Democrats Claim That The Fact Trump Wanted To Fire Mueller Is Obstruction


This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey because he was a grand standing incompetent. Comey would have been fired by Hillary if she'd won.
He fired Comey because Comey was repeatedly lying to his boss. You are surprised that repeatedly lying to your boss will get you fired?


This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.


Bad thoughts aren't crimes, though it seems Jerry Nader and Adam Schiff don't know that.
They need to resign.

Nothing Burger Deluxe:
Democrats Claim That The Fact Trump Wanted To Fire Mueller Is Obstruction

Which Democrats? All of them?
Who is "The Fact Trump"?

Were you trying to say that "Some Democrats Have Claimed That, For Trump Anyway, Simply Expressing A Desire To Fire Mueller, In Any Witnessed Or Recorded Way, Constitutes A Legal Basis For An Obstruction of Justice Charge?"
If so, ???So what??? My brother used to claim to be from Mars. My neighbor thought the Earth was flat. They got over it. I bet those damned Dems, whoever they may be,. wherever they may roam,.. will too.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

"wanting" to commit a crime isn't a crime at all.

But why would Trump have "wanted" to fire Mueller at all? The Mule was a great foil for tweets and provided an good face for the Russian Collusion Witchhunt.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

"wanting" to commit a crime isn't a crime at all.

But why would Trump have "wanted" to fire Mueller at all? The Mule was a great foil for tweets and provided an good face for the Russian Collusion Witchhunt.
Trump is an impatient guy. He likes to do shit now....not talk about it for a few weeks before deciding not to do something.....LIKE OBAMA.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.
Tried to fuck your gym teacher repeatedly but never even got to the point of even asking her if she wants to fuck?
What’s the punishment for wanting to do something again????

Right now I want to slap you, but can't or won't. What's the charge?
Calm down, wipe the spittle off yer chin, and read my post again. I specifically said wanting to do something wasn't a crime.
Be VERY specific and cit for us who Trump fired that impeded the Mueller investigation in any way?

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.
Tried to fuck your gym teacher repeatedly but never even got to the point of even asking her if she wants to fuck?
What’s the punishment for wanting to do something again????

Right now I want to slap you, but can't or won't. What's the charge?
Calm down, wipe the spittle off yer chin, and read my post again. I specifically said wanting to do something wasn't a crime.
Be VERY specific and cit for us who Trump fired that impeded the Mueller investigation in any way?
Intent son. Intent matters.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.
Tried to fuck your gym teacher repeatedly but never even got to the point of even asking her if she wants to fuck?
What’s the punishment for wanting to do something again????

Right now I want to slap you, but can't or won't. What's the charge?
Calm down, wipe the spittle off yer chin, and read my post again. I specifically said wanting to do something wasn't a crime.
Be VERY specific and cit for us who Trump fired that impeded the Mueller investigation in any way?
Intent son. Intent matters.
Intent of what? If NO CRIME OCCURRED there is no CRIME. Thinking about something is NOT a crime. Again be specific and cite for us who Trump fired that effected the Mueller investigation?

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.
Tried to fuck your gym teacher repeatedly but never even got to the point of even asking her if she wants to fuck?
What’s the punishment for wanting to do something again????

Right now I want to slap you, but can't or won't. What's the charge?
Calm down, wipe the spittle off yer chin, and read my post again. I specifically said wanting to do something wasn't a crime.
Be VERY specific and cit for us who Trump fired that impeded the Mueller investigation in any way?
Intent son. Intent matters.

Intent matters, sure. If the President had done anything. But he didn't fire anyone on the Mueller Witch Hunt Team.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.

oh yea

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.

oh yea

The fact that Hillary Clinton actually conspired with hostile foreigners like Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper- both associated with our nation's first and greatest enemy the UK, is a fact. As well as her collusion with Nikita Khrushchev's Ukraine,which as admitted to liberal collusion.

If collusion with foreign enemies is wrong, Trump is innocent as a newborn per the Mueller report.

And the Democrat Party is as guilty as sin. Time to , indeed, lock her up

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.

Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.

oh yea

The fact that Hillary Clinton actually conspired with hostile foreigners like Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper- both associated with our nation's first and greatest enemy the UK, is a fact. As well as her collusion with Nikita Khrushchev's Ukraine,which as admitted to liberal collusion.

If collusion with foreign enemies is wrong, Trump is innocent as a newborn per the Mueller report.

And the Democrat Party is as guilty as sin. Time to , indeed, lock her up
England is now our enemy?
What about Australia for snitching on Papadopoulos? Thats what really started the investigation.

Gotta love how it was the Obama DoD and the Obama FBI and the Obama DOJ...but it's yet to become the Trump DoD/FBI/DOJ.

what youre reallying saying: "The problem is NOT that we colluded illegally with Russia, the problem is that YOU found out!"

Holy fuck, a hostile foreign government was taking active measures to interfere in our election AND people in the Trump campaign were cooperating with them. Of course the motherfucking FBI and CIA were investigating it. It would be mind-bendingly incompetent if they weren't. Stop queefing about investigations being worse than the crimes.
Yeah, Stalin, er King Donald firing anyone who is investigating him seems a bit emperor like and improper. Is that what you're saying?

He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.

oh yea

The fact that Hillary Clinton actually conspired with hostile foreigners like Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper- both associated with our nation's first and greatest enemy the UK, is a fact. As well as her collusion with Nikita Khrushchev's Ukraine,which as admitted to liberal collusion.

If collusion with foreign enemies is wrong, Trump is innocent as a newborn per the Mueller report.

And the Democrat Party is as guilty as sin. Time to , indeed, lock her up
England is now our enemy?
What about Australia for snitching on Papadopoulos? Thats what really started the investigation.

