It's 20 degrees with Icy Roads again in Denver...

It's real in your mind because you want to believe it.
You want to believe it because those on your side have told you it is so..

LOL, "my side". You must be referring to the side of common sense and fact based conclusions?
No..Liberals. Liberalism is absent of common sense.
You support this climate stuff. You are just a believer.
Yet, you still use fossil fuels for your vehicle(s) and electricity...
That makes you a hypocrite.

I do believe in scientific research and facts, guilty as charged.
Who in their right mind would move to an Ice age State like Alaska or Colorado?.Thats what you get for moving to an Iceman state. Cold weather.
And why is it that if it's hotter than normal anywhere, it's due to global warming and is proof, but if it's colder than normal anywhere it's weather and not proof?

AGW is a scam, pure and simple.

Ignorance is bliss, pure and simple.

I'm pretty positive your ancestors were quoted as saying "of course the earth is flat, if you look far enough you can see the edge. The round earth theory is a scam, pure and simple."

Straw man argument.
There is no empirical evidence that human activity has any influence on the Earth's climate.

LOL. Sure there is. But even if you were to be shown this evidence....again, you'd ignore it, again. It's just what you people do.

Again, ignorance is bliss is just a way of life for the uneducated and closed minded.

True...The NASA 100 year study concluded that the Earth's avg temperature rose 1.8*C.
NASA also concluded outside of natural climate cycles there was no evidence that human activity is the cause of the temp increase.
In fact independent climate studies have produced no empirical evidence that the climate is influenced by human activity.

Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.

Straight from NASA.....

Climate Change: Evidence

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. Studying these climate data collected over many years reveal the signals of a changing climate.

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

Whoops, guess you were wrong after all, but you make shit up anyway, it's just "your thing".

True...The NASA 100 year study concluded that the Earth's avg temperature rose 1.8*C.
NASA also concluded outside of natural climate cycles there was no evidence that human activity is the cause of the temp increase.
In fact independent climate studies have produced no empirical evidence that the climate is influenced by human activity.

Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.
Denial in the face of facts does not change the facts.
NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming ?

NASA’s Earth Observatory blog explains:

The average temperature in 2012 was about 14.6 degrees Celsius (58.3 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 0.55°C (1.0°F) warmer than the mid-20th century base period. The average global temperature has increased 0.8°C (1.4°F) since 1880, and most of that change has occurred in the past four decades.
NASA climate data indicates that the long-term global warming trend is continuing | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

One issue not explained is why this particular study decided to use a relatively small window( 29 years) on which to base its findings.
The article mentions a "human fingerprint" but offers no hard conclusions as to the reason for what NASA referred to as "climate anomaly"...
Whomever started this nonsense found a 'cause' to which liberal activist groups and now the left wing of the democrat party has taken and run off.
True...The NASA 100 year study concluded that the Earth's avg temperature rose 1.8*C.
NASA also concluded outside of natural climate cycles there was no evidence that human activity is the cause of the temp increase.
In fact independent climate studies have produced no empirical evidence that the climate is influenced by human activity.

Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.
Denial in the face of facts does not change the facts.
NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming ?

NASA’s Earth Observatory blog explains:

The average temperature in 2012 was about 14.6 degrees Celsius (58.3 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 0.55°C (1.0°F) warmer than the mid-20th century base period. The average global temperature has increased 0.8°C (1.4°F) since 1880, and most of that change has occurred in the past four decades.
NASA climate data indicates that the long-term global warming trend is continuing | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

One issue not explained is why this particular study decided to use a relatively small window( 29 years) on which to base its findings.
The article mentions a "human fingerprint" but offers no hard conclusions as to the reason for what NASA referred to as "climate anomaly"...
Whomever started this nonsense found a 'cause' to which liberal activist groups and now the left wing of the democrat party has taken and run off.

How come your proof of what NASA believes links to something other than NASA? Where my evidence of NASA's stance actually links to NASA?

And reading further in your links, nowhere in any of that shit you posted does NASA deny global warming exists, actually the very opposite. Are you actually fucking retarded?

Do you ever get tired of being completed embarrassed every time you debate?
Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.
Denial in the face of facts does not change the facts.
NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming ?

