It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

Everyone needs to understand something:
This has NOTHING to do with losing any elections, and everything to do with the fact that the Mueller probe is closing in on him.

Everyone needs to understand that anyone who believes "their" man is in the WH is probably mistaken.

And the probe is more about YOU staying off balance than anything else....but most will never figure it out.
Ha, sure.
Trump is going nuts because the bell is tolling and it is tolling for him

He is becoming unhinged because he know that the country is rejecting the loon.
Let’s see who the bell tolls for after those 57000 sealed indictments are unsealed. Republicans will probably control both houses of Congress after all the crooked dems go to jail. I hear they are increasing the capacity of Guantonanmo just for crooked politicians. Crazy hillary should befirst to go.

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Lincoln was the worst, followed by FDR and Wilson.

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.
Last edited:
Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Funny you always try and backpedal with the same shtick.
Just who has sanctuary cities and states? Who has talked about getting rid of ICE? Who has said that we do not need to worry about the caravans? if memory serves me right it is not the Republicans.

Why is it the Democrats always talk about compassion yet do not care about the over 400 who die in the deserts each each year attempting a border crossing? They only seem to care about those lives once they are in their sancutuary states were they can work for low wages. There by keeping wages low. Then they complain that there are low wages.
Absolutely crazy.

There is nothing dumber than a half-witted right winger.

Do you KNOW what being a sanctuary city or state means? It means that if s crime is committed against an immigrant, they won’t be arrested if they report it. It’s to prevent crimes being committed against illegals. That’s it.

Sanctuary cities reduce crimes against immigrants. You idiots go on about them like their given aid to illegals. They’re not.

And only a complete idiot thinks that they shouldn’t have these protections.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Funny you always try and backpedal with the same shtick.
Just who has sanctuary cities and states? Who has talked about getting rid of ICE? Who has said that we do not need to worry about the caravans? if memory serves me right it is not the Republicans.

Why is it the Democrats always talk about compassion yet do not care about the over 400 who die in the deserts each each year attempting a border crossing? They only seem to care about those lives once they are in their sancutuary states were they can work for low wages. There by keeping wages low. Then they complain that there are low wages.
Absolutely crazy.

There is nothing dumber than a half-witted right winger.

Do you KNOW what being a sanctuary city or state means? It means that if s crime is committed against an immigrant, they won’t be arrested if they report it. It’s to prevent crimes being committed against illegals. That’s it.

Sanctuary cities reduce crimes against immigrants. You idiots go on about them like their given aid to illegals. They’re not.

And only a complete idiot thinks that they shouldn’t have these protections.
It is simply amazing that you can be that stupid and still have made it to your age. Even a five year old knows that a sancutuary city or state DOES NOT REPORT ILLEGALS BEING HELD IN JAILS TO ICE NOR DETAIN THEM FOR ICE PICKUP.

You really think you have any idea what is going on in the U.S.? I doubt you understand what is going on in your own country.

You have been on here quaking about our environment let's ask one simple question. What is the keystone and keystone xl pipelines for?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Funny you always try and backpedal with the same shtick.
Just who has sanctuary cities and states? Who has talked about getting rid of ICE? Who has said that we do not need to worry about the caravans? if memory serves me right it is not the Republicans.

Why is it the Democrats always talk about compassion yet do not care about the over 400 who die in the deserts each each year attempting a border crossing? They only seem to care about those lives once they are in their sancutuary states were they can work for low wages. There by keeping wages low. Then they complain that there are low wages.
Absolutely crazy.

There is nothing dumber than a half-witted right winger.

Do you KNOW what being a sanctuary city or state means? It means that if s crime is committed against an immigrant, they won’t be arrested if they report it. It’s to prevent crimes being committed against illegals. That’s it.

Sanctuary cities reduce crimes against immigrants. You idiots go on about them like their given aid to illegals. They’re not.

And only a complete idiot thinks that they shouldn’t have these protections.
It is simply amazing that you can be that stupid and still have made it to your age. Even a five year old knows that a sancutuary city or state DOES NOT REPORT ILLEGALS BEING HELD IN JAILS TO ICE NOR DETAIN THEM FOR ICE PICKUP.

You really think you have any idea what is going on in the U.S.? I doubt you understand what is going on in your own country.

You have been on here quaking about our environment let's ask one simple question. What is the keystone and keystone xl pipelines for?

You really are THAT stupid. Ignorant fucking Russians. You people are so stupid you think we don't see you or know who you are.

The Sanctuary definition is respect for all individuals that that those people who are in your country are entitled to the rights and protections that laws afford. Illegal immigrants have long been the targets of criminals because it was believed that they couldn't report crime out of fear of being deported.

Those who oppose Sanctuary cities, oppose the rule of law. They want undocumented workers for the cheap labour, but they want also don't want them to have protections from predatory criminals. Joe Arpaio was convicted, in part, for his refusal to arrest or prosecute crimes against illegal immigrants, including allowing their children to be raped with impunity. Even when the rapist was known, and the police were given a name, Arpaio refused to prosecute the rapist because the victims were undocumented.

