Italy Gave China PPE To Help With Coronavirus — Then China Made Them Buy It Back


It's the world against China
A reminder that we have the weakest Western leadership since the 1930s. I may soon come to the conclusion, we have even worse on global scale. Citizens around the world who have any cell brains left in their heads know this.

The communists are also selling PPE to countries and telling them they must "partner" with them on 5G, etc in order for the privilege of paying for this equipment.

When you turn on MSM and few of them ask the important questions about China as they bask in their dominance, ask yourself, "why do these cowards kiss the Commies ring?"
Nice guy.

I had mentioned this a few days ago. Canada is probably getting the same "preferential treatment" after we donated 16 tonnes to the commies.

China forces Italy to buy same coronavirus supplies it had donated to Beijing a few weeks ago

China's efforts to rebrand itself as a global leader focused on humanitarian relief amid the coronavirus outbreak has hit a major snag and perhaps revealed Beijing's true intentions behind their public relations blitz.

After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report.

What's worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people.

"Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population. China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy -- some of it, not even all of it ... and charged them for it," a senior Trump administration official told The Spectator.

Beijing taking advantage of Italy's generosity and then flipping it into something more sinister is just the latest example of the country's misdeeds amid the global outbreak.
And this is the country that in a few years may surpass America economically, and they become the world monetary standard.
But don't sweat it folks... who cares right? Just as long as WalMart etc. has cheaper prices.
The golden ray of good news that is coming out of this corona virus pandemic is people's eyes may finally be opening up to see what a malevolent, predatory force for evil China really is.

In the coming decades they will be the single biggest threat to the rest of the planet as they are now.
China has the ultimate market condition.
Chinks control both supply and demand!
"China's efforts to rebrand itself as a global leader focused on humanitarian relief amid the coronavirus outbreak has hit a major snag and perhaps revealed Beijing's true intentions behind their public relations blitz.

After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment.

What's worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people."

I hope the world is actually paying attention to how China is exposing itself as the world's leading DIRTBAG .....

I believe China is in the early stages of a total economic and societal CRASH. The chinese people are notorious gamblers and after a few years of risk-taking and making money, the stench of their communist rulers is becoming unbearable. All western nations should be actively stirring dissent in the Mainland. Hong Kong proved it could succeed and Taiwan stands ready to invade. If not now, when?

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