It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

Anyone rational would put Obama as by far the worst, with Carter close behind.

But a little Stasi creep like you has a different desire for the outcome of society.

Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!

Wry Catcher? He might. He is ex-Stasi. Government leeches suck astronomical figures out of their victims, the tax payers.
Yes you racist pos Trump is the best..... the biggest fn liar racist to ever step foot in our WH Go tf back to your KKK meetings You don't need your sheet anymore now that trump is on your side
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!
Chicken feed

Of course, like all Communists you are FABULOUSLY wealthy. Never met a leftist troll yet who wasn't. That's why you all demand that we of the middle class aren't paying our "fair share" :eusa_whistle:

eddie, you live in a trailer and are on SSI.
Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.

What leftist violence? You mean Charlotte, when gangs of white supremacists attacked and beat leftist protestors, sending more than 30 of them to hospital and murdering a woman?

Of maybe you mean the execution of two black men minding their own business when they were shot down in the street by a white supremacist.

How about the shooting and murder of 11 worshippers at a synagogue by an anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant which supremacist stirred up by Trump's rants against the "Soros funded Caravan".

Or do you mean the way so-called "Christians" get to discriminate against and abuse gays, refusing service, calling them "sinners" - hardly behaviour that Christ would have sanctioned or condoned, and white males get to rape women with impunity, and white males get all of the jobs first and the rest of us get what's left. Those kinds of things?
You try and attach white supremacists to your attacks whether ever warranted or not, and then you blame the wrong people for the bullcrap (using the race card willynilly like a good Demon-crat always does), and people are sick of it all.

Everyone see's this, and yet you continue down a road to destruction regardless of the people knowing the games that you on the left are playing these days.

Y'all start the bullcrap in hopes that an incident follows, and after it does, then you run to your perspective corners just to watch the fighting and violence take place.

The left is just as guilty if not way more guilty of the things that have transpired lately, and why is this ??? Because it is a sore loser that's why... The libs were focused on ramming an agenda (one that the majority of the people rebuke), down the people's throats, and when it was rejected then all hell breaks loose ???

No we don't. We start that bullcrap AFTER white supremacist injure, kill and terrorize citizens. We called the marchers in Charlotte "white supremacists" after their tiki torch parade when they marched past a Jewish synagogue chanting "The Jews will not replace us". That's about as right wing Nazi as it gets.

Then there's the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Who spent the week talking about the "Soro-funded" Caravan? George Soros and his company are now looking at a libel suit against those who accuse Soros falsely. Guess you'll soon have to find another Jewish donor to vilify when that happens.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.

What leftist violence? You mean Charlotte, when gangs of white supremacists attacked and beat leftist protestors, sending more than 30 of them to hospital and murdering a woman?

Of maybe you mean the execution of two black men minding their own business when they were shot down in the street by a white supremacist.

How about the shooting and murder of 11 worshippers at a synagogue by an anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant which supremacist stirred up by Trump's rants against the "Soros funded Caravan".

Or do you mean the way so-called "Christians" get to discriminate against and abuse gays, refusing service, calling them "sinners" - hardly behaviour that Christ would have sanctioned or condoned, and white males get to rape women with impunity, and white males get all of the jobs first and the rest of us get what's left. Those kinds of things?
You try and attach white supremacists to your attacks whether ever warranted or not, and then you blame the wrong people for the bullcrap (using the race card willynilly like a good Demon-crat always does), and people are sick of it all.

Everyone see's this, and yet you continue down a road to destruction regardless of the people knowing the games that you on the left are playing these days.

Y'all start the bullcrap in hopes that an incident follows, and after it does, then you run to your perspective corners just to watch the fighting and violence take place.

The left is just as guilty if not way more guilty of the things that have transpired lately, and why is this ??? Because it is a sore loser that's why... The libs were focused on ramming an agenda (one that the majority of the people rebuke), down the people's throats, and when it was rejected then all hell breaks loose ???

No we don't. We start that bullcrap AFTER white supremacist injure, kill and terrorize citizens. We called the marchers in Charlotte "white supremacists" after their tiki torch parade when they marched past a Jewish synagogue chanting "The Jews will not replace us". That's about as right wing Nazi as it gets.

Then there's the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Who spent the week talking about the "Soro-funded" Caravan? George Soros and his company are now looking at a libel suit against those who accuse Soros falsely. Guess you'll soon have to find another Jewish donor to vilify when that happens.

