It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there

Is that a threat?
NO a guarantee
In what way?
He'll be frustrated Unless he finds out the difference between campaigning and governing he'll want to get out and take advantage financially of his term and no one needs to be hammered on day in and day out

Yeahh, that's pretty nonsensical, no. Next!
Who will you vote for in 2020?? Trump won't be there

Is that a threat?
NO a guarantee
In what way?
He'll be frustrated Unless he finds out the difference between campaigning and governing he'll want to get out and take advantage financially of his term and no one needs to be hammered on day in and day out

Yeahh, that's pretty nonsensical, no. Next!
He's blowing up already no one wants to be near him They leave in droves Even the French President bashed him The last thing he wants imho is 4 more years of hell
What about us people, man?

How about proper representation? Term limits? Simplify the tax code?


Why the fuck do we pay government then?

What do they do for us?

The gubnit does as little as they can for us. They do mostly for themselves, this will never change.
Under control of the Demon-crat's, they do for themselves and their followers mostly, but if controlled by the republicans, the Demon-crats try to harass the party by gridlocking and obstructing it until somehow they take back control of their percieved government. The Demon-crats can't exist without government ruling society in a communist/socialist way. Capitalism fails under Demon-crat rule, and socialism grows out of control.
He'll be frustrated Unless he finds out the difference between campaigning and governing he'll want to get out and take advantage financially of his term and no one needs to be hammered on day in and day out

Yeahh, that's pretty nonsensical, no. Next!
He's blowing up already no one wants to be near him They leave in droves Even the French President bashed him The last thing he wants imho is 4 more years of hell
He's had enough of the bullcrap. You would blow a gasket to if you had the entire weight of three radical groups trying to destroy you and your family. If I was Trump, I would strictly help those who helped me, and let the citizens decide who gets the crumbs after that. A political fire storm is what the Demon-crats wanted, and it should be what they get now.

To win in the way that they have won was just wrong, and their party should pay the price for it now.
He'll be frustrated Unless he finds out the difference between campaigning and governing he'll want to get out and take advantage financially of his term and no one needs to be hammered on day in and day out

Yeahh, that's pretty nonsensical, no. Next!
He's blowing up already no one wants to be near him They leave in droves Even the French President bashed him The last thing he wants imho is 4 more years of hell

That pussy-ass French president could bash me all day and I wouldn't give 2 shits.

Trump could probably beat his ass, straight up! I know I could.
...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.
The fact that our government is set up in a way that a party can hold another party hostage in these ways imho is criminal.

I mean read your post again and again, and tell me what you see ? I see gridlock and bribery as a system, and that is wrong.

The two party system should be abolished.

Individuals should have to fall upon their own ax when they get stupid, instead of a party holding them up until the whole party gets stupid. The system we have now is proof itself that this bullcrap ain't working anymore. To many stupid people for it to work as it was originally intended.

That filibuster was intended for the minority to have a voice and to help promote compromise. It was also intended to be used very rarely.

Too bad the republicans abused it for so long. They set the precedence in the Obama years.

If you have a problem with it, talk to the republicans. Interesting I don't remember republicans having any problem with it when the republicans were doing it in the Obama years.

While independents like me warned you of what you were doing.

Now, once the ploy you cheered on when republicans were abusing it so badly is used the same way by democrats you finally have a problem with it.

If you were like me and had a problem with it when BOTH parties do it I would take your words much more seriously.

Republicans didn't do that so now the words are just hot air. I'm an Independent, when I'm lied to, I don't lap it up and go back for more lies. I stop believing the liars. I need concrete honest proof of what they say because they already showed me that they can't be trusted to tell the truth.
Obama forced them to use it, because they knew good and well what he was up to, and I can't blame them.
Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.

What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.
Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.

What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.

Only in your mind, not anybody else's.
It came off as really stupid.

Well it was my intent, it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know.
What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.
What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.

Only in your mind, not anybody else's.
It came off as really stupid.

