Italy to turn away the elderly as PUBLIC RUN HEALTHCARE system is overwhelmed.

Doctors quoted within the article....

“It may become necessary to establish an age limit for access to intensive care.”

Those who are too old to have a high likelihood of recovery, or who have too low a number of “life-years” left even if they should survive, will be left to die.
And this is what the left want for the United States.

What would happen if private healthcare were overwhelmed? People with less money would be turned away. Is that much better? In that scenario you'd have young people with years of life and potential ahead of them turned away in favor of old people that have collected more capital. I don't know. It all seems kind of shitty to me.
They would have to change federal law. They cant turn away emergencies.

Something would have to break. If we don't have enough medical services to meet medical need somebody is going to get fucked no matter what.
I don't see how you come to this conclusion?

If there is too much need and not enough care somebody has to go without. You can only stretch things so thin. We can't pull shit out of thin air. If there was a horrifying pandemic and millions of people needed medical help all at once it would be a nightmare. Picking and choosing who gets help would not be optional.

Did you know that during wartime disasters overwhelmed medical centers are forced to make tough choices about who is worth trying to save and who isn't? We can only do so much at one time. There are limits to things.
I don't see how you come to this conclusion?

If there is too much need and not enough care somebody has to go without. You can only stretch things so thin. We can't pull shit out of thin air.
And that is why we should NEVER give control to the government. The VA is a perfect example. Why do they have so many situations where people wait like this while everyone else gets care immediately at other institutions.
And this is what the left want for the United States.

What would happen if private healthcare were overwhelmed? People with less money would be turned away. Is that much better?
My doctors don't check my bank account balance when I seek medical attention. I give my insurance info AFTER I am treated.
I have always believed that at some point medical care could/would be reduced for certain Americans. Getting old is not an option as we know. How much are we allowed to take from the system as aging individuals? The warnings from politicians and political shills trying to sell the citizens on this issue has been going on for a couple of decades. The tragedy of getting old is the mind for many is willing but the body is breaking down. Although technology is improving to improve the physical part of the aging human. I hope it never gets to the point we are denied. But human history tells us different when events happen.
And that is why we should NEVER give control to the government. The VA is a perfect example. Why do they have so many situations where people wait like this while everyone else gets care immediately at other institutions.

The VA has limited resources because in practice our government doesn't actually give a fuck about veterans. The private sector of healthcare is exponentially bigger than the VA. All of that being said though, people that can use it still go to the VA because it's cheaper and the care really isn't that bad when you can get it.

The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

And this is what the left want for the United States.

LOL! See you are still making shit up. Just making shit up out of thin fucking air. You should have a fucking irrelevant podcast like Bill O'Reilly so all the dip shits on this board that worship DJT can absorb even more conspiracy theories and nonsense.

Italy will be just fine and so will its medical system. As if you really give a flying fuck.

The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

And this is what the left want for the United States.

LOL! See you are still making shit up. Just making shit up out of thin fucking air. You should have a fucking irrelevant podcast like Bill O'Reilly so all the dip shits on this board that worship DJT can absorb even more conspiracy theories and nonsense.

Italy will be just fine and so will its medical system. As if you really give a flying fuck.

What did he make up?

The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

And this is what the left want for the United States.

Indeed, exactly true.

Death Panels are making decisions to take people out that their Socialized system can't handle. This is the essence of Socialism, if you are not considered useful to the State, you will get your ass capped.

President Trump in the SOTU speech declared America will NEVER be a socialist state, the ideas of death panels is anathema to us.

The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors

And this is what the left want for the United States.

LOL! See you are still making shit up. Just making shit up out of thin fucking air. You should have a fucking irrelevant podcast like Bill O'Reilly so all the dip shits on this board that worship DJT can absorb even more conspiracy theories and nonsense.

Italy will be just fine and so will its medical system. As if you really give a flying fuck.

What did he make up?

Only thing I can see is my title? I took a headline and added my usual over the top flare.
The actual content is accurate.
I don't see how you come to this conclusion?

If there is too much need and not enough care somebody has to go without. You can only stretch things so thin. We can't pull shit out of thin air. If there was a horrifying pandemic and millions of people needed medical help all at once it would be a nightmare. Picking and choosing who gets help would not be optional.

Did you know that during wartime disasters overwhelmed medical centers are forced to make tough choices about who is worth trying to save and who isn't? We can only do so much at one time. There are limits to things.
Sounds like you are quoting the whole " lots of hospitals would have to close due to Medicare for all" plan.
Or perhaps you are just talking zombie apocalypse.

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