NASA’s Earth Observatory blog explains:

The average temperature in 2012 was about 14.6 degrees Celsius (58.3 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 0.55°C (1.0°F) warmer than the mid-20th century base period. The average global temperature has increased 0.8°C (1.4°F) since 1880, and most of that change has occurred in the past four decades.
NASA climate data indicates that the long-term global warming trend is continuing | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

One issue not explained is why this particular study decided to use a relatively small window( 29 years) on which to base its findings.
The article mentions a "human fingerprint" but offers no hard conclusions as to the reason for what NASA referred to as "climate anomaly"...
Whomever started this nonsense found a 'cause' to which liberal activist groups and now the left wing of the democrat party has taken and run off.

How come your proof of what NASA believes links to something other than NASA? Where my evidence of NASA's stance actually links to NASA?

And reading further in your links, nowhere in any of that shit you posted does NASA deny global warming exists, actually the very opposite. Are you actually fucking retarded?

Do you ever get tired of being completed embarrassed every time you debate?

Gee. I think one could not find a better way to dodge an issue.
Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.
Denial in the face of facts does not change the facts.
NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming ?

NASA’s Earth Observatory blog explains:

The average temperature in 2012 was about 14.6 degrees Celsius (58.3 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 0.55°C (1.0°F) warmer than the mid-20th century base period. The average global temperature has increased 0.8°C (1.4°F) since 1880, and most of that change has occurred in the past four decades.
NASA climate data indicates that the long-term global warming trend is continuing | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

One issue not explained is why this particular study decided to use a relatively small window( 29 years) on which to base its findings.
The article mentions a "human fingerprint" but offers no hard conclusions as to the reason for what NASA referred to as "climate anomaly"...
Whomever started this nonsense found a 'cause' to which liberal activist groups and now the left wing of the democrat party has taken and run off.

How come your proof of what NASA believes links to something other than NASA? Where my evidence of NASA's stance actually links to NASA?

And reading further in your links, nowhere in any of that shit you posted does NASA deny global warming exists, actually the very opposite. Are you actually fucking retarded?

Do you ever get tired of being completed embarrassed every time you debate?

You should have stopped at "proof" Because that is what I presented.
True...The NASA 100 year study concluded that the Earth's avg temperature rose 1.8*C.
NASA also concluded outside of natural climate cycles there was no evidence that human activity is the cause of the temp increase.
In fact independent climate studies have produced no empirical evidence that the climate is influenced by human activity.

Let me check again. Nope. Still incorrect.

Straight from NASA.....

Climate Change: Evidence

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1

Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. Studying these climate data collected over many years reveal the signals of a changing climate.

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

Whoops, guess you were wrong after all, but you make shit up anyway, it's just "your thing".
97% of WHOM?.....
I have grown tired of repeating this...There is NO empirical evidence that proves human activity is responsible for any possible change to the Earth's climate cycles.
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



Hey do you live in denver?

Al Gore is flying between Malibu and Nashville to his mansions consuming tons of electricity after cutting down forests to make the houses and laughing all the way to the bank with oil money while recieving money from carbon credits, because his followers are too stupid to catch on.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



Hey do you live in denver?

Al Gore is flying between Malibu and Nashville to his mansions consuming tons of electricity after cutting down forests to make the houses and laughing all the way to the bank with oil money while recieving money from carbon credits, because his followers are too stupid to catch on.

The more I read these nut cases that believe man made climate change is a fact. the more it just seems to me it became a religion to them because you can never prove it you dont have a test planet right now like ours with out humans. its just a theory and we have more things to worry about. like yellowstone is set to explode soon by the records show and when that happens Wyoming will land on mInnesota. Or the Earth killer Asteroid out there somewhere. So I dont care about climate change it always happened not a god damn thing we can do about it. Unless every one wants to live in tepees and hunt deer or something and fuck that........
It's almost May... It's been under 10 degrees recently...

Do I have to start driving Leaded Gasoline Powered Cars again to get Global Warming back up and running?... :dunno:

Oh... More Snow and Colder Temps longer IS Global Warming?...

Got it.

Is algore still Hibernating?...



Hey do you live in denver?

Al Gore is flying between Malibu and Nashville to his mansions consuming tons of electricity after cutting down forests to make the houses and laughing all the way to the bank with oil money while recieving money from carbon credits, because his followers are too stupid to catch on.

The more I read these nut cases that believe man made climate change is a fact. the more it just seems to me it became a religion to them because you can never prove it you dont have a test planet right now like ours with out humans. its just a theory and we have more things to worry about. like yellowstone is set to explode soon by the records show and when that happens Wyoming will land on mInnesota. Or the Earth killer Asteroid out there somewhere. So I dont care about climate change it always happened not a god damn thing we can do about it. Unless every one wants to live in tepees and hunt deer or something and fuck that........

Bingo. You would think people who thought this was happening would take steps to prevent it, but they just let the little people do's so funny how the left makes a caricature of the rich, yet they're the ones that follow those types.
Conservatives really should try to avoid sarcasm, being they suck at it so badly.

See, for sarcasm to work, it has to be based on truth. Since conservatives tend to completely detached from reality, they fail hard at sarcasm

Oh, it works in their moron cult, who find it hilarious. "Hey Cletus! It's cold out harharhar! Global warming is a myth!". To a righty, that's hilarious. Everyone else just stares at them. I mean, we get righty humor, just like we get a 4-year-old boy telling toilet jokes. We just don't get why a grownup would find it funny.
Last edited:
Conservatives really should try to avoid sarcasm, being they suck at it so badly.

See, for sarcasm to work, it has to be based on truth. Since conservatives tend to completely detached from reality, they fail hard at sarcasm

Oh, it works in their moron cult, who find it hilarious. "Hey Cletus! It's cold out harharhar! Global warming is a myth!". To a righty, that's hilarious. Everyone else just stares at them. I mean, we get righty humor, just like we get a 4-year-old boy telling toilet jokes. We just don't get why a grownup would find it funny.

Yeah right, argue about sarcasm and tell us it's warm when it is freaking cold. Call everybody a moron who disagrees with you and pat yourself on the back for your debate skills. What a bunch. We don't have time for this nonsense while the president tells socialist oil companies like Brazil oil "we want to be your best customer". What does that mean? It means Hussein has no intention of ever becoming independent of foreign oil while we diddle with pond scum and tell ourselves we can run cars on the stuff.
Denial in the face of facts does not change the facts.
NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming ?

NASA’s Earth Observatory blog explains:

The average temperature in 2012 was about 14.6 degrees Celsius (58.3 degrees Fahrenheit), which is 0.55°C (1.0°F) warmer than the mid-20th century base period. The average global temperature has increased 0.8°C (1.4°F) since 1880, and most of that change has occurred in the past four decades.
NASA climate data indicates that the long-term global warming trend is continuing | Plugged In, Scientific American Blog Network

One issue not explained is why this particular study decided to use a relatively small window( 29 years) on which to base its findings.
The article mentions a "human fingerprint" but offers no hard conclusions as to the reason for what NASA referred to as "climate anomaly"...
Whomever started this nonsense found a 'cause' to which liberal activist groups and now the left wing of the democrat party has taken and run off.

How come your proof of what NASA believes links to something other than NASA? Where my evidence of NASA's stance actually links to NASA?

And reading further in your links, nowhere in any of that shit you posted does NASA deny global warming exists, actually the very opposite. Are you actually fucking retarded?

Do you ever get tired of being completed embarrassed every time you debate?

You should have stopped at "proof" Because that is what I presented.

Game over, you've thoroughly lost........ again.
Conservatives really should try to avoid sarcasm, being they suck at it so badly.

See, for sarcasm to work, it has to be based on truth. Since conservatives tend to completely detached from reality, they fail hard at sarcasm

Oh, it works in their moron cult, who find it hilarious. "Hey Cletus! It's cold out harharhar! Global warming is a myth!". To a righty, that's hilarious. Everyone else just stares at them. I mean, we get righty humor, just like we get a 4-year-old boy telling toilet jokes. We just don't get why a grownup would find it funny.

^So angry... :rofl:



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