jones sucks

What a retard...
"sorry I made it political" And then commences to make it political.
You make dumbasses seem sound of mind.
Do you know what lol means?

Do you know what STFU means? How about GFY?

Oops, almost forgot, lol!
I do admit if it’s two teams I don’t care about I root for the one that’s a blue state.

Go Seattle chargers Chicago and colts.

I think Indiana is red too but their playing Texas so Indianapolis is closer to Michigan so I’m going with them.

Very scientific.

This means all the home teams will lose this weekend
I was wrong here because chicago is the home team but they are certainly the more blue state.

But I’m hoping the eagles pull it off. Down 5 3 minutes left
What the WTF does football have to do with anything?
You're grasping,while lefty states experience a mass exodus of taxpayers Texas is gaining those people and companies.
Have fun feeding the low lives as your tax base dwindles.
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
My brothers neighbor has two lots that go to the corner for sale. One home but two lots. Arabs are tearing down homes to put up huge gaudy Arabic style homes. Beautiful but definitely Arab style. So it’s huge the person that buys the home doesn’t have to tear two homes down. My brother told the real estate agent if the person wants his lot he will sell. So some rich Arab will put a mansion on 3 lots where 3 normal houses would normally go.

I’m happy because that’s good for the economy. Happy Arabs happy whites.
What are Arabic style homes.....
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
My brothers neighbor has two lots that go to the corner for sale. One home but two lots. Arabs are tearing down homes to put up huge gaudy Arabic style homes. Beautiful but definitely Arab style. So it’s huge the person that buys the home doesn’t have to tear two homes down. My brother told the real estate agent if the person wants his lot he will sell. So some rich Arab will put a mansion on 3 lots where 3 normal houses would normally go.

I’m happy because that’s good for the economy. Happy Arabs happy whites.
What are Arabic style homes.....

Chicago let an entire minute slip away by not using a time out.

Also they keep bragging on Chicagos defense but I am seeing dropped passes not good defense
Yea I also heard people are fleeing the USA to head to Mexico where it's cheaper to live. So soon it'll be too expensive where you are because the reality is those companies should pay taxes and they should pay good wages. Eventually you'll wake up and insist and they'll leave you too.

Surely you're not denying people are leaving places like N.Y. and Calipornia due to high taxes?
Some are. They will still remain 2 places where people want to be. You can polish up Texas all you want it will never be NY or CA.

They may have to drop their pants a little to compete with people like you who will drop your pants but see you have to drop your pants to get people to move to Texas and you've even made a city that isn't so fucking backward that people are willing to go to it. It's your most liberal city. You had to copy us only difference is you don't charge corporations taxes. Congrats whores. LOL.

Michigan is booming. I just sold 1.8 million. The year before that I sold 1.4. MAGA. LOL. Fuck it I'm doing good.

I’d live in Michigan if I became a Muslim.
My brothers neighbor has two lots that go to the corner for sale. One home but two lots. Arabs are tearing down homes to put up huge gaudy Arabic style homes. Beautiful but definitely Arab style. So it’s huge the person that buys the home doesn’t have to tear two homes down. My brother told the real estate agent if the person wants his lot he will sell. So some rich Arab will put a mansion on 3 lots where 3 normal houses would normally go.

I’m happy because that’s good for the economy. Happy Arabs happy whites.
What are Arabic style homes.....
Big, marble and brick, and there’s a certain architecture to it.

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