Gotta love how it was the Obama DoD and the Obama FBI and the Obama DOJ...but it's yet to become the Trump DoD/FBI/DOJ.

what youre reallying saying: "The problem is NOT that we colluded illegally with Russia, the problem is that YOU found out!"

Holy fuck, a hostile foreign government was taking active measures to interfere in our election AND people in the Trump campaign were cooperating with them. Of course the motherfucking FBI and CIA were investigating it. It would be mind-bendingly incompetent if they weren't. Stop queefing about investigations being worse than the crimes.
Actually the Mueller report plainly stated that Russia tried to establish contacts with Trump in hopes they could get them on their team, in the manner they had with Hillary, and failed. The report also said that the only Russians they agreed to meet with were working with Fusion GPS. They were offering dirt on Hillary and the report clearly stated that they gave Trump Jr nothing that was promised. This is the same Russians Obama went out of his way to allow to stay in the country. Course the only mention of Hillary was that she was a victim, not a perpetrator, clearly an attempt to minimize her role in the matter.
Last edited:
He fired Comey, but the investigation didn't stop. Trump cooperated and allowed people to testify without exerting Executive Privilege. I think you're just hysterical.
But, he did have bad thoughts and said bad things about Mueller, and while Mueller didn't have the balls to try to charge him with a felony for that, he didn't exonerate him of bad think/talk against Mueller, either.

oh yea

The fact that Hillary Clinton actually conspired with hostile foreigners like Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper- both associated with our nation's first and greatest enemy the UK, is a fact. As well as her collusion with Nikita Khrushchev's Ukraine,which as admitted to liberal collusion.

If collusion with foreign enemies is wrong, Trump is innocent as a newborn per the Mueller report.

And the Democrat Party is as guilty as sin. Time to , indeed, lock her up
England is now our enemy?
What about Australia for snitching on Papadopoulos? Thats what really started the investigation.

Gotta love how it was the Obama DoD and the Obama FBI and the Obama DOJ...but it's yet to become the Trump DoD/FBI/DOJ.

what youre reallying saying: "The problem is NOT that we colluded illegally with Russia, the problem is that YOU found out!"

Holy fuck, a hostile foreign government was taking active measures to interfere in our election AND people in the Trump campaign were cooperating with them. Of course the motherfucking FBI and CIA were investigating it. It would be mind-bendingly incompetent if they weren't. Stop queefing about investigations being worse than the crimes.
Actually the Mueller report plainly stated that Russia tried to establish contacts with Trump in hopes they could get them on their team in the manner they had with Hillary and failed. The report also said that the only Russians they agreed to meet with were working with Fusion GPS. They were offering dirt on Hillary and the report clearly stated that they gave Trump Jr nothing that was promised. This is the same Russians Obama went out of his way to allow to stay in the country. Course the only mention of Hillary was that she was a victim, not a perpetrator, clearly an attempt to minimize her role in the matter.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump's policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.

Did you forget that Putin said this during Helsinki summit?

Did you forget that the Kremlin tried to kill russians who worked with Steele on the dossier, such as Skripal?

Veselnitskaya had a court appearance right around time of tower meeting for a case against a Russian business owner. Denying her entry would have been a diplomatic incident, and could have provided grounds for appeal.
She was granted a temporary emergency visa for the sole purpose of defending her client company. She then violated the terms of that visa, went on a highly visible lobbying tour in Washington DC

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.

Glad he didn't do that. That would be bad.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.

Glad he didn't do that. That would be bad.
Except that he did.

Read the report, get educated, and then come back and try again.

This is the basis for their claims that Trump obstructed the investigation.
It doesn't matter that Trump cooperated more than any other president ever has, much more than Obama ever did. It doesn't matter that Trump did absolutely nothing to impede the investigation.

They think that just talking about doing stuff and wanting to do something, but never actually doing it, is obstruction.

This is totally pathetic on their part.

They didn't get their pound of flesh because, for one reason or another, they were unable to get Trump to fire Mueller.....which is what I have been saying all along since the investigation began. I could clearly see that the primary purpose for the investigation was to create crimes, not investigate criminal acts.

The Mueller Investigations was designed to do several things:

  • Cause Trump to panic and commit obstruction
  • Find unrelated crimes
  • Destroy evidence of crimes Hillary and Obama committed
  • Destroy the legitimacy of the Trump presidency
Obama and Hillary were busy setting Trump up from the day he won the nomination....and members of the Obama Administration were tasked with carrying out this criminal conspiracy. The House is busy trying to pick up the pieces of this utterly failed attempt to overthrow the government. When they should be getting ready to do their jobs last Christmas, they're instead gathered in Puerto Rico to plan their dirty deeds.
Democrats haven't been doing their jobs because they have been too busy conspiring to overthrow the Trump Administration. They have refused to work with him because they've been planning his destruction from the moment he won on election day 2016. This is why they never attend any meetings or show up to events that they are supposed to be involved in.

In summary.......Trump talked about doing something to stop the Democrat's witch hunt and never carried it out. So Democrats want to charge him with obstruction over something he would like to have done but never did because he was either advised not to or decided not to fall for their tricks. That is the entire basis for their false charges of obstruction.
Wanted to? No. Not a crime.

Tried to repeatedly? Fuck yeah, that's obstruction.

Glad he didn't do that. That would be bad.
Except that he did.

Read the report, get educated, and then come back and try again.

If he had, he would be charged with doing so, like Bubba was. Just thinking about it, or even expressing a desire to make it all go away is not obstruction. Nor is firing someone you have the authority to fire when the investigation continues. I know this is an article of faith with the antis, but sometimes reality is just that, reality.

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