You people have enough problems controlling your black slaves on Democratic party plantations don't go looking for trouble.
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!
Chicken feed

Of course, like all Communists you are FABULOUSLY wealthy. Never met a leftist troll yet who wasn't. That's why you all demand that we of the middle class aren't paying our "fair share" :eusa_whistle:

eddie, you live in a trailer and are on SSI.
Far from fabulously,,,,,But isn't it funny that people like you feel all dems here are living on welfare? And btw if you think 300k a year is fabulously wealthy you must be the guy living in mommies basement
Have you got any proof "what so ever" that Trump is this racist you accuse him of being ??? If so bring it, because we have been patiently waiting for those who are more than likely the real racist to somehow "prove" that Trump is even a bigger racist than they are.

Trump has been attempting to be the President for all American's, but those with a separatist agenda ain't having any of it.

The separatist agenda is thee most racist agenda, where as whites have been the target of this agenda, and it has been allied with other Agenda's that have been targeting religious beliefs, conservative lifestyle choices, Christian beliefs, work ethic, and the American culture as many had known it over the years. The target for change has been to go after the educational system, the young impressionable minds early on in life as so to gain soldiers in their armies that will then cause them to go against everything they were ever taught by their parents in the ways of Christianity, The American culture, conservatism, humanity, love of thy neighbors, charity, trust, education, and love of country.

Trump was a child of an age gone by in which taught him those things listed above, even though like many he has been exposed to the excesses of the lifestyles of the rich and famous in which tried to consume him, change him, and use him.

He has rebuked what he had known and seen within these pits of hell he has walked through in his life, and therefore he has arose up out of the ashes to try and make positive change in the country for not only we the people, but for his own family just as well.

Of course the Demon-crats due to the journey they have chosen in life now, must rebuke any rise up of nationalism, Americanism, and patriotism because such things destroy the agenda's that seek to destroy the country it hates by mixing in more anti-Americans in a globalist Trojan horse strategy that it has been running through many presidencies now.

Hopefully Trump will continue to fight on, and upon behalf of the American people who have been under extreme attack by the anti-American crats in this country for quite sometime now.

Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!
Chicken feed

Of course, like all Communists you are FABULOUSLY wealthy. Never met a leftist troll yet who wasn't. That's why you all demand that we of the middle class aren't paying our "fair share" :eusa_whistle:

eddie, you live in a trailer and are on SSI.
And how can you yap about fair share in taxes when your leader, a professed billionaire pays a lesser % than you do........ OR maybe he pays nothing?
And UN if you're middle class and white, GUESS WHAT ? when voting for republicans you voted AGAINST yourself
And UN if you're middle class and white, GUESS WHAT ? when voting for republicans you voted AGAINST yourself
Hmmm, wrong. How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself? How is voting to raise your taxes voting for yourself? How is voting to impose economy destroying regulations voting for yourself? How is voting to destroy our healthcare system voting for yourself?
Last edited:
And UN if you're middle class and white, GUESS WHAT ? when voting for republicans you voted AGAINST yourself
Hmmm, wrong. How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself? How is voting to raise your taxes voting for yourself? How is voting to economy destroying regulations voting for yourself? How is voting to destroy our healthcare system voting for yourself?
Open the flood gates ??? Please bri I read your posts but you have to clean all your bs up to make them readable
You're becoming almost a bigger joke than McConnell is, calling for bi partisanship now
1. How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself?
It is not, which is why we have a process in play to regulate those who enter our country.

2. How is voting to raise your taxes voting for yourself?
Taxes pay for things the individual cannot do for themselves.

3. How is voting to economy destroying regulations voting for yourself?
in most cases it protects us from pollution to our air, water and soil.

4. How is voting to destroy our healthcare system voting for yourself?
Claiming the PPACA, aka Obamacare, is Socialism and voting to destroy it does not help any US Citizen, per se, unless they profit from disease suffered by other citizens.
How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself?
You're just not going to penetrate these embarrassingly stupid wingnut fantasies. Don't even try. Anyone who gobbles up this vomit simply cannot be reasoned with.
Patently, historically, and provably false.

Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.

What leftist violence? You mean Charlotte, when gangs of white supremacists attacked and beat leftist protestors, sending more than 30 of them to hospital and murdering a woman?