This is the kind of lawlessness the Republican Party promoted, and continues to promote, against undocumented immigrants. Such attitudes endanger not only the illegal immigrant population, but all law abiding Americans. That Donald Trump would pardon this man who openly refused to uphold the laws, shows the utter lack or morality or decency of everyone involved, and all of their supporters.
Only because you seem to ignore the evidence.

Wasn't it "the gropenfhuerer" who made the claim that Hillary Clinton didn't have the stamina to be President?
Sure it was.
Now look at this lying pile of dog excrement.
And check out what the b*tt-lickers here keep saying in his defense.

This is a good example of how trump can never win no matter what he does. So after a whirlwind election sprint and an overseas trip this 70 year old might be taking a breather and catching up on other issues. No no no he is licking his wounds and in the fetal position. Jesus Christ, we have two years of this. Rush said that people won’t be able to keep up this level of hate forever, man are Dems proving him wrong.
I don't see any evidence that Trump doesn't have the energy required. People who work with him say it's amazing how much he does in a day.

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.


All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

Patently, historically, and provably false.
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Funny you always try and backpedal with the same shtick.
Just who has sanctuary cities and states? Who has talked about getting rid of ICE? Who has said that we do not need to worry about the caravans? if memory serves me right it is not the Republicans.

Why is it the Democrats always talk about compassion yet do not care about the over 400 who die in the deserts each each year attempting a border crossing? They only seem to care about those lives once they are in their sancutuary states were they can work for low wages. There by keeping wages low. Then they complain that there are low wages.
Absolutely crazy.

There is nothing dumber than a half-witted right winger.

Do you KNOW what being a sanctuary city or state means? It means that if s crime is committed against an immigrant, they won’t be arrested if they report it. It’s to prevent crimes being committed against illegals. That’s it.

Sanctuary cities reduce crimes against immigrants. You idiots go on about them like their given aid to illegals. They’re not.

And only a complete idiot thinks that they shouldn’t have these protections.
It is simply amazing that you can be that stupid and still have made it to your age. Even a five year old knows that a sancutuary city or state DOES NOT REPORT ILLEGALS BEING HELD IN JAILS TO ICE NOR DETAIN THEM FOR ICE PICKUP.

You really think you have any idea what is going on in the U.S.? I doubt you understand what is going on in your own country.

You have been on here quaking about our environment let's ask one simple question. What is the keystone and keystone xl pipelines for?

You really are THAT stupid. Ignorant fucking Russians. You people are so stupid you think we don't see you or know who you are.

The Sanctuary definition is respect for all individuals that that those people who are in your country are entitled to the rights and protections that laws afford. Illegal immigrants have long been the targets of criminals because it was believed that they couldn't report crime out of fear of being deported.

Those who oppose Sanctuary cities, oppose the rule of law. They want undocumented workers for the cheap labour, but they want also don't want them to have protections from predatory criminals. Joe Arpaio was convicted, in part, for his refusal to arrest or prosecute crimes against illegal immigrants, including allowing their children to be raped with impunity. Even when the rapist was known, and the police were given a name, Arpaio refused to prosecute the rapist because the victims were undocumented.

This is the kind of lawlessness the Republican Party promoted, and continues to promote, against undocumented immigrants. Such attitudes endanger not only the illegal immigrant population, but all law abiding Americans. That Donald Trump would pardon this man who openly refused to uphold the laws, shows the utter lack or morality or decency of everyone involved, and all of their supporters.
Well you certainly have the party line down pat. I would ask if all Canadians are as partisan and stupid but I know some that are not mentally ill and are actually very intelligent.

Do you think that all bank robbers should be given a pass? Just told not to do it again, oh and keep the money? When mayors and governors are more concerned with giving gangs a warning of a pickup sweep they are not helping, they are continuing to endanger Americans and ICE. When they are not willing to have someone that has committed unlawful acts such as drug dealing, murder, rape or robbery not deported they are causing harm.

But you want to pretend that since illegals do not impact you that letting them stay is fine. In our country those illegals bring down wages, use our education programs, we spend millions in help for low standards. How is it wrong to expect those that come here do so legally? Why do we need to be happy with the dregs of another society? What is wrong with expecting those who immigrate here to want to assimilate instead of expecting us to assimilate?
Trump is going nuts because the bell is tolling and it is tolling for him

He is becoming unhinged because he know that the country is rejecting the loon.
Let’s see who the bell tolls for after those 57000 sealed indictments are unsealed. Republicans will probably control both houses of Congress after all the crooked dems go to jail. I hear they are increasing the capacity of Guantonanmo just for crooked politicians. Crazy hillary should befirst to go.
:777: Good one!

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Well please educated me, and provide examples:
  • that the Left does not support We the People, and that the Right does.
  • Left or Right, which supported the Equal Rights Amendment and which opposed it
  • Left or Right which supported Civil Rights
  • Left or Right which Opposed the PPACA (Obamacare)
  • Left or Right which supported and which opposed the Tax Bill
  • Left or Right which supported Gay and Lesbian Rights to serve in our Armed Forces, Marry and Adopt Children.

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.
Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.

Another op-ed ^^^ based on bigotry, bias and baloney.

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