It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.

First off, I'm not asking for anything. I'm sitting here in Canada, living by the lake with my pensions indexed to inflation, government funded health care, and Senior Support programs to help keep me in my home as long as possible. And you're in Russia just trying to stir up shit.

Ah yes, the Trump lies. There are no open borders and no one is asking for them. Identity politics and immigration are made up issues that Trump uses to divide the nation.

Republicans made a lot of promises to sell those tax cuts and they lied on all of them. Job creation is weaker than Obama's job creation. Where are the promises raises - $4000 for every worker. The rich got a tax cut, but not the middle class or the working class.

The Democrats and independents who voted for Trump are having buyer's remorse. Bigly. Trump is now a lame duck, at home and abroad. Your allies don't respect him, or believe him. They're going ahead with the Iran deal and the Paris Climate Accord without you. Trump has left you isolated and having lost most of your big trade markets.

Well played.
Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
That's Soros funded propaganda.

Do you ever post anything that shows even a modicum of intelligence or original thought? Uninformed, right wing, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

I live in an actual democracy with cradle to the grave social programs, dipshit. I know exactly what I'm talking about. After a lifetime of working hard, paying my taxes and making my CPP contributions, I am entitled to a MINIMUM income of $18,000 a year, as a single Canadian. That's in addition to my health care - annual co-pay $100.

Our public education is ranked 4th in the world, and our infrastructure is in excellent condition and well maintained. We have the fastest growing middle class in the world.
Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
Trump is going nuts because the bell is tolling and it is tolling for him

He is becoming unhinged because he know that the country is rejecting the loon.

Keep telling yourself that

I'm sure that will make you happy.
Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there
How much are you willing to wager on that claim?
Make it easy on yourself
How about your next paycheck, pathetic as it is?
I collect rents 25K a month
“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
Keep telling yourself that

I'm sure that will make you happy.
Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there
How much are you willing to wager on that claim?
Make it easy on yourself
How about your next paycheck, pathetic as it is?
I collect rents 25K a month
After paying the mortgages and expenses, how much is left, $2000?
“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.

First off, I'm not asking for anything. I'm sitting here in Canada, living by the lake with my pensions indexed to inflation, government funded health care, and Senior Support programs to help keep me in my home as long as possible. And you're in Russia just trying to stir up shit.

Ah yes, the Trump lies. There are no open borders and no one is asking for them. Identity politics and immigration are made up issues that Trump uses to divide the nation.

Republicans made a lot of promises to sell those tax cuts and they lied on all of them. Job creation is weaker than Obama's job creation. Where are the promises raises - $4000 for every worker. The rich got a tax cut, but not the middle class or the working class.

The Democrats and independents who voted for Trump are having buyer's remorse. Bigly. Trump is now a lame duck, at home and abroad. Your allies don't respect him, or believe him. They're going ahead with the Iran deal and the Paris Climate Accord without you. Trump has left you isolated and having lost most of your big trade markets.

Well played.
And you are called ((((Dragon))))-lady why ??

Are you another (((Demon)))-crat ????

If so, then selling ones soul or worse giving ones soul to the devil is a bad thing don't ya know ??

You cheer on the past known Demon-crat failures in this country, and mock those who want to restore hope, prosperity, and security to the nation, to their families, and to their friends.

Demon-crats sadly want destruction, mayhem, chaos, and anarchy to prevail, and all in order to create enough confusion as so to make the citizens think that it's their fault for the tragic events that we've all seen over the years.... Event's that have since led to the things that are being experienced today for all as a result of.

It's obvious who the culprits have been, but sadly enough those who have sold their souls have also become deaf, dumb, and blinded afterwards. This problem won't allow them to come back to the table in order to become aware of the folly that exist within their brainwashed minds. They hope for destruction in order to complete their task in life.

Not sure if the nation will be saved or become far worse as evilness in people's minds causes them to destroy even more than they have destroyed already.

Wake up from your drunken condition America before it's too late !!!
“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
Canada ????? You're dismissed.
President Trump looked quite well and rested today when he celebrated Diwali with the people from India today.
Making great jokes and lighting the diya lamp at the WH.

And yet could not honor our fallen veterans in Europe on Saturday or here at home on Monday. How MAGA!
Trump didn't make the decision to ground the helicopter, moron, but you'll keep spewing your bogus story until doomsday. Lying is just what snowflakes do.