Of maybe you mean the execution of two black men minding their own business when they were shot down in the street by a white supremacist.

How about the shooting and murder of 11 worshippers at a synagogue by an anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant which supremacist stirred up by Trump's rants against the "Soros funded Caravan".

Or do you mean the way so-called "Christians" get to discriminate against and abuse gays, refusing service, calling them "sinners" - hardly behaviour that Christ would have sanctioned or condoned, and white males get to rape women with impunity, and white males get all of the jobs first and the rest of us get what's left. Those kinds of things?
You try and attach white supremacists to your attacks whether ever warranted or not, and then you blame the wrong people for the bullcrap (using the race card willynilly like a good Demon-crat always does), and people are sick of it all.

Everyone see's this, and yet you continue down a road to destruction regardless of the people knowing the games that you on the left are playing these days.

Y'all start the bullcrap in hopes that an incident follows, and after it does, then you run to your perspective corners just to watch the fighting and violence take place.

The left is just as guilty if not way more guilty of the things that have transpired lately, and why is this ??? Because it is a sore loser that's why... The libs were focused on ramming an agenda (one that the majority of the people rebuke), down the people's throats, and when it was rejected then all hell breaks loose ???

No we don't. We start that bullcrap AFTER white supremacist injure, kill and terrorize citizens. We called the marchers in Charlotte "white supremacists" after their tiki torch parade when they marched past a Jewish synagogue chanting "The Jews will not replace us". That's about as right wing Nazi as it gets.

Then there's the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Who spent the week talking about the "Soro-funded" Caravan? George Soros and his company are now looking at a libel suit against those who accuse Soros falsely. Guess you'll soon have to find another Jewish donor to vilify when that happens.
Joining every bad and good in this country together like you leftist attempt to do, uh is really the definition of evil. Get help because you and you're band of demons need it, but then again it probably won't help anyways so why waste the time is what I think.
Show any evidence not culled from a right wing hate site, that anything said here was false.

The American Constitution was specifically written to keep Donald J. Trump from getting elected, and if elected, to keep him from destroying the country. Because of the current iteration of the Republican Party, who have completed abdicated their oath to uphold the Constitution, Trump has not only been handed the Presidency, but allowed by the party to institute policies which are destructive to minorities in particular, and the Republic in general.

The level of crime, lawlessness and live shooter events has risen dramatically under this President, and much of the increase in violent hate crimes can be laid directly at the feet of this administration and it's inflammatory racist rhetoric and lies. As Trump becomes more and more unhinged by the continuing exposure of his crimes and those of his closest associates, and Robert Mueller's investigation closes in on him and his family, that level of violence will only increase as the President lashes out of everyone and everything around him.
Trump has nothing to do with the violence and mayhem the leftist have engaged in while trying to reshape and transform this nation into something they want... They want a nation that allows for a culture and/or cultures to over ride and abuse other cultures (either in a vengeful way or in an evil way). No one is fooled by the lies or the Agenda's no matter how elaborate the lies and deception gets.

What leftist violence? You mean Charlotte, when gangs of white supremacists attacked and beat leftist protestors, sending more than 30 of them to hospital and murdering a woman?

Of maybe you mean the execution of two black men minding their own business when they were shot down in the street by a white supremacist.

How about the shooting and murder of 11 worshippers at a synagogue by an anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant which supremacist stirred up by Trump's rants against the "Soros funded Caravan".

Or do you mean the way so-called "Christians" get to discriminate against and abuse gays, refusing service, calling them "sinners" - hardly behaviour that Christ would have sanctioned or condoned, and white males get to rape women with impunity, and white males get all of the jobs first and the rest of us get what's left. Those kinds of things?
You try and attach white supremacists to your attacks whether ever warranted or not, and then you blame the wrong people for the bullcrap (using the race card willynilly like a good Demon-crat always does), and people are sick of it all.

Everyone see's this, and yet you continue down a road to destruction regardless of the people knowing the games that you on the left are playing these days.

Y'all start the bullcrap in hopes that an incident follows, and after it does, then you run to your perspective corners just to watch the fighting and violence take place.

The left is just as guilty if not way more guilty of the things that have transpired lately, and why is this ??? Because it is a sore loser that's why... The libs were focused on ramming an agenda (one that the majority of the people rebuke), down the people's throats, and when it was rejected then all hell breaks loose ???

