Ithaca Mayor Wants To Let Heroin Users Shoot Up Under Nurse Supervision

This is a sensible policy. We've spent trillions on the War on Drugs for the last 40 years with no measurable result to speak of other than millions of lives ruined or lost and having our civil liberties eroded. People aren't going to stop using drugs, even nasty shit like heroin, so give them a safe place to do it and provide treatment services available to maybe help them stop.

Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick said the facility, which would also connect addicts to recovery services, is one piece of a new approach he wants his city to take against the scourge of addiction.

“This part of the plan is about keeping people alive, helping them get treatment, helping them get better, but in the meantime making sure that they live long enough to get that treatment,” Svante told 1010 WINS. “Once you die from an overdose there’s no opportunity to get better, no opportunity to get treatment.”

Ithaca Mayor Wants To Let Heroin Users Shoot Up Under Nurse Supervision

And needle exchange.

It's part of harm reduction method but we either need to do it and do it right or not at all.
We should put Los Zetas in charge of our drug policy.

There would be no Zetas if it weren't for our drug policy.

They would be fine upstanding citizens had it not been for the US. They would have worn suits and had shiny shoes and walked old ladies across the street. I have never agreed with that argument. It's like saying...........a hundred and so many years ago there never would have been cattle theft had there not been cattle.
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Who's going to pay for their "medicine"?

I say put them in a 24/7 high. Keep them in bed enjoying their life of bliss and off the streets. Never to see the sun again.

The name of the game is to do the least amount of harm to society. You're going to pay one way or the other. HIV and HepC are costly. There are court costs because there is the never ending if you don't nail down everything you own then they steal it.

There are a couple of places that will actually prescribe heroin. You have to fail in drug treatment. I don't mean a little relapse. I mean continuously fail. The heroin is administered in small doses by doctors. Those people have been able to mend relationships with their families and hold down jobs.

We have junkies leading us around deciding when and how we pay. Harm reduction methods allows society to decide where we pay.
Do you think the illegal liquor trade disappeared with the end of prohibition? Why, hell no..

Illegal liquor trade pretty much disappeared. Illegal liquor- with its expensive payoffs to judges and police, and all the other added costs of running a black market couldn't compete with legal liquor producers. Other than small time moonshiners, it pretty much disappeared.

Organized crime- which prohibition laws essentially financed took a big hit.

Prohibition had some other interesting unintended consequences- before Prohibition- Americans drank more beer and wine- but after Prohibition, Americans drank more hard liquor- because hard liquor was more profitable to produce and sell illegally.

And more Americans died of both alcohol poisoning during Prohibition- and died of poisoning by black market 'alcohol' diluted and polluted with all sorts of chemicals.

Anyone who is in favor of our current drug policy should really read about how bad the Prohibition really was- I recommend the Poisoners Handbook- which isn't even about the Prohibition but does go into the consequences in some fascinating and morbid detail.

The illegal liquor business is still a billion dollar a year business. The illegal cigarette trade is The Taliban's number two money maker.

Legalizing drugs won't fix anything.
I think the war on drugs is ridiculous. Nobody should be in prison for using drugs unless they commit a crime or hurt someone. Using the drugs should not by itself be a crime.
I'd like to decriminalize the use of drugs and give the heroin junkies as much heroin and free needles and they want. Some will seek treatment, some will die of overdoses.

It will be far more cost effective than incarceration.

I agree except for the "free" stuff. People can pay for the own drug habits and also for any medical treatment they will incur.
This is done in parts of Scandinavia. The users are maintained until they die. It's not a bad idea as long as they don't get medical care.
Why should anyone be on hand to help out someone who knows very well what it is that they are going to be doing to their body when shooting themselves up with heroin? Having a nurse or anyone be present to save them from a drug overdose would be defeating the whole entire purpose, wouldn't it?

God bless you always!!!


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