Well it was my intent, it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know.

That is the point dear.
Only you know what was intended.
People can't read minds.
All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.
All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.

Only in your mind, not anybody else's.
It came off as really stupid.

Well it was my intent, it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know.

That is the point dear.
Only you know what was intended.
People can't read minds.

..."it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know."

Another stupid comment, read it and try to comprehend it's not what others believe - you can't know that too - yet you want others to believe what you wanted it to mean.

If you need help with comprehending this too, as someone you trust who has an education which you seem to lack.
Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.
Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.

I read and comprehend quite well. I mocked you and your weak effort to troll. That should have been obvious.

Only in your mind, not anybody else's.
It came off as really stupid.

Well it was my intent, it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know.

That is the point dear.
Only you know what was intended.
People can't read minds.

..."it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know."

Another stupid comment, read it and try to comprehend it's not what others believe - you can't know that too - yet you want others to believe what you wanted it to mean.

If you need help with comprehending this too, as someone you trust who has an education which you seem to lack.

It's you who isn't getting it.
I never said anything about what I wanted it to mean.
..."it is really stupid of you to want others to believe what I could only know."

Another stupid comment, read it and try to comprehend it's not what others believe - you can't know that too - yet you want others to believe what you wanted it to mean.

If you need help with comprehending this too, as someone you trust who has an education which you seem to lack.

But my question is: Who is The President of The Untied States? Can you answer that, or no? You haven't yet, in like an hour..are you capable, or no? What's up?
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.
Of course....tiny trump is continuing with all his "presidential duties"....such as...................?

...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

Have fun with that slim majority in the senate. The republicans are the majority but they have little control of legislation that's passed.

The republicans instituted the endless filibuster when they were in the minority in the Obama years. They refused to relinquish control of legislation by using the never ending filibuster to control what legislation is passed.

Now it's the democrats' turn. The democrats control wheather any and what legislation passes the senate with the filibuster.

Republicans need 60 votes to get anything passed.

You do the math.

If the republicans can grow up, act like adults and stop with their "my way or the highway" things can get done. If the republicans can compromise with democrats we can get some good legislation passed so that everyone in our nation benefits.

That's the whole point isn't it? Help our whole nation to be better.

Have fun with that slim majority in the house. Proportionally smaller than the majority the Americans have in the Senate.

11 out of 435, vs. 4 out of 100... :eusa_whistle:
He'll be frustrated Unless he finds out the difference between campaigning and governing he'll want to get out and take advantage financially of his term and no one needs to be hammered on day in and day out

Yeahh, that's pretty nonsensical, no. Next!
He's blowing up already no one wants to be near him They leave in droves Even the French President bashed him The last thing he wants imho is 4 more years of hell
He's had enough of the bullcrap. You would blow a gasket to if you had the entire weight of three radical groups trying to destroy you and your family. If I was Trump, I would strictly help those who helped me, and let the citizens decide who gets the crumbs after that. A political fire storm is what the Demon-crats wanted, and it should be what they get now.

To win in the way that they have won was just wrong, and their party should pay the price for it now.
Win in the way Dems won????? What about winning in the way trump won,,lying his ass off all the way to the WH?
Lying his ass off about what?
He has kept so many of his campaign promises, if only congress would work together to do the rest of it, we would be doing much greater as a nation.
What about us people, man?

How about proper representation? Term limits? Simplify the tax code?


Why the fuck do we pay government then?

What do they do for us?

The gubnit does as little as they can for us. They do mostly for themselves, this will never change.
Under control of the Demon-crat's, they do for themselves and their followers mostly, but if controlled by the republicans, the Demon-crats try to harass the party by gridlocking and obstructing it until somehow they take back control of their percieved government. The Demon-crats can't exist without government ruling society in a communist/socialist way. Capitalism fails under Demon-crat rule, and socialism grows out of control.

Lol, really you mean like McConnell did to Obama? You mean like that?

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