No we don't. We start that bullcrap AFTER white supremacist injure, kill and terrorize citizens. We called the marchers in Charlotte "white supremacists" after their tiki torch parade when they marched past a Jewish synagogue chanting "The Jews will not replace us". That's about as right wing Nazi as it gets.

Then there's the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Who spent the week talking about the "Soro-funded" Caravan? George Soros and his company are now looking at a libel suit against those who accuse Soros falsely. Guess you'll soon have to find another Jewish donor to vilify when that happens.
Joining every bad and good in this country together like you leftist attempt to do, uh is really the definition of evil. Get help because you and you're band of demons need it, but then again it probably won't help anyways so why waste the time is what I think.
Let us know beagle when all your evangelicals get a clue instead of voting for a foul perverted piece of human garbage
How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself?
You're just not going to penetrate these embarrassingly stupid wingnut fantasies. Don't even try. Anyone who gobbles up this vomit simply cannot be reasoned with.

Says one of our Russian trolls who does nothing but spew vomit every day on this forum.
I post the facts, in other words. The fact that you call me a "Russian troll" only underscores how utterly deranged and detached from reality you are. Nothing you post has any basis in reality. It's just lie, lie, lie. Insult, insult, insult.
Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!
Chicken feed

Of course, like all Communists you are FABULOUSLY wealthy. Never met a leftist troll yet who wasn't. That's why you all demand that we of the middle class aren't paying our "fair share" :eusa_whistle:

eddie, you live in a trailer and are on SSI.
Far from fabulously,,,,,But isn't it funny that people like you feel all dems here are living on welfare? And btw if you think 300k a year is fabulously wealthy you must be the guy living in mommies basement

You don't look to go stealing from your neighbor if you have your own. eddie Munster is a parasite.
Trump is only a year or so older than I am, and my values were learned from my parents and the Nuns. None of what you posted about a different age is valid and cannot be proved by real history.

The Left (defined as the set which supports We the People) began to attack segregation as early as the Truman Administration; granted, the process took decades to bring us to today, when the party of Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and Obama pushed the envelope in support of these words,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

No one can provide any evidence that the Right supports these sage remarks written long ago by Mr. Jefferson, and signed off by the Patriots who created what has become the United States of America.

Racism, misogyny, homophobia, in a word, bigotry, is divisive, immoral and a learned character flaw which continues from generation to generation; no where are these character flaws expressed as a value by Mr. Jefferson or anyone of the Founding Fathers, and that includes the faux Christians who preach love and reject universal civil rights in America.

From Chief Justice Warren to Chief Justice Roberts Republicans have shown they can and have supported We the People; sadly they are tossed under the bus by the current iteration of Republicans and their fellow travelers.

You have no values, you're a sociopath. You will do or say anything to promote your vile party or to disparage the object of your hatred.
And get this: He claims he earns almost $300 K / yr!
Chicken feed

Of course, like all Communists you are FABULOUSLY wealthy. Never met a leftist troll yet who wasn't. That's why you all demand that we of the middle class aren't paying our "fair share" :eusa_whistle:

eddie, you live in a trailer and are on SSI.
And how can you yap about fair share in taxes when your leader, a professed billionaire pays a lesser % than you do........ OR maybe he pays nothing?

Since you have more money than Bill Gates, why don't you just donate your money to your beloved rulers? Why do you need to rob a peon like me?


You fucking Stalinists are the biggest blowhards on the planet.
And UN if you're middle class and white, GUESS WHAT ? when voting for republicans you voted AGAINST yourself
Hmmm, wrong. How is voting to open the flood gates to illegal immigration voting for yourself? How is voting to raise your taxes voting for yourself? How is voting to impose economy destroying regulations voting for yourself? How is voting to destroy our healthcare system voting for yourself?

eddie Munster is a gazillionaire - like all message board leftists. But he desperately needs to take every fucking dime you or I earn. I mean he has trillions, but still if you and I don't give everything we have there will be no money in the federal slush fund...
And UN if you're middle class and white, GUESS WHAT ? when voting for republicans you voted AGAINST yourself


Yeah, I mean you fucking Stalinists want to take every dime I earn, which is in my own interests....
Un I don't want your dimes I want you to live long and prosper I'd just like you to be able to identify a scum like trump when he shows his face

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