It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

President Trump looked quite well and rested today when he celebrated Diwali with the people from India today.
Making great jokes and lighting the diya lamp at the WH.

And yet could not honor our fallen veterans in Europe on Saturday or here at home on Monday. How MAGA!
Trump didn't make the decision to ground the helicopter, moron, but you'll keep spewing your bogus story until doomsday. Lying is just what snowflakes do.

So as most expected, Rump is not in charge!
If Trump walked on water you would respond by saying "Trump afraid to get wet."

Is he in charge of not?
Keep telling yourself that

I'm sure that will make you happy.
I don't need to tell myself that. The mid-terms said it loud and clear which is why Trump has been a rage.

Analysis | Trump’s post-election rage, and what it suggests about his alternate reality

LMAO You put a lot of stock in the mid terms.

How much did Barry lose in the mid terms??

He was re-elected and Trump will be as well.
President Obama had the political skills to make a comeback. Trump does not. Look at Trump now. Moping around in rage and acting more unhinged than ever. That is why Trump's position will continue to deteriorate. He will continue to withdraw further into his bunker. He does not know how to handle this type of defeat.

Oh is this the same Trump who didn't have the skills to get elected??

Only you think the mid terms were a defeat for Trump and his position will continue to get better.

Sucks to be you.
Stop being in denial. Trump is in meltdown over the loses in the mid-term and only hardcore Trumpist like yourself consider it a victory. Read a friggin newspaper instead of the right-wing trash that has so polluted your brain.
Liberal logic:
I wish it were true.
Ergo, it must be true.
Wasn't it "the gropenfhuerer" who made the claim that Hillary Clinton didn't have the stamina to be President?
Sure it was.
Now look at this lying pile of dog excrement.
And check out what the b*tt-lickers here keep saying in his defense.

This is a good example of how trump can never win no matter what he does. So after a whirlwind election sprint and an overseas trip this 70 year old might be taking a breather and catching up on other issues. No no no he is licking his wounds and in the fetal position. Jesus Christ, we have two years of this. Rush said that people won’t be able to keep up this level of hate forever, man are Dems proving him wrong.
I don't see any evidence that Trump doesn't have the energy required. People who work with him say it's amazing how much he does in a day.
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.
Really? Is this hearsay also:

Conservative columnist: Trump may be a disaster at home; but he's even worse overseas

In 1906, Theodore Roosevelt visited the canal being constructed in Panama, becoming the first U.S. president to leave the country while in office. William Howard Taft also visited Panama and Mexico. But it was not until Woodrow Wilson went to Paris in November 1918 - a hundred years ago this month - to attend the postwar peace conference that attending international meetings and hobnobbing with foreign heads of state became an accepted, indeed integral part, of the president's job.

No president has been worse at this diplomatic function than Donald Trump. ……….
No, it's just plain old horseshit.
Bam! There you has it, folks. :5_1_12024:

I gotta like, sneak my neighbor beer or out of the hospital, but remember what I shined the light on, pls.

I could probably get arrested, but it's the right thing, so I'll do it anyway.
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.

Comments such as this ^^^ don't help with your credibility, if in fact you have any left.

Rumor and hearsay might be good enough for a gossiping old woman like you, but not so much for me.

Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.

What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.
Of course you would, but who cares about your opinion?
This is a good example of how trump can never win no matter what he does. So after a whirlwind election sprint and an overseas trip this 70 year old might be taking a breather and catching up on other issues. No no no he is licking his wounds and in the fetal position. Jesus Christ, we have two years of this. Rush said that people won’t be able to keep up this level of hate forever, man are Dems proving him wrong.

Do, you are saying that Trump wote himself out campaigning that hew can't do his fucking job?
Could you repeat that in English, please?
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.
Of course....tiny trump is continuing with all his "presidential duties"....such as...................?

...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.
Of course....tiny trump is continuing with all his "presidential duties"....such as...................?

...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.
Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
Keep telling yourself such lies while the nation burns down around you. The biggest issues facing this nation are the culture wars going on. These wars to some are everything, and I mean literally everything.
You want a stop to it?? Then insist the AH you have in our WH to shut his damn mouth and start acting like a president of all the people
...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.
President Trump looked quite well and rested today when he celebrated Diwali with the people from India today.
Making great jokes and lighting the diya lamp at the WH.

And yet could not honor our fallen veterans in Europe on Saturday or here at home on Monday. How MAGA!
Trump didn't make the decision to ground the helicopter, moron, but you'll keep spewing your bogus story until doomsday. Lying is just what snowflakes do.

So as most expected, Rump is not in charge!
He's not the pilot of the helicopter, moron. According to FAA regulations, the pilot has the final say on whether it flies.
Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citi

zens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

Who pays for all that there, cupcake? I ain't afraid of a damn thing. That's because of that 2nd Amendment stuff. Don't fuck with me, it could turn out badly for ya.
...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.
That's Soros funded propaganda.
Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.
Can you show me where dems want open borders?
“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.
Can you show me where dems want open borders?
Plenty of them have said they want to abolish ICE, which is the same thing.
Trump is going nuts because the bell is tolling and it is tolling for him

He is becoming unhinged because he know that the country is rejecting the loon.

Keep telling yourself that

I'm sure that will make you happy.
Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there
How much are you willing to wager on that claim?
Make it easy on yourself
How about your next paycheck, pathetic as it is?
Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Democrats will fight to the death for free shit and illegal wetbacks.
I just don’t see the GOP making deals with the dirty bastards on either. I’d expect governance by EO for atleast the next two years.

Yeah, keep telling yourself these lies.

Liberals in actual democracies, who vote themselves free shit all of the time, like quality education, and quality health care for all, and good roads, high quality justice systems that really do serve ALL of the people, and stuff like that, have happier, healthier and more productive citizens. We live longer too. And we aren't afraid of our neighbours and fellow citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with desiring those things....the problem is, you desire those things for your 30 million illegal Mexicans and their millions of litters as well.
Free shit and open borders can’t work. We can’t spoon feed Mexico and our own.
Can you show me where dems want open borders?
Plenty of them have said they want to abolish ICE, which is the same thing.
Come on bri NO DEM wants open borders to be overrun by folks from other countries

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