So as most expected, Rump is not in charge!
He's not the pilot of the helicopter, moron. According to FAA regulations, the pilot has the final say on whether it flies.

He is POTUS, he has final say on HIS agenda!
Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there
How much are you willing to wager on that claim?
Make it easy on yourself
How about your next paycheck, pathetic as it is?
I collect rents 25K a month
After paying the mortgages and expenses, how much is left, $2000?
owned it for 40 some years mortgage was paid off in 7 ,,All expenses except RE tax is paid for by tenants and that's just one source of income and the RE is right next door to where Amazon is coming
My, my. The Orange Virus seems a bit down in the dumps after the midterms. Orange Man Angry.

Trump, stung by midterms and nervous about Mueller, retreats from traditional presidential duties

For weeks this fall, an ebullient President Trump traveled relentlessly to hold raise-the-rafters campaign rallies — sometimes three a day — in states where his presence was likely to help Republicans on the ballot.

But his mood apparently has changed as he has taken measure of the electoral backlash that voters delivered Nov. 6. With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment, according to multiple administration sources.

Behind the scenes, they say, the president has lashed out at several aides, from junior press assistants to senior officials. “He’s furious,” said one administration official. “Most staffers are trying to avoid him.”

LATimes >>
Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
The Gop will not support any reform package that includes any kind of legal status/protection for people who came her a decade or more ago, and who have not broken any US law since then. It wasn't always that way. But during the W admin RW wogs ginned up the very right base to make that party dogma. Nevertheless, the 1% have never agreed to give up their source of cheap labor.

And the dems, and a maj of Hispanic Americans, will never agree. In fact, in 2016 a maj on non-Hispanics thought illegal immigrants already hear should be allowed to stay. But I'm sure you can get different results on that issue depending on how the question is phrased.

CBS News poll: Hispanics in America
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Funny you always try and backpedal with the same shtick.
Just who has sanctuary cities and states? Who has talked about getting rid of ICE? Who has said that we do not need to worry about the caravans? if memory serves me right it is not the Republicans.

Why is it the Democrats always talk about compassion yet do not care about the over 400 who die in the deserts each each year attempting a border crossing? They only seem to care about those lives once they are in their sancutuary states were they can work for low wages. There by keeping wages low. Then they complain that there are low wages.
Absolutely crazy.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.

Canada isn't burning down around me.

The culture wars have no meaning to most people. I've lived in a country where gays have been getting married for the past 15 years. It's had absolutely no impact on the rest of us. None. But then nobody tries that bullshit "I won't serve you because of my religion" bullshit here, because if they did, they'd lose their business license.

Here's another thing you Russians need to realize. Republicans are the party of open borders, and the party which has steadfastly resisted cracking down on illegals. Republican voters like the cheap labour. Keeps the American workers in line and from asking for too much money.
I always find it amazing that those from another country always feel obligated to denounce other countries. Is it that they just absolutely feel that they are so superior and by extension that their country is superior? Or is it that they are afraid that the other country is actually above theirs and if they do not find some failing in that country they will have to admit that theirs is not superior?

Why is it that they do not feel a need to more or less look after their own country and let those in their country worry about theirs?

You say that Republicans are the party of open borders and like cheap labor. Explain why none of the Republican states are sanctuary states, why cities run by Republicans are not sancutuary cities?
maybe because Republicans and Trump would like to return the Statue of Liberty back to France cause they don't believe in that tired and hungry stuff?
No funny thing is they expect people to do it the legal way. Maybe at some point in your so called education you might have come across that word.

Funny how crazy people keep trying to blame Republicans for illegals then when it is pointed out that it is the Democrats they always try and make it about a lack of compassion without mentioning laws. I can want to help the poor but it does not mean that I have to rob a bank to do it.
once more a republican gets it wrong Very few if any Dems want our borders open to all who want to come to America That's just the BS trump feeds you BUT he can take his wall and shove it
Horseshit. Dims are doing everything they can to open the floodgates. Kamala Harris just gave the chief of ICE a tongue lashing because illegal aliens are afraid of ICE. The only way they wouldn't be afraid is if ICE wasn't doing it's job. Illegal aliens are afraid of ICE because they are criminals who don't want to be sent back to Mexico where they belong.
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