It would be more Constitutional for the fed gov't to force everyone to buy a colt 45


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
At least the right to bear arms is in the Constitution. By the same logic used in the Obamacare ruling, would it not be Constitutional for the federal government to pass a law requiring all to purchase and own a firearm or face a penalty? If anything it would be more constitutional because unlike health care, firearms are in the constitution. Silly liberals...that's all I have to say.
No, but they could put a tax penalty on you for say 2,000 dollars a year if you don't buy one. Or if you don't eat properly, or if you don't buy food that the Government wants you to buy, or a car... or the right sized house.... or a phone that the Governments feels is the best for Americans.

Then if you don’t do these things the Government can target you as a terrorist and kill you.

Thanks Obama.
Such a dangerous precedent. Academics in the future will be citing this case as precident for the most stupid laws down the line, I am sure.
Of course they will, when HC costs rise well above affordability they will blame "small Government" and lack of "smart regulations" and start controlling what people eat... Food will probably be the first thing.

It's very possibly they start adding taxes for buying a home without solar panels installed, or cars that don't get 40+ miles to the gallon.

The SC failed on levels not seen by the world ina long time.

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