It would seem the king of the snowflakes is melting!

Lol. You think a lot of yourself, don't you, kitten? Adorable. :auiqs.jpg: Honestly, I could give a fuck either way, but I tend to side with my own kind. You know, humans. I feel The Orange Virus is particularly hazardous to our health.

However, The Orange Virus doesn't personally affect me at all currently. His predecessor did a bit, and that's about as close as I got to the shit show that is our political theater. It's his government that will eventually give him the judicial enema he needs, not me.

Apparently he lives rent-free in your head, torturing you to the point where you make stupid-ass OPs like this one.

So yeah, he does personally affect ya. That's why you're bitching. :abgg2q.jpg:

I just believe he's a terrible person. :dunno:

If he's a terrible person, you're a couple notches worse than that. Let that sink in a minute..

Lol okay, simply because I'm pointing out The Orange Virus' current tantrum. Really cuts deep there coming from you, Marion. :auiqs.jpg:

Watch this, motherfucker: Who's the President of The United States?

LMAO! Your ass is short-circuiting right now.

I know this is bad, but it's fun as shit. It's like back in the day when you could give anybody online that you wanted a BSOD and they'd have to reboot. Only this is indoctrinated people and not a computer. It still is like a BSOD.


Apparently, an Orange Virus whose temper tantrum has made him retract into his safe space, causing him to skip the Kennedy Center Honors. Again. Another first for a presidential administration! What a stand up guy. :auiqs.jpg:
Apparently he lives rent-free in your head, torturing you to the point where you make stupid-ass OPs like this one.

So yeah, he does personally affect ya. That's why you're bitching. :abgg2q.jpg:

I just believe he's a terrible person. :dunno:

If he's a terrible person, you're a couple notches worse than that. Let that sink in a minute..

Lol okay, simply because I'm pointing out The Orange Virus' current tantrum. Really cuts deep there coming from you, Marion. :auiqs.jpg:

Watch this, motherfucker: Who's the President of The United States?

LMAO! Your ass is short-circuiting right now.

I know this is bad, but it's fun as shit. It's like back in the day when you could give anybody online that you wanted a BSOD and they'd have to reboot. Only this is indoctrinated people and not a computer. It still is like a BSOD.


Apparently, an Orange Virus whose temper tantrum has made him retract into his safe space, causing him to skip the Kennedy Center Honors. Again. Another first for a presidential administration! What a stand up guy. :auiqs.jpg:

Wrong answer. Again: Who's the President of The United States?

Say it boy! Say it!
Do note it's been at least 6 minutes since OP posted back..must be doing a reboot.

He can't type "Donald John Trump is the President of The United States".

He might can copy it from me, but he cannot type it. I wonder why? Oh yeah, indoctrination.
Apparently he lives rent-free in your head, torturing you to the point where you make stupid-ass OPs like this one.

So yeah, he does personally affect ya. That's why you're bitching. :abgg2q.jpg:

I just believe he's a terrible person. :dunno:

If he's a terrible person, you're a couple notches worse than that. Let that sink in a minute..

Lol okay, simply because I'm pointing out The Orange Virus' current tantrum. Really cuts deep there coming from you, Marion. :auiqs.jpg:

Watch this, motherfucker: Who's the President of The United States?

LMAO! Your ass is short-circuiting right now.

I know this is bad, but it's fun as shit. It's like back in the day when you could give anybody online that you wanted a BSOD and they'd have to reboot. Only this is indoctrinated people and not a computer. It still is like a BSOD.


Apparently, an Orange Virus whose temper tantrum has made him retract into his safe space, causing him to skip the Kennedy Center Honors. Again. Another first for a presidential administration! What a stand up guy. :auiqs.jpg:
President Trump has more important things to do besides soak up the limelight like Obama was addicted to.....That "orange virus" kicked your ass and will again in 2020.....
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.

Comments such as this ^^^ don't help with your credibility, if in fact you have any left.

Rumor and hearsay might be good enough for a gossiping old woman like you, but not so much for me.

Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.
What's the name of The President of The United States?
Do note it's been at least 6 minutes since OP posted back..must be doing a reboot.

He can't type "Donald John Trump is the President of The United States".

He might can copy it from me, but he cannot type it. I wonder why? Oh yeah, indoctrination.

I like to make wingers sweat. :auiqs.jpg:
My, my. The Orange Virus seems a bit down in the dumps after the midterms. Orange Man Angry.

Trump, stung by midterms and nervous about Mueller, retreats from traditional presidential duties

For weeks this fall, an ebullient President Trump traveled relentlessly to hold raise-the-rafters campaign rallies — sometimes three a day — in states where his presence was likely to help Republicans on the ballot.

But his mood apparently has changed as he has taken measure of the electoral backlash that voters delivered Nov. 6. With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment, according to multiple administration sources.

Behind the scenes, they say, the president has lashed out at several aides, from junior press assistants to senior officials. “He’s furious,” said one administration official. “Most staffers are trying to avoid him.”

LATimes >>
His unravelling is clearly accelerating
It's obvious to any one who is not in denial

Clearly LOL. I love how you people act as if you spend great amounts of time with him and actually KNOW what goes on behind closed doors. You must be invisible and able to walk through walls.
Do note it's been at least 6 minutes since OP posted back..must be doing a reboot.

He can't type "Donald John Trump is the President of The United States".

He might can copy it from me, but he cannot type it. I wonder why? Oh yeah, indoctrination.

