Democrats Claim That The Fact Trump Wanted To Fire Mueller Is Obstruction


This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
The Mueller report delineated about 11 potential obstructions that Trump did.. It is fairly assumed that the House with its investigative powers would follow them up. Mueller made the point that he accepted the President cannot be forced to testify. He did not have that power. The house does.
Hillary and Obama are doing nothing. What kind of a conspiracy nut are you?

Do you know what the word "potential" means?
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.

Glad he didn't do that. That would be bad.
Except that he did.

Read the report, get educated, and then come back and try again.

If he had, he would be charged with doing so, like Bubba was. Just thinking about it, or even expressing a desire to make it all go away is not obstruction. Nor is firing someone you have the authority to fire when the investigation continues. I know this is an article of faith with the antis, but sometimes reality is just that, reality.
Lol, you really think his hand picked sock puppet is going to charge him?

Wake up kid.
The Irony of that post is massive.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet and he destroyed evidence. But he failed to indict Trump. Eric Holder was Obama's wingman and he was held in contempt of Congress for obstruction.
So what you are saying is that the Obama administration was so criminal, anyone could see it. But Republicans are so stupid, blind and inept, they couldn't find criminal behavior that was right in front of every body. We would have known of Obama's massive criminality if Republicans would only have investigated. The only other explanation was the GOP leadership was stupid, blind and inept.

Who could trust them now?

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
The Mueller report delineated about 11 potential obstructions that Trump did.. It is fairly assumed that the House with its investigative powers would follow them up. Mueller made the point that he accepted the President cannot be forced to testify. He did not have that power. The house does.
Hillary and Obama are doing nothing. What kind of a conspiracy nut are you?

Do you know what the word "potential" means?
It's a synonym for "imaginary."

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
The Mueller report delineated about 11 potential obstructions that Trump did.. It is fairly assumed that the House with its investigative powers would follow them up. Mueller made the point that he accepted the President cannot be forced to testify. He did not have that power. The house does.
Hillary and Obama are doing nothing. What kind of a conspiracy nut are you?

Do you know what the word "potential" means?
It's a synonym for "imaginary."
Or hypothetical.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
Yep......and now tell me which page this obstruction is detailed on.

Was it the time Trump didn't fire Mueller?
Was it the time Trump didn't interfere in the investigation?
Was it the time that Trump refused to not turn over documents?
Or was it something he said in a tweet?????
Still waiting for the quote and the link to the supposed Obstruction. You people have no shame you lie and when caught run away.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
If you had read the report you wouldn't say that.
Read it end to end brah. It's not just in there, it's all over it.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
If you had read the report you wouldn't say that.
Read it end to end brah. It's not just in there, it's all over it.
lol In other words you have no idea what is in the report.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
If you had read the report you wouldn't say that.
Read it end to end brah. It's not just in there, it's all over it.
And yet you can quote a single instance nor link to it.... Go figure.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
Yep......and now tell me which page this obstruction is detailed on.

Was it the time Trump didn't fire Mueller?
Was it the time Trump didn't interfere in the investigation?
Was it the time that Trump refused to not turn over documents?
Or was it something he said in a tweet?????
Intent son, intent does mean something.
Mueller was Hillary and Obama's hand picked sock puppet

Where do you dinks come up with this crap!!!????
I am STILL waiting for HOW Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation....
Read the report son, it's all in there.
Yep......and now tell me which page this obstruction is detailed on.

Was it the time Trump didn't fire Mueller?
Was it the time Trump didn't interfere in the investigation?
Was it the time that Trump refused to not turn over documents?
Or was it something he said in a tweet?????
Intent son, intent does mean something.
You have been asked REPEATEDLY to LINK and quote anything that backs up your ignorant lie, You can not which proves you are a bald face dog balls licking fucking Liar.
Coming close to committing a crime is not committing a crime I might be going out on a limb here but I feel safe in saying if there was evidence that Trump actually committed obstruction of justice Mueller would have charged him with it generally that is what a prosecutor does when they have the evidence.

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