It's 20 degrees with Icy Roads again in Denver...

I was going to joke and say, "Ban freezing weather in spring!", but this has become a disease, so I'll just say ban banning.

It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



This isn't a serious post is it??? :confused:

I am fearful that it is, which makes me truly worry that people like you are allowed to operate motor vehicles on public roads and vote in national elections.

the liberal mind is not capable of understanding sarcasm.

And they say we don't have a sense of humor... :rofl:


"...and light causes darkness."

Well, if it weren't for darkness, there would be no light.
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



How to Become a Global Warming Denier

By Bill Maher

Global warming denial can be both fun and easy! While the science of climate change is complicated (sometimes you even need a PhD in physics or chemistry to understand it!) our quick, ten-minute seminar on how to become a global warming denier will put you on the path to irritate your friends, family, and co-workers in no time! You'll come off as so willfully obstinate and impervious to evidence, they won't even be sure they like you anymore!

Yes, it's just that simple. All you need to do is master these three simple steps and you, too, can be a global warming denier!

Step 1:

First, state that -- hello! -- the earth's climate has always been changing! Which is true! Also entirely irrelevant, but true! I mean, it's not like global warming scientists are unaware of the earth's climate history, so pointing it out won't make them go, "Oh, shit! Really? You mean my life's work has all been for nothing? What an asshole I am!" Yes, pointing this fact out doesn’t prove or disprove anything. But congratulations! It works on rubes. And you've taken your first step toward being a global warming denier!

Step 2:

Next, state that the science on the subject is still in doubt. This is also highly misleading, but it is true that there are still a tiny minority of scientists who don't buy it, so just call it a wash. Who's to say who is correct? Let's not rush to judgment, amirite?

Tip: Recite the following: "I'm not the one who is being irrational, my opponent is! I'm being cautious and reasonable."

Step 3:

Finally -- and this is very important if you want to play with the big boys -- you master one obscure, true, but highly misleading fact about global warming. Like, "If the earth is warming so dangerously, how come sea ice in the Antarctic is actually increasing!" Which is true, but consistent with global warming theory. Who cares? It sounds like you've just won a point, so you have! What's the global warming supporter going to do, explain how circumpolar currents work on live TV? The segment on Hannity is almost over, and I think we know who has won!

Bonus: If you really want to blow their minds, point out that, in the 70s, Newsweek ran a cover story on predictions of global cooling. That's right -- cooling! These same scientists who are now saying warming used to be saying cooling! Which also is absurd on its face, since we're talking about a Newsweek cover story and a handful of scientists, not the overwhelming judgment of every major scientific body on the planet and decades of peer-reviewed studies published in scientific journals worldwide, but no one can deny that the Newsweek cover story existed. You're practically telling the truth!

the liberal mind is not capable of understanding sarcasm.

Ok good, I thought he might have been serious. Because anyone with a half decent education knows that global warming is real and that day to day weather is not indicative of an overall climate shift.

Glad we cleared that up.

So prolong colds mean nothing but prolong warm days indicate the end of the world?

Yup, that's exactly what I said.
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



In the first place, snow and freezing temperatures on the plains of Colorado isn't all that uncommon in April. One of the worst blizzards I ever encountered was in eastern Colorado (east of the Rockies) in April.
I'd lived all over Boulder County (mostly, in Louisville), from March '75, thru December '95, and, remember VERY few Mays when we didn't get those wet, heavy, Northeast-style snows, that (also) had a tendency to shut-down I-80 & I-70, as they'd continued, Eastward.
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



In the first place, snow and freezing temperatures on the plains of Colorado isn't all that uncommon in April. One of the worst blizzards I ever encountered was in eastern Colorado (east of the Rockies) in April.

Secondly, and to your larger point, yes global warming really can lead to colder temperatures in certain locations. It has to do with the dislocation of warm ocean currents by ice melt.

For instance (and I'm speaking theoretically here), massive ice melt in the Arctic can feed colder waters into the north Pacific, causing the Japanese Current to turn south earlier and farther south than it typically does. Since the weather systems affecting Colorado are typically born over the Japanese Current, such a dislocation could result in storms leaving their usual track and heading farther south. Melting ice can also affect the location and power of the Alaska Gyre, which is also a big weather producer. We could see the same thing in relation to the Gulf Stream, where global warming would result in colder and longer winters for northern Europe.

LOL, your "logic" fails on so many levels its not worth addressing.

warming causes cooling----------duh, and light causes darkness. OK

I'm sure my comment wasn't simple enough for the simple minded to grasp, but there's nothing I can do about that.
In the first place, snow and freezing temperatures on the plains of Colorado isn't all that uncommon in April. One of the worst blizzards I ever encountered was in eastern Colorado (east of the Rockies) in April.

Secondly, and to your larger point, yes global warming really can lead to colder temperatures in certain locations. It has to do with the dislocation of warm ocean currents by ice melt.

For instance (and I'm speaking theoretically here), massive ice melt in the Arctic can feed colder waters into the north Pacific, causing the Japanese Current to turn south earlier and farther south than it typically does. Since the weather systems affecting Colorado are typically born over the Japanese Current, such a dislocation could result in storms leaving their usual track and heading farther south. Melting ice can also affect the location and power of the Alaska Gyre, which is also a big weather producer. We could see the same thing in relation to the Gulf Stream, where global warming would result in colder and longer winters for northern Europe.

LOL, your "logic" fails on so many levels its not worth addressing.

warming causes cooling----------duh, and light causes darkness. OK

I'm sure my comment wasn't simple enough for the simple minded to grasp, but there's nothing I can do about that.

the activities of human beings have never caused the climate of the planet to change, never have, never will.

AGW is nothing but a political ruse to take away more and more individual freedoms and turn us all into obama-worshiping sheep.
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



In the first place, snow and freezing temperatures on the plains of Colorado isn't all that uncommon in April. One of the worst blizzards I ever encountered was in eastern Colorado (east of the Rockies) in April.
I'd lived all over Boulder County (mostly, in Louisville), from March '75, thru December '95, and, remember VERY few Mays when we didn't get those wet, heavy, Northeast-style snows, that (also) had a tendency to shut-down I-80 & I-70, as they'd continued, Eastward.

Very few meaning how many of the 20 years?... I've lived her my entire Life and we have over 300 days a year of Sun and it is rare to have prolonged periods of 10 to 30 degree weather along with snow in the Metro in Mid-April.


It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



In the first place, snow and freezing temperatures on the plains of Colorado isn't all that uncommon in April. One of the worst blizzards I ever encountered was in eastern Colorado (east of the Rockies) in April.

Secondly, and to your larger point, yes global warming really can lead to colder temperatures in certain locations. It has to do with the dislocation of warm ocean currents by ice melt.

For instance (and I'm speaking theoretically here), massive ice melt in the Arctic can feed colder waters into the north Pacific, causing the Japanese Current to turn south earlier and farther south than it typically does. Since the weather systems affecting Colorado are typically born over the Japanese Current, such a dislocation could result in storms leaving their usual track and heading farther south. Melting ice can also affect the location and power of the Alaska Gyre, which is also a big weather producer. We could see the same thing in relation to the Gulf Stream, where global warming would result in colder and longer winters for northern Europe.

As I just said, prolonged periods of 10 to 30 degree weather with snow in April in D-Town is Rare...

I know, I've been here since 1971. :thup:


the activities of human beings have never caused the climate of the planet to change, never have, never will.

There's never been 7 billion people on earth before. Only a fool would believe that many people, and the expected increase, will have no effect on the climate at all.

AGW is nothing but a political ruse to take away more and more individual freedoms and turn us all into obama-worshiping sheep.

Educate yourself. The debate about global warming/climate change has been going on since before Barack Obama was born.
This isn't a serious post is it??? :confused:

I am fearful that it is, which makes me truly worry that people like you are allowed to operate motor vehicles on public roads and vote in national elections.

the liberal mind is not capable of understanding sarcasm.

Ok good, I thought he might have been serious. Because anyone with a half decent education knows that global warming is real and that day to day weather is not indicative of an overall climate shift.

Glad we cleared that up.

NASA proved there is no meaningful climate shift....
the liberal mind is not capable of understanding sarcasm.

Ok good, I thought he might have been serious. Because anyone with a half decent education knows that global warming is real and that day to day weather is not indicative of an overall climate shift.

Glad we cleared that up.

NASA proved there is no meaningful climate shift....

So what!... America Sucks and we need to be knocked down a peg or two. :thup:


the activities of human beings have never caused the climate of the planet to change, never have, never will.

There's never been 7 billion people on earth before. Only a fool would believe that many people, and the expected increase, will have no effect on the climate at all.

AGW is nothing but a political ruse to take away more and more individual freedoms and turn us all into obama-worshiping sheep.

Educate yourself. The debate about global warming/climate change has been going on since before Barack Obama was born.

I don't really care what you or others believe. You will never get your way and the weather will do as it has always done. It's strange to me how anti science you people are about the whole thing. You pretend that the weather last year should be 100% the same as it id the following year. You also seem to believe that we always had the north and south pol covered in ice and snow.

Following scientific data, we are right on course with the "flow" of long term weather patterns. We live in extremely moderate times of weather.
as we are about to go into Tornado Season, can we already blame Global Warming on the next series of F4/F5 monsters that will devastate the lower Mideast Midwest central states of Midwest America?
the activities of human beings have never caused the climate of the planet to change, never have, never will.

There's never been 7 billion people on earth before. Only a fool would believe that many people, and the expected increase, will have no effect on the climate at all.

AGW is nothing but a political ruse to take away more and more individual freedoms and turn us all into obama-worshiping sheep.

Educate yourself. The debate about global warming/climate change has been going on since before Barack Obama was born.

I don't really care what you or others believe. You will never get your way and the weather will do as it has always done. It's strange to me how anti science you people are about the whole thing. You pretend that the weather last year should be 100% the same as it id the following year. You also seem to believe that we always had the north and south pol covered in ice and snow.

Following scientific data, we are right on course with the "flow" of long term weather patterns. We live in extremely moderate times of weather.

In the first place, I'm not an avid supporter of what some want to do because of climate change. What they proposed in the Kyoto treaty and things like cap and trade are going to far, in my estimation. That's the political side of the issue which should never be confused with the natural side of it.

In the second place, an increasing modern population can't help but have an effect on the climate. The fantastic increase of hydrocarbon emissions won't just enter the atmosphere and do nothing. The earth is self-regulating and self-cleansing by design, but its ability to do that is not unlimited. The more crap we dump into the air, water and ground, the less likely the planet will be able to deal with it in a timely enough fashion to prevent catastrophe. And, the more people we add, the more pollution we'll add. It's really pretty simple.

To my mind, couching the discussion in absolute terms, as most do, is counter-productive and shuts off reasonable debates about reasonable steps we can take now, before the crisis point is reached. And, the danger of putting off such a debate is that catastrophe is probably the default outcome. In other words, the longer we yell at each other across the climate change divide of real vs imaginary, the more likely the most dire predictions of the climate change advocates becomes.

Those of you who totally deny our increasing population's effect on climate are essentially winning the argument for the other side by your intransigence and adherence to the political issue, while ignoring the natural issue.

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