I like to make wingers sweat. :auiqs.jpg:

Nah, I'm just LOL at you! That messes you up for about 15 minutes if I'm counting right.

President Trump looked quite well and rested today when he celebrated Diwali with the people from India today.
Making great jokes and lighting the diya lamp at the WH.

And yet could not honor our fallen veterans in Europe on Saturday or here at home on Monday. How MAGA!

Yes he did.
He has also done many things to help strengthen our military.
But it seems you don't want to hear anything that's good.
You've been poisoned by the news.

Except honor those veterans that gave all in Europe or the ones buried at Arlington.
President Trump looked quite well and rested today when he celebrated Diwali with the people from India today.
Making great jokes and lighting the diya lamp at the WH.

And yet could not honor our fallen veterans in Europe on Saturday or here at home on Monday. How MAGA!

Yes he did.
He has also done many things to help strengthen our military.
But it seems you don't want to hear anything that's good.
You've been poisoned by the news.

Except honor those veterans that gave all in Europe or the ones buried at Arlington.

With the media not telling why.
Exploding the myth that Trump didn’t visit Arlington cemetery on Veterans Day due to rain - Liberty Unyielding
the decision to ground Marine One, the president’s helicopter, was made as it always is “by the Marine Corps and the White House Military Office, which then presents the recommendation to the White House in collaboration with the Secret Service.” Trump had nothing to do with it.

Guess the automobiles were grounded as well.

Lock down means no leaving the WH period.
Why is this so hard to get?
Last edited:
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.
Of course....tiny trump is continuing with all his "presidential duties"....such as...................?

...............Verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of LefTards daily?
What did I win?

Absolutely nothing. In fact, you lost. Trump hasn't bitch slapped anyone but himself. He daily admits to illegal acts, many of which quality as "high crimes and misdemeanors", and he commits obstruction of justice via Twitter.

With the loss of the House, his firing of Jeff Sessions having blown up in his face with an acting AG who is under investigation for fraud, and infighting in the White House and Trump lashing out at aides.

There's the fun and frivolity of Trump's latest trip to Europe wherein he was again a public laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Since the debacle at the UN, world leaders haven't been shy in showing their disdain and disgust for your clown prince. Or on calling him for his fear of getting his hair wet.

Now we have the First Lady calling for a security official to be fired, infighting among cabinet members and White House officials and a President who is hiding out and behaving like a total asshole.

And while all of this is going on, Mueller prepared to file new charges, the Democrats have already prepared filings to obtain the President's personal income taxes. The House Intelligence Committee will be recalling Junior to question him over his lies to the Committee about the Trump Tower when the Committee was being lead by Devon Nunez. Lying to the House Committee is a felony. Do you think Democrats will go easy on Junior? Name one valid legal or moral reason why you think they should.

Good times. I can hardly wait.

“We got him right where we want him...for sure this time.” - Part 8,994
Meanwhile the GOP owns the senate, the White House and SCOTUS...America’s Best cash checks like never before, REAL legit Americans are unified, wetbacks are in hiding like the cockroaches they are and the filthy lowlifes amongst us piss their pants daily. Good times is right.

None of that is happening.

We want Trump disgraced and gone, and that hasn't happened yet.

The GOP doesn't own the Senate. The GOP is fractured and divided. More so than before the election when they couldn't even pass a bill that didn't involve cutting taxes. That's all they've done in the past year is pull out of deals and cut taxes.

Immigration is a made up issue and it really isn't the problem Trump tries to paint it to be.

The big issue is health care, and the GOP couldn't even repeal Obamacare with the White House, the House, and the Senate. The ONLY significant legislation they passed other than the tax cuts, was a Resolution to prevent the President from lifting sanctions against Russia. That passed almost unanimously. Instead of repealing and replacing Obamacare, Trump has tried to starve it and trying to whittle away at it, but none of this is working. Obamacare is more popular than President Trump.
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.

Comments such as this ^^^ don't help with your credibility, if in fact you have any left.

Rumor and hearsay might be good enough for a gossiping old woman like you, but not so much for me.

Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.

What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.
Hearsay from unnamed sources, as printed by the L.A. Slimes....GIGO.

Comments such as this ^^^ don't help with your credibility, if in fact you have any left.

Rumor and hearsay might be good enough for a gossiping old woman like you, but not so much for me.

Of topic ad hominem. Grow up odd dude, and get a visa to someplace where all other curmudgeons reside.

What's the name of The President of The United States?

All living and deceased former Presidents of the United States? In order of best to worst? I'd Say Washington was the best, and Trump is the worst.

Is your reading comprehension really that bad?

What's the name of The President of The United States?
Right Now.
Do note it's been at least 6 minutes since OP posted back..must be doing a reboot.

He can't type "Donald John Trump is the President of The United States".

He might can copy it from me, but he cannot type it. I wonder why? Oh yeah, indoctrination.

I like to make wingers sweat. :auiqs.jpg:

Nah, I'm just LOL at you! That messes you up for about 15 minutes if I'm counting right.


Messes me up? Nah. I've got real irons in the fire. Your outrage is a funny distraction, however. :3:
Trump is going nuts because the bell is tolling and it is tolling for him

He is becoming unhinged because he know that the country is rejecting the loon.
No, the country is rejecting conservatism, and the old Christain doctrine that made this nation great from it's inception.

It has went off the deep end, and continues to plow ahead just as the battleship Bismarck did when it reached the bottom of the ocean. Down, down, down she goes, while cutting a trail of tears to the end of her ride. This is where the Demon-crats are taking this nation now. Straight to HELL.

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