Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain We have only to look in the mirror


Really nice Guy
Mar 21, 2011
to understand that we are in the same condition as those other Nation’s for exactly the same reason.

Our elected leaders have spent this Nation to the point of failure both sides have caused this mess, we the people are to blame.

We cannot fix this problem by taxing ourselves more. Which part of we have a spending problem that is so damn hard to understand massive spending cuts are required we need to expand the number of employed something this administration doesn’t seem to get in order to increase the Tax base.

Our Elected leaders thought it was a great idea to explode the size of government what they left out is that everyone else has to pay for that massive increase.
Oh, but you misunderstand, the obama and his merry band of fuckups are smarter than everyone else.
Oh, but you misunderstand, the obama and his merry band of fuckups are smarter than everyone else.

So they would have us believe of course the problem is that their record simply does not reflect anything of the sort.
What a crock of shit. All those countries COMBINED don't have the economic power that we do.

We are in nowhere near the same boat as those countries. We aren't even close. Do we have a debt problem? Yes... absolutely. But it is a manageable one that can be brought down over time. There is no reason to make our citizens suffer needlessly.

You want to cut the size of government? Joe Manchin in West Virginia did it relatively painlessly when he was Governor. He did it by attrition. When State Employees retired, he just eliminated those positions. In the five years he was in office, he turned a deficit into a surplus.

You want to take on entitlements? Why? Think about it... Yes... we all know that the boomers are going to create a peak on these benefits in a short period of time. But they will die off too. They are good programs that keep a lot of our elderly off the streets and dying horrible lonely deaths.

The problem is.. you guys seem to want everything right now... you want to cut to the quick and damn the consequences. There is no reason for that. I know.... Foxnews and the AM radio boys would have you believe that we are teetering on the edge of an abyss. but that's simply not true.
Do you suppose those countries' Dimwit parties also turned blind eyes to their social programs eating them alive such as our social security, medicare, medicaid, etc.?
What a crock of shit. All those countries COMBINED don't have the economic power that we do.

We are in nowhere near the same boat as those countries. We aren't even close. Do we have a debt problem? Yes... absolutely. But it is a manageable one that can be brought down over time. There is no reason to make our citizens suffer needlessly.

You want to cut the size of government? Joe Manchin in West Virginia did it relatively painlessly when he was Governor. He did it by attrition. When State Employees retired, he just eliminated those positions. In the five years he was in office, he turned a deficit into a surplus.

You want to take on entitlements? Why? Think about it... Yes... we all know that the boomers are going to create a peak on these benefits in a short period of time. But they will die off too. They are good programs that keep a lot of our elderly off the streets and dying horrible lonely deaths.

The problem is.. you guys seem to want everything right now... you want to cut to the quick and damn the consequences. There is no reason for that. I know.... Foxnews and the AM radio boys would have you believe that we are teetering on the edge of an abyss. but that's simply not true.


So if that's the case why then is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem?

Don't bother answering it obvious you don't have a clue as to what the issue is. Just accept my gift to you.
Do you suppose those countries' Dimwit parties also turned blind eyes to their social programs eating them alive such as our social security, medicare, medicaid, etc.?

Those other Nations are in the same boat for the same reason that we are.. out of control entitlement programs massive spending which cannot be paid for. I take it that the liberal thought is that "Hey I still have checks left must mean I still have money" little wonder so many households are in such dire financial straights.
Do you suppose those countries' Dimwit parties also turned blind eyes to their social programs eating them alive such as our social security, medicare, medicaid, etc.?

Let me ask you this.... do you suppose those other countries have a military that is 10X more powerful than any other country on the planet and has a penchant for playing world police?

What's more important... our role as world Cop or our people? I vote firmly in support of our people.

You know... Dwight Eisenhower... great WWII General, 34th President of the United States. Warned the nation of the power of the Military Industrial Complex and how it could hurt the country. His warnings went unheeded... we build and build and build. We spend MASSIVE amounts of money fighting an enemy that is not there anymore. We drove the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. Now we are doing the same thing to ourselves.

There is no reason to do so.... unless WE are the ones planning the next attempt at world domination. Which would go against everything that we stand for.
What a crock of shit. All those countries COMBINED don't have the economic power that we do.

We are in nowhere near the same boat as those countries. We aren't even close. Do we have a debt problem? Yes... absolutely. But it is a manageable one that can be brought down over time. There is no reason to make our citizens suffer needlessly.

You want to cut the size of government? Joe Manchin in West Virginia did it relatively painlessly when he was Governor. He did it by attrition. When State Employees retired, he just eliminated those positions. In the five years he was in office, he turned a deficit into a surplus.

You want to take on entitlements? Why? Think about it... Yes... we all know that the boomers are going to create a peak on these benefits in a short period of time. But they will die off too. They are good programs that keep a lot of our elderly off the streets and dying horrible lonely deaths.

The problem is.. you guys seem to want everything right now... you want to cut to the quick and damn the consequences. There is no reason for that. I know.... Foxnews and the AM radio boys would have you believe that we are teetering on the edge of an abyss. but that's simply not true.


So if that's the case why then is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem?

Don't bother answering it obvious you don't have a clue as to what the issue is. Just accept my gift to you.

Ok...first off. Fuck you. I try to carry on a civil conversation with you and you choose to play the role of asshole... which is actually pretty fucking typical from you idiots.

Why is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem??? They aren't, you lunkhead. They are having their hands forced by idiots like you in Congress holding the debt ceiling hostage in the hopes of dismantling needed programs that they ideologically don't agree with.

I'll return your "gift" and suggest your use it for yourself. Asshole.
What a crock of shit. All those countries COMBINED don't have the economic power that we do.

We are in nowhere near the same boat as those countries. We aren't even close. Do we have a debt problem? Yes... absolutely. But it is a manageable one that can be brought down over time. There is no reason to make our citizens suffer needlessly.

You want to cut the size of government? Joe Manchin in West Virginia did it relatively painlessly when he was Governor. He did it by attrition. When State Employees retired, he just eliminated those positions. In the five years he was in office, he turned a deficit into a surplus.

You want to take on entitlements? Why? Think about it... Yes... we all know that the boomers are going to create a peak on these benefits in a short period of time. But they will die off too. They are good programs that keep a lot of our elderly off the streets and dying horrible lonely deaths.

The problem is.. you guys seem to want everything right now... you want to cut to the quick and damn the consequences. There is no reason for that. I know.... Foxnews and the AM radio boys would have you believe that we are teetering on the edge of an abyss. but that's simply not true.


So if that's the case why then is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem?

Don't bother answering it obvious you don't have a clue as to what the issue is. Just accept my gift to you.

Ok...first off. Fuck you. I try to carry on a civil conversation with you and you choose to play the role of asshole... which is actually pretty fucking typical from you idiots.

Why is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem??? They aren't, you lunkhead. They are having their hands forced by idiots like you in Congress holding the debt ceiling hostage in the hopes of dismantling needed programs that they ideologically don't agree with.

I'll return your "gift" and suggest your use it for yourself. Asshole.

LOL they aren't really.... so the debt ceiling has no meaning to idiot's like you? do you even have a basic understanding of the trouble we are in? Our main creditor (China) has stopped buying our debt indeed nobody is buying our debt the last bond sale was a dismal failure.

We've lost the reserve status for the Dollar meaning the rest of the world doubts our ability to pay our debt.

We have reached the point were our tax receipts have reached just the interest payment on the debt we owe.

This completely leaves aside little thing's like Medicare and SS which are gong broke and we have no way to fix the problem.

What you don't seem to get is that with our Nation in such Dire financial Straights the rest of the world suffers.
Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain

Gee, I wonder how much their combined defence budgets are?

$800 billion or so, do you think?

So if that's the case why then is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem?

Don't bother answering it obvious you don't have a clue as to what the issue is. Just accept my gift to you.

Ok...first off. Fuck you. I try to carry on a civil conversation with you and you choose to play the role of asshole... which is actually pretty fucking typical from you idiots.

Why is this administration in such a hurry to resolve the problem??? They aren't, you lunkhead. They are having their hands forced by idiots like you in Congress holding the debt ceiling hostage in the hopes of dismantling needed programs that they ideologically don't agree with.

I'll return your "gift" and suggest your use it for yourself. Asshole.

LOL they aren't really.... so the debt ceiling has no meaning to idiot's like you? do you even have a basic understanding of the trouble we are in? Our main creditor (China) has stopped buying our debt indeed nobody is buying our debt the last bond sale was a dismal failure.

We've lost the reserve status for the Dollar meaning the rest of the world doubts our ability to pay our debt.

We have reached the point were our tax receipts have reached just the interest payment on the debt we owe.

This completely leaves aside little thing's like Medicare and SS which are gong broke and we have no way to fix the problem.

What you don't seem to get is that with our Nation in such Dire financial Straights the rest of the world suffers.

China doesn't want our debt? great. I guess they don't want our industry either... bring it back. Put Americans to work, which will increase tax revenues, which will reduce the debt.

The rest of the world has their own problems to deal with.... If the rest of the world suffers as we do... you'd think it would behoove them to come to a fair trade policy that we also benefit from... not just the one-sided one we have now that screws us three ways till Sunday.

You want easy solutions to complicated problems. Tackle the Trade Deficit, bring the god damned jobs back to America. Those two issues are much more important than SS and Medicare. But those are the ones that gets all the press. Why? Because SS and Medicare doesn't make any billionaires more money.... so they hate it. Those two institutions are of, by and for the people of this country... and they can't wait to dismantle it, and turn it into the same sham that Wall Street itself is.

I vote no, thank you very much.
The Irish collapse was caused by the bankers in the private sector, not social programs. You don't know what you're talking about, as usual.
The Irish collapse was caused by the bankers in the private sector, not social programs. You don't know what you're talking about, as usual.

And just what would you call the Housing mess which started they entire chain of events hmmm? Ya so completely not having anything at all to do with our Banks